21. Old Tendencies

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To disappear, vanish, get/ be lost, be missing; to fade.


Jimin had left half an hour ago. Since then the world seemed blacker than it had ever been and I felt lonelier than I had ever felt. I'd cried so much today that even tears no longer fell from my eyes. To come so close to pure love and lose it so suddenly was something I knew not even time could heal. I had messaged the only person I knew who was still up at this time and would be willing to come and get me. I knew it was a stupid thing to do but Jimin had left me with no other way back home, I was too far from the city to walk and I had no idea where I was.

"Autumn." I turned around glad to finally see another human. I walk into his outstretched arms forgetting everything that had happened in the past between us. I shouldn't have messaged him. It was stupid and I was going to regret this, but Jimin had left me with no choice. He'd left after making sure I had someone else who could come pick me up. "Come on, let's get you out of here, it's freezing," He took off his jacket, wrapping it around my shivering body as he led me to his car. After opening the passenger door for me, he ran around to the other side, leaving me without company for just a few seconds.

"I didn't think you would still have my number," he side glanced at me. The atmosphere was awkward but I hadn't expected it to be anything else. I hummed, not having a real response. He was right in some way. I shouldn't still have his number, I should have deleted it a long time ago, but I guess I was still attached to a part of him I couldn't let go.

"Why are you here? And how the hell did you get here in the first place?" He put the car in reverse, placing an arm round the headrest on my seat whilst looking through the back window.

"I don't want to talk about it," I mutter, reminiscing the bad note me and Jimin had left on. We drove down the same roads Jimin had taken me down around an hour ago, not uttering a word to each other. After what seemed like hours we finally reached my apartment. The same apartment he'd been in many times before.

"Can I come in?" he scratched his head shyly. I pause momentarily. I should ask him to leave. "Sure." I hold the door open for him, embarrassed by the mess I'd left my apartment in before heading to the party. Walking into my bathroom I immediately began scrubbing the makeup off my face that had become smeared throughout the night. I looked a mess and I felt like one too. In my bedroom, I spot him sat on my bed eyeing the pile of clothes I'd left on the floor.

As I dove into my bed snuggling up in my duvet, I feel him lay down beside me, his head hitting the pillow softly. Just like old times, I thought. We lay there in silence, my body subconsciously edging away from his, trying to create distance. He notices, but instead of moving away he wraps his arms around my body, pulling me closer towards him. His arms had once felt like safety, now they felt like a cage, but I was confused and more scared to be alone with just my thoughts. He inched himself closer to me, moving my head on to his chest as he wrapped his arms tighter around my body that was much frailer in comparison.

"Thank you for coming to get me Taehyung," I whisper before drifting off to sleep.


Jimin didn't turn up to class the next day, or the day after that. I assumed he had dropped out. I wouldn't be upset if he had. I entered the small coffee shop, tying my fraying apron around my waist like I did nearly every other day of the week. The bell rings as a customer enters the cafe. "What can I get you?" I try my best to sound enthusiastic but it wasn't working. I didn't even look up at the customer, focusing my eyes on the till in front of me, waiting to take their order.

"That's no way to treat your favourite customer." I glance up to face Hobi, having recognised the voice. "Sorry, I've just had a bad week." I wear a fake smile, hoping he'd let it pass, but I knew he could see straight through it. He sighs a little under his breath, "I'll have two coffees please," Hobi ordered, reaching for his wallet in the little pouch he was wearing around his torso.

"Two?" I question, looking behind him to see if I'd missed him walk in with someone else, but the coffee shop was empty apart from an old couple sat holding hands in the corner. "Yeah, I thought your explanation as to why you're having such a bad week would be better over coffee," he smiled handing me his credit card.

"I appreciate the offer, but I can't, I'm working," I frown, taking a quick look over at my work colleague who was stood much closer that I'd realised, clearly having overheard our conversation.

"Not anymore," Irene said from behind taking the card from my hands before swiping it across the till and handing it back to Hobi who gave her a smile. "You can't serve customers in your mood, I've never seen you like this before Autumn, hopefully, this young man can cheer you up." She gave Hobi a wink before walking into the back room muttering something about young love.

"No more excuses, I'll save us a table." Hobi strode over to one of the window tables, peeking over at me while I went about making our coffees. I didn't particularly want to think or talk about Jimin today, but maybe I needed an outsiders opinion on the whole thing. I'd been started to think I was the one in the wrong and Jimin had been right about me.

"So, what's up? Hobi began to quiz me as I placed his coffee down in front of him, before removing my apron and taking a seat. "Boy troubles." I deadpan, taking a sip of the coffee, accidentally burning the tip of my tongue in the process.

"You broke up with your boyfriend?" He rose an eyebrow, waiting with slightly to much enthusiasm for the juicy gossip. "No, not exactly. I don't have a boyfriend." Well, anymore at least.

"So I have a chance." Hobi laughed until he saw me quirk up an eyebrow. "I was joking, carry on," he gestures at me with his hand. "There's this boy, and I think I really like him, but we got into an argument and we both said some things we shouldn't have. Long story short, I'm pretty sure he won't speak to me ever again." Hobi knew Jimin from dance class but I didn't want to tell him that's who I was talking about in case he told him.

"Do you love him?" He questioned me, a small smirk on his face as he continued to sip his coffee. "No." I lied. I don't think I had even considered the thought of being in love with him until he'd left me that night. I'd decided there and then that I was, in fact, stupidly falling in love him.

"I think you do." He put his coffee down leaning in so his face was just centimetres from mine. "I can see it in your eyes, you might be lying to yourself, but I can see right through it."

"Fine, maybe you're right." There was no point trying to lie to him, he would pester me until I confessed. For some reason I trusted Hobi, he had this aura to him.

"Then fight for it. I think you're being too stubborn to go and apologise first." I knew Hobi's words were true I just didn't want to admit it. "I'm no shaman, but if my sixth sense is working properly, I'd say Jimin loves you too. The boy is seriously obsessed with you." Hobi leans back in his chair laughing as I stop myself from spitting out the coffee in my mouth. "Wait. What? how did you know I was talking about Jimin?" I'm left flabbergasted as Hobi's laughter drives to a halt, a smug smile resting upon his lips.

"I guess you could say I'm your guardian angel." His toothy grin immediately disappears from his face as I get up from the table, walking over to his chair with my fist in the air, getting ready to attack him. "Fine," he waves his hands in the air, trying to protect himself from my fist which is still raised, "he told me."

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