28. Closed Wounds

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The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.

TW: Mention of self-harm towards the end of the chapter

After Jimin's party, he seemed to have become more distant. He claimed he was swamped with school work, and I trusted him fully, but I was still worried that he was lying to me and that there was another reason behind it. I hadn't had much free time myself with school, work and dance practice with Hobi. I'd picked up the choreography pretty quick, but it was only because Hobi was such a great teacher. I'd been amazed the first time I saw him dance, he glided across the floor with ease, he danced as effortlessly as he walked. I'd been enjoying his company as well, we'd grown extremely close over the past few weeks, to the point I'd even consider him to be my best friend.

I trudged into the large practice room, flicking the spotlights on. I'd arrived early to get a head start on practice. I figured Hobi had done a lot for me, helping me through the hard times, it was the only way I could repay him. I focus my eyes on reflection as I stood in front of the mirror, waiting for the music to begin. Counting myself in I began dancing to the choreography Hobi had created. It was a mix of hip hop and contemporary. The dance would be difficult for even a pro, but with hours of practice, I felt like I was finally getting the hang of it. As the music died out I hear a round applause, followed by a couple of cheers from the door.

"Wow, you'll be stealing all the attention on stage," Hobi laughed with a bright smile, making his way into the practice room.

"Don't be ridiculous," I breathe out heavily, trying to regain my breath. Grabbing a water bottle from my bag, I down it in one as Hobi pulled out his training clothes from his backpack. He lifts his top over his head, facing away from me as he got dressed into something more comfortable to dance in. I look away quickly, trying to focus on anything other than his bare torso.

"You ready to go again?" He asked, once he'd pulled the long-sleeve top over his head, causing his hair to messily stick up in all directions, making him appear even cuter than he already was. "Sure," I nod my head, tightening my shoelaces before getting up from the floor and moving into the centre of the room to stand beside Hobi. 

"I've made a slight change to the choreography," Hobi informed me, looking at me through the mirror, as he pushed his hair back off his forehead. "Dance is all about the storytelling, and after reviewing the choreography I felt like it doesn't do that very well. So, I've changed a bit of the dance to work accordingly. Would you mind standing here." Hobi pointed to the space in front of him, taking a few steps back to give me space. I followed his instructions and position myself in front of him. I feel a pair of hands grab hold of my hips firmly but assertively. I flinch slightly at the sudden touch, eyes darting up to glance at Hobi in the mirror.

"Is this okay?" He asked with concern, noticing my discomfort. I nod my head, cheeks turning red. "I'm going to lift you up in the air slightly, as I do, all I need you to do is turn your body to wrap your legs around my waist. Are you fine with that?" Hobi flushed pink, outwardly embarrassed by the intimacy the movement required. I give him a shy nod of approval.

"Okay, how about we try it slowly before adding it to the rest of the routine." He grabbed hold of my hips raising me slightly in the air whilst also helping me to turn my body to face him. I flicked myself around wrapping my legs around him. His face was way too close for comfort.

"That was perfect, you're a natural." Hobi put me back down on the floor, walking over to the sound system in the corner of the room. "Okay let's try it from the top, including the new move." He smiled before turning the music on and running to his position to start the dance. The music filled the practice room loudly as we both began dancing in sync. Hobi's moves were cleaner more technical than mine but I was proud I was able to keep up. The music was building to the end of the song as my nerves increased knowing the dance move was approaching fast. I moved in front of Hobi as he grabbed a hold of me, I tried spinning myself around to face him but lost balance falling to the floor taking Hobi down with me. I laid on the floor next to Hobi embarrassed and worried that I had hurt him.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I get up onto my feet, scrambling over to Hobi who was holding onto his wrist. "I'm fine, I think I may have just sprained my wrist slightly though." He laughed as he rubbed his left wrist, trying to conceal his pained expression. Guilt and worry overcomes me as I took hold of his hand to examine his wrist. I lift up the sleeve of his top as he roughly tried pushing my hands off of him. He pulled away quickly pulling his sleeve back down his arm but it was too late. I'd already seen it.

I gasp, immediately feeling the salty tears pricking at my eyes. I didn't say anything as I pulled Hobi into a tight hug, not wanting to ever let him go, not wanting anything to ever hurt him again. He doesn't reject me this time, instead pulling me closer to him as I hugged him, feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, I'm not going to ask, but promise me you won't do it again. Whether you need someone to talk to or just simply need someone to listen, I'm here." He nodded, unable to form words, gripping onto me even tighter. I'd seen the scars that travelled up his arm.

In the corner of my eye I could have sworn I saw something move but when I looked in the direction of the practice room door there was no one there.

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