62. Hoseok

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2 weeks since Taehyung's death

I stifled a laugh as a snowball projectiles itself on to Namjoon's forehead. Jin laughed so hard he lost his balance on the ice and came tumbling down.

"I'm going to kill you!" Namjoon shouts, creating a mound of snow in his gloved hands. Meanwhile Jin hides his body behind me despite the size difference. I laughed at the 25 and 27 year old who still played like little kids at the sight of snow. Namjoon lifted the snowball up in the air aiming it at Jin's body that floundered behind me trying to use me as a human shield. I had a plan of my own though, I lifted three fingers in the air, slowly counting down one by one.

"3,2,1" I mouthed to Namjoon before immediately ducking as Namjoon threw the snowball where my body had been a few seconds ago. Jin didn't see it coming and ended up with a face full of snow.

"I can't believe you played me like that," Jin whined as me and Namjoon fought to catch our breathes from the laughing fit we'd just had. I simply patted Jin's back as an apology.

"You guys don't have to wait for the bus with me you know," I spoke over to Jin and Namjoon who were still playing with the snow.

"Just keeping you company," Namjoon smiled. I gave him a smile back, thankful for the friends I had, who were more like brothers than anything else. I hug my body tightly trying to battle the cold. The tip of my nose was bright red and I'd lost feeling in my fingertips a long time ago. I sighed in relief as I saw the bus in the distance slowly making its way to the bus stop.

"My bus is here," I turn to Jin and Namjoon.

"Okay, we'll get going then, stay safe," Jin pulls me into a hug, sharing his body warmth with me. "Bye," Namjoon waves as the two make their way down the street giggling and throwing snow at each other. When I turn back around the bus doors are open in front of me and I can already feel the hot air trapped in it.

I make my way to the same seat I always sit at, the one I'd sat in when I'd met Autumn. I still remember that day like it was yesterday, how I wish things would have gone different for us. Nuzzling my face further into my scarf I watch the world pass by as the bus creeps down the road. Children run around in the snow, covered head to toe in woolly hats, gloves and waterproof coats. Snowmen line the pavements, of all shapes and sizes. The bus comes to a stop once again as more passengers get on board. I don't pay much attention as the doors open to let in a burst of cold air and then close again. The bus starts up and I am moved lightly from left to right.

"Can I sit here?" The voice comes from my right. I turn to see a girl probably around my age. Golden brown curls fell down her face that complimented the long, red coat she wore. Her lips were tainted a light pink and her skin was beautifully tanned despite the cold weather.

"Yeah, sure," I blurted out, almost mushing the words into one. I shifted my body to give her more space as she delicately sat down on the seat.

"Hi I'm Hobi, and you are?" I struck up a conversation, I couldn't let a moment like this pass. But now that her face was even closer to me I began to panic and sweat despite the fact it was minus 4 outside. Her lips curved up into a smile that reached her eyes, shining brighter than any galaxy I'd ever seen.

"Hi, I'm Summer."

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