55. 24 Hours Missing

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A place of torment one believes they are in when separated from their lover; hell.


Jimin's POV

"We shouldn't tell Hobi about this, I don't think he'll be able to take it." I propose to Jungkook and Yoongi sat across from me. Autumn had almost been missing for a day now, we'd checked everywhere she could possibly be; the cafe, her apartment, Taehyung's house. She didn't have any family either of us knew about and her friend list was pretty limited.

"But the more people looking for her, the better the chances of finding her," Jungkook spoke up, he hadn't said much recently. I was a little surprised that it had hit him so hard, Jungkook and Autumn had become very close very quickly, to say it didn't bother me slightly would be a lie.

"Jungkook's right. We need to call him," Yoongi sighed, pacing back and forth in his living room that we were currently stationed at whilst we thought of what to do next.

"Fine. I'll do it." I took my phone out from my pocket, listening to the ringing on the other side. The sound being extremely familiar as I had called Autumn every half an hour since she'd gone missing.

"Hey," Hobi answered the phone brightly, oblivious to the situation.

"Hi, Hobi, I have something to tell you but promise me you won't freak out." I bit my lip out of nervousness, looking over at Yoongi and Jungkook who were watching me silently.

"Oh my god, no way. Autumn's pregnant isn't she!" Hobi shouted from the other end of the phone. At first I was confused, then I remembered what he had seen whilst we were staying at Omelas. A blush crept its way onto my face at the thought. Jungkook and Yoongi both gave me quizzical looks, they had clearly heard what Hobi had said.

"What, no!" I chuckled awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with the two brothers.

"Oh, what is it then?" Hobi asked with a confused tone.

"Autumn, well, she's gone missing." Silence. Even his breathing had stopped. I put him on speaker as we all looked at each other waiting for his response. "Hobi," Jungkook said quietly after a while trying to get him to speak up.

"When?" He finally answered in a broken voice.

"Yesterday, we didn't want to worry you, we thought she would come back but she hasn't," I tried explaining, knowing he was going to be furious that we hadn't told him sooner.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me!" His voice was venom, a mixture of pure anger and sadness. It broke my heart even more, she meant just as much to him as she did me.

"We're really sorry Hobi," Jungkook was the one to speak up. "Where are you?" Hobi questioned, his breathing heavy and ragged, not following a particular rhythm like it should.

"Jungkook's house." The phone call ends as we wait in silence for his arrival.


Hoseok's POV

The truth was I wasn't the same after Autumn had rejected me. I'd tried to convince myself I was fine, but I wasn't. I didn't show it, scared I would frighten her off and then she would be gone for good. I've realised it's terrifying what a smile can hide. I'm not sure how long I can keep it up for though. I've not left my flat in days, spending the majority of my time lying on my bed with my eyes closed. It's where I can escape to another place, a place where the sun always shines. I know it's not a real world, merely a creation built by my imagination but it's still better than opening my eyes to face reality again. I've not been sleeping either, unable to with such a clouded mind. My body aches and is weak yet my mind has never been so awake, so fast paced.

Our memories play back in my mind like a cassette player;
'what am I to you?' I asked as her hair flew back in the wind, her eyes shining golden as the sun set in the distance. We had just finished class and I'd insisted we went out on an adventure. She laughed lightly 'you're my world Hobi' she replied in the sweetest voice I'd ever heard, pinching my nose. I smiled, but only briefly realising that I was just another world in her universe whilst to me she was the whole galaxy.

Slamming my foot on the accelerator, I got to Jungkook and Yoongi's house in half the time it would have normally. Without knocking I entered the front door to be faced with three equally broken men. "Who the fuck allowed this to happen?" I glanced over at Jimin, he'd been responsible for taking care of Autumn and making sure she was okay. I'd trusted him to do that, if I'd known he was this incapable of such a simple job I would have done it myself.

"Don't blame me, he's the one who's caused all of this," Jimin raised his voice, gesturing towards Yoongi. "You know I liked you a lot better when you were dead." I could feel the tension Jimin's words had created. Daggers appeared in Yoongi's eyes and next thing I know he's hurled himself at Jimin. I grimaced at the sound of what seemed to be bone cracking. Each blow Yoongi projected onto Jimin came with more force. Jimin staggered backwards as me and Jungkook grabbed hold of Yoongi, pulling him off Jimin.

"We can't find Autumn as it is, it's going to be a lot harder with a couple of broken bones," Jungkook shouted angrily as he shoved Yoongi's shoulder as a way of displaying his anger towards the elder. Jimin was bleeding heavily from his lip and nose, his breathing was raged and his eyelids drooped. There wasn't a single ounce of remorse in Yoongi's eyes as he stared over Jimin's bruised face. "You could have fucking killed him Yoongi," Jungkook exhaled in a deep voice leaving the room to presumably retrieve some bandages for Jimin.

"If I have to go find her by myself then I will. I'm not wasting another single second in this house." With that Yoongi got up and left the house not bothering to shut the door behind him. Jimin was a liability, we couldn't all work together, we had to choose sides and I knew I would get closer to finding Autumn with Yoongi.

"You have any idea where she could be?" I caught up with Yoongi, leaving Jungkook to look after Jimin. Yoongi stopped to look at me clearly shocked to see me.

"Taehyung is a sick fucker, but he doesn't want Autumn, he never did, she's his way of getting back at me. He dated her because he knew I was in love with her, I tried telling her but she wouldn't listen." His words ticked over in my head, he loved her? I could feel the anger boiling up inside me. Why hadn't he mentioned any of this before, what game was he playing?

"So what are you saying?" I questioned as Yoongi continued to walk away from me.

"I know where she is. I figured it out a while ago, I just couldn't take Jimin with me, he'll ruin everything. Taehyung wants me to find her." My eyes glared wide open at the revelation.

"What? Where?" They'd checked everywhere logical for Autumn to be, where else would she be?

"His brothers apartment." I furrowed my eyes in confusion. "Why would she be at his brothers apartment?"

"He was murdered there." Yoongi looked up at me with an unreadable expression. I'd heard of Taehyung's brother before. I hadn't known him personally or ever seen pictures of him but I know he was murdered years back. He was part of a violent gang well known to the police.

"What's that got to do with you?" I asked Yoongi, who stopped in his tracks again to look at me. He stared at me for a while as if debating whether he could trust me or not.

"It was me. I didn't mean to do it but I killed him."

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