46. Paper Airplanes

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A place into which you can disappear; a hiding place.


Autumn's POV

"I have a friend that owns a hostel in Incheon, they take in people that need a place to stay, I'm sure if I gave him a call he would be able to hook us up with a bed until we come up with a more permanent plan." We were sat around a dining room table at Hobi's apartment, it was my first time at his place. It was modern with abstract sculptures placed on any flat surface available. I had to admit, Hobi had good taste.

"Sounds good, Incheon is only 40 minutes by train," Jimin smiled over the table at Hobi. He had refused to let go of my hand since me and Jungkook had gotten to his apartment. Despite my hand starting to become clammy I was grateful for the warmth and safety his hand radiated.

"Great, I'll give him a quick call." Hobi got up from the table to make the phone call. I had my doubts about the plan, but without any other ideas, I went along with it. I was also worried about the fact that we had left Taehyung alone in my apartment, he had access to everything. In the rush to get out I'd left everything behind.

"He said he has a couple of rooms free so we are good to go." Hobi gave a thumbs up, packing some clothes into a small bag. "What about clothes and money, I haven't got anything with me?" Jungkook watched on as Hobi stuffed a hoodie into his bag.

"We should be fine, we'll only be there for a short time. Now let's go before Taehyung finds us." Hobi swung his bag onto his back and we all got into a taxi heading for the train station.

The four of us stood on the platform waiting for the train heading west to Incheon. There was near to no one else on the platform even in the middle of the day. The quietness of the train station chilled me, I had expected crowds of people but it was almost derelict. I stared down the train line, waiting for the low ruble of clattering against train tracks that would take me far away from this hell. None of us had taken a train before which had made everything that slight bit harder, from working out how to obtain a ticket from the automated systems the station now had to the maze of train lines that extended over Korea.

After 10 minutes of waiting for the train it finally arrived, a sleek, silver contraption. Just like the platform the train itself was pretty much empty. I took my seat inbetween Jimin and Jungkook, bumping shoulders as we were shunted from side to side.

"It's been so long since I've been to Incheon," Jimin sighed breaking the peaceful silence.

"I've never been before." I had never really traveled in Korea. I had no reason to, with no family living here and all my friends living in Seoul it would be pointless.

"Me and Yoongi used to travel to Incheon all the time, we would drive down in his car. He loved it in Incheon, he always said whenever he got the chance to escape Seoul this is where he would go." Jungkook leaned his face up against the window watching the scenery rush past. It had started snowing moments ago, covering the fields in a blanket of white. We were plunged into darkness as we entered a tunnel, the carriage dimly lit by a few overhead lights.

"I'm bored," Hobi whined joining in our conversation. He was sat on an empty row of seats in front of us, now turned to lean over the back on the chair to face us.

"Entertain yourself then," Jimin responded as the carriage filled with light again as we had reached the end of the tunnel. I stared out the window, locking my eyes on a lone tree in the middle of the otherwise empty fields. Its branches were bare, any leaves falling off at the beginning of autumn. A pair of shoes hung from one of the branches by its laces, I wondered who they had once belonged to? Why they were there?

I noticed something fly over my head, I turned my head to watch a small paper airplane whirl to the ground. Looking back to see where it had come from I saw Hobi launch another one into the air, following the same flight path as the other. I smiled to myself at how easily pleased he was.

I'm pretty certain I then fell asleep because the next thing I know Jimin is carrying me off the train and placing me in the back of another taxi. "Wake up sleepy head, we're here," Jimin laughed, ruffling my hair. Staring out the taxi window, Incheon was just as I had imagined it to look like. It was a city of tall buildings and small places to stop and eat. We drove past a few parks and open spaces that were littered with families and people on bicycles, but my favourite thing about the city was the huge bridge that extended all the way into the sea. We came to a stop outside an imposing building with a bright blue neon sign that read 'Omelas'. After Hobi had paid for the taxi we entered the building that smelt like fresh linen. A small bell was placed at the entrance that we rang waiting for assistance.

"Hoseok!" A brown-haired boy who was only one or two years older than me at most strode across the room. His eyes were dark and bold, framed by thick lashes. He had a lop-sided smile, the right corner of his lips reaching higher up on his face than the left.

"Guys this is Yunseong," Hobi greeted whilst hugging the boy.

"Hi, it's nice to have some new faces around here," he laughed lightly, greeting us all individually. "I'll show you up to your rooms." He guided us up a staircase that traveled along the walls of the building allowing you to see the bottom floor if you looked down the empty space in the middle. Hobi and Yunseong were the only ones talking, catching up on lost time.

"So I have two rooms available, each has a bunk bed so it's up to you how you split yourselves," Yunseong explained as we came to a stop on the fifth floor.

"I'll go with Autumn." Jimin stuck up a hand. I could have sworn I saw a hint of disappointment on Hobi's face but he immediately covered it up with a smile.

"Looks like it's you and me then," Hobi bumped Jungkooks shoulder. It was somewhat awkward between Jungkook and Hobi. They hadn't known each other for very long and they hadn't spent a lot of time in just each others company. Jungkook smiled half-heartedly back at Hobi's attempt to break the ice.

"Great, I'll leave you to it then. We serve dinner downstairs from 7pm-9pm you're more than welcome to come join us. The majority of people staying here have been here for years so we are somewhat like a family so it would be nice if you could join us, even if it is for just a short while." Yunseong gave a wave before heading back down the stairs.

A/N: Fun fact, if you hadn't already noticed, this chapter is inspired by the Spring Day MV because it is a literal piece of art and deserves more recognition.

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