31. Too Tipsy To Care

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No longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved.


"It's going to break his heart when he finds out you're getting back with Taehyung," Hobi huffed out as he turned down the snack aisle.

"I don't think he has a heart, Hobi." I sigh, grabbing a bag of popcorn off the top shelf. We had decided to have a movie night. Hobi had suggested it, claiming that a scary movie and a mountain of snacks would help take my mind off Jimin.

"You're an idiot," Hobi rolled his eyes, looking at the rows of alcohol before picking up some beers and cheap wine.

"Thanks," I retort, throwing the popcorn into the basket he was holding.

"Taehyung is just using you now he knows your single and vulnerable." He side glanced at me before walking off into the freezer aisle, I'm assuming to get ice cream. I wandered around the shop scanning the shelves for anything that took my fancy. I had been walking around for a while, trying to find Hobi, walking down the centre aisle flicking my head left and right quickly, trying to locate the boy.

"What the hell," I mutter quietly to myself as I stumble back an aisle, becoming frozen to the spot as I watch Jimin and a girl I'd never seen before. He had his hands on her waist, lifting her so she could reach the top shelf while laughing at something he had said. Before he could see me, I walk away at speed towards the end of the shop, finally finding Hobi in the end aisle.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Hobi sends me a concerned glance as I look behind me, making sure Jimin hadn't followed me. "I'm fine." I lie, with a fake smile, knowing that if I told him, I would break down in tears and Hobi would probably blow his top right here in the bakery section. He continues to give me a worried look, aware that I was lying to him, but thankfully he doesn't ask any more questions. As we make our way over to the checkout tills, I glance down every aisle we pass, hoping I wouldn't run into Jimin and his... girlfriend? Who even was she?

All of a sudden Hobi grabbed hold of my shoulders, averting my body into a random aisle. I turn to look at him, but he was looking back over his shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked puzzled at his sudden strange behaviour. "It's nothing!" He says too quickly to hide the panic in his voice. "I just thought you might have run out of..." Hobi hurriedly scanned the aisle before picking up a brightly coloured can, "dog food?"

"First of all, I don't have a dog. Secondly, you saw Jimin, didn't you?" I breathe out heavily. "Oh. You know he's here?" Hobi scratched at the back of his neck coyly. I nod my head in confirmation, my gaze dropping to the floor as I feel the tears begin to prick at my eyes.

"Why does it hurt so much to see him with someone else?" I think aloud, keeping my eyes trained on the floor. Hobi rubbed my back up and down gently, taking the basket from my hands before silently guiding me to the tills to pay. We both knew this wasn't the place to have a conversation like that. I watch as he scanned the items, packing them neatly into a carrier bag. I can't help feeling guilty for bringing him into all of this. If it wasn't for me, he would still be friends with Jimin today.

"Come on, let's get you home." Hobi took ahold of my hand, leading me out of the shop. We don't get far before I hear a cough behind us, causing me to turn around to face an emotionless Jimin.

"You left this behind." He stretched his arm out towards me, holding a tub of cookies and cream ice cream. He refused to make eye contact with me, the tension in the air clear to anyone who was watching us. "Thanks," Hobi deadpanned, taking the tub from his hands before I could respond.

"Who's she?" The girl from earlier made her way beside Jimin, linking her fingers with his whilst resting her head on his shoulder. She sends me a sickly sweet smile that I can see right through.

"No one." I look up at Jimin as he spoke, anger and hurt weaved deeply in to his words. They were spoken venomously, with the intent to hurt me as much as possible. It had worked.

"Doesn't look like it." The girl pouted, tightening her grip on his hand, her smile turning into a dirty look.

"I said she's no one, Yiren. Drop it already." Jimin walked off, leaving both me, Hobi and Yiren behind. So she was the girl Taehyung had mentioned. She gives me a sharp, almost threatening glare, before running off to follow Jimin out of the shop. "Okay, that's it. If you aren't going to kill him, I will," Hobi muttered through gritted teeth, grabbing hold of my hand again and dragging me out of the shop.


"Is that a hickey?" I was sat beside Hobi on my sofa, halfway through some scary movie he'd picked out. Pushing my hair to the side, he inspected my neck closely as I tried to pull away from him. "You can still see it?" I groan, the 10 minutes spent in the bathroom earlier this morning trying to cover it up with foundation, concealer and powder amounting to nothing. It wasn't the only hickey on my body, but thankfully it was the only one visible once I was wearing clothes.

"I can't believe you got back with him." Hobi shook his head, giving me a disapproving look. "Why not? I'm single now." I didn't think it was a big deal that I'd given Taehyung a second chance. I didn't regret it, and if what I'd seen today between Jimin and Yiren was correct, Jimin was also doing the same thing.

"Don't you think Taehyung is just using you?" Hobi kept his eyes glued on the screen as he spoke, half of his face hiding behind a pillow he'd began using as protection.

"I don't know, but I'm too tipsy to care right now," I admit, reaching out to grab another can of alcohol. I never used to drink. I even promised myself that I never would, but that all changed when I met Jimin. A lot of things had changed since I met Jimin.

"Seriously? You're crying yourself to sleep every night over a guy you weren't even in a relationship with. Then you're calling up your ex thinking the person who once broke you will be the same person to put you back together again. Stop lying to yourself, you've been there before, what has that ever done for you?" I remain silent as I listen to Hobi. Although his words were difficult to hear, they were all true. "Exactly, you did what you could, you gave him your best and that should be enough for you to realise you're better off without someone who doesn't appreciate or respect the love you've given them," Hobi continues, giving me a brief smile.

We sit in silence for the remainder of the movie. It turned out it was a pretty bad movie, just a few jump scares here and there. Hobi had fallen off the sofa multiple times, and I was worried a noise complaint would be filed by my neighbours soon if he didn't stop screaming.

"Who do you think sent Jimin the photos of us together at the dance studio?" Hobi asked quietly. We hadn't spoken about it since he told me what happened last night. I hadn't thought much into it, knowing that it didn't change anything.

"I don't know," I answer truthfully as the ending credits began to roll up on the screen. "Do you think it was Jungkook?" Hobi questioned, tapping his finger on his chin in deep thought.

"I don't think so. It's going to be the person we least expect. That's how it works in movies at least."

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