29. Prove It

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A lack of self-control.


Jimin's POV

It had been days since I'd last spoken to Autumn. I didn't turn up to lectures as often as I once did and with that, my grades had also dropped. I wasn't doing well to begin with, but at this rate, I didn't have any hopes of even passing. I had also stopped messaging her, pretty much cutting off all contact in fear that something bad would happen to her if I didn't. I hated to admit it, but Taehyung had really gotten under my skin. I tried to keep myself occupied so I wouldn't think of Autumn, but that was becoming increasingly more difficult each passing day. I needed advice, and had figured Hobi would be the best person to tell me what to do about this crazy ex situation.

I heard my phone vibrate in the other room with a message. Getting up from my bed I reach over for my phone. I had 3 messages from an unknown number. Confused, I unlocked my phone opening the messages. 3 images of what seemed to be a girl and a boy appeared on my screen. Zooming into the pictures after closer inspection I recognised the two figures as Autumn and Hobi. The first image was of Autumn in Hobi's arms, her legs wrapped around his waist. I felt the air being knocked from my lungs as I swiped to the next photo. The second was of them hugging as Hobi nuzzled his face into her neck. The last photo was of Autumn sat next to Hobi who was shirtless.

Before I can stop myself, I forcefully throw my phone across the room. My body drops to the floor, feeling a sudden wave of nausea take over me. How could she do this to me? How could she cheat on me, with Hobi of all people? Seojin begins barking frantically at the front door, my body starting to tremble on the brink of an anxiety attack. Using all the strength I have left, I pick myself up from the floor, walking over to the door. I twist the door handle, swinging it open much more violently than I'd intended. The hallway was empty but I felt the overwhelming sense of being watched. Looking left and right, I step out of my apartment, keeping the door open with my foot. Mentally scolding myself for being so paranoid I retrace my steps back into the apartment. I didn't have time for this, I needed to compose myself for the meeting I'd be having with Hobi later.


"Care to explain," I demand through gritted teeth, sliding my phone across the table to Hobi who was sat across from me. I watch with anger as he picked up the phone in both hands, his eyes studying the pictures on the screen. At first he looked confused, his eyebrows knitting themselves into a line, then guilt and worry started to flash across his face.

"It's not what it looks like," he begs, putting the phone down to look me dead in the eyes. I scoff at the pathetic response, having expected him to have the decency to at least tell me the truth. "I think it's exactly what it looks like." I fold my arms in front of my body, refusing to let him get away with this.

"Who sent you those pictures?" Hobi picked the phone back up again to look at the photos, but I snatch it from his hands, denying him the chance to come up with any other excuses. "That doesn't matter, you're avoiding my question." The truth was, I didn't know who had sent the photos. I'd messaged almost everyone I knew, asking if they recognised the number, but no one did. Whoever sent it was clearly doing me a favour though.

"I think you need to calm down for a moment." Hobi outstretched his arm to rest his hand atop of mine, but I push it away before I could feel his touch on mine. "Do not tell me to calm down," I spat back at him, the anger quickly boiling to the surface. "Did you even think about how I would feel when you were fucking her?"

"What? How could you even say that? I didn't sleep with her. She is helping me with my performance, we were just practising the routine." Hobi is practically on the verge of tears now, his hands flinging themselves around his body as he tried to explain himself.

"I can't believe you would do this to me. I can't believe she would do this to me. You're supposed to be my friend. How long have you been seeing each other behind my back, weeks? Months?" By this point I'm not even listening to Hobi who is still pleading with me. My ears are deafened by the pure, hot rage that floods through my veins. 

"Would you just shut up and listen to me for five fucking seconds," Hobi shouts over my hate-filled words, earning a few judging stares from the people milling around us. "Why won't you believe me? I've told you what happened, why would I sleep with a girl I just helped you get back with?" His voice gradually became quieter as he spoke, as if he was exhausted from the argument.

"Prove it." I sit back waiting for Hobi to respond. His eyes widened in disbelief before they looked around, thinking of ways he could prove to me that I was wrong, but he couldn't and I knew he couldn't.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to prove it, I'd hope that you would just take my word for it. We've been friends for years Jimin, what makes you think I would ever do something like this to you?" Finally a single tear escapes from Hobi's lower lash line, rolling down his cheek and landing on the fabric of his t-shirt.

"You can't prove yourself, so until you do, I don't want to see or speak to you ever again, and tell Autumn the same thing." I got up from the bench and briskly walked away from Hobi. I had made up my mind there and then. I was better off without them.

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