13. Sit On My Lap

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Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.


Jimin had fallen asleep within minutes of the plane leaving the safety of the runway. My attention was on the sky outside the plane window. It was a shade of blue that was bright and soft all at once. The sky had always fascinated me; an endless canvas that colours were thrown upon. Some days it is an uninterrupted ocean of blue that stretches into oblivion. When the sun awakens it is a euphoria of bright pinks and oranges piled on top of each other. When it storms the harsh glow of lightning illuminates the otherwise dull, grey clouds.

The pop of a can opening rings through my ears dragging me out of my thoughts. I turn to look at Jungkook who is already staring at me. "What?" He questions with a raised eyebrow, taking a sip from the soda in his hand. "Nothing." I shrug him off, returning my attention back on to the window, which to my dismay had Jungkook's reflected silhouette in it.

"It's fine, if I were you I'd probably stare at me too." I look back at Jungkook who is sniggering to himself. Was he always this narcissistic? "Excuse me?" I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly, surely I hadn't. Please tell me I'd misheard him.

"Sorry don't mind me, I'm just wondering how someone so pretty has managed to escape my attention for so long," he smiles, a genuine smile that wasn't aiming to make me uncomfortable. I blush at the compliment, I mean who could blame me? A handsome boy flirting with me is bound to have some kind of affect on me. "I'd appreciate it if you stopped flirting with my partner Jungkook, some of us are trying to get some sleep," Jimin mumbles in a slightly husky voice as he opens his eyes to send Jungkook a death glare.

"I'm not flirting Jimin. I'm just being extra friendly to your extra attractive friend." This results in a slap over the head from Jimin. "Whatever you say, Kook," Jimin closes his eyes again, seemingly confident he'd done enough to deter Jungkook from flirting with me again, as he snuggles down into the complementary blanket we had been given at the start of the flight.

"Actually, Autumn was just telling me that she wants to change partners. Looks like you're on your own Jimin." Jungkook claims as he smiles smugly before taking another sip from his can. Jimin opens his again, this time hurt filling them as he believes the words of the younger. "I didn't say that!" I deny, putting my hands up in the air, hoping it's enough to reassure Jimin.

"Let's flip a coin." Jungkook leans over, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a silver coin. "Heads, I win. Tails, you lose." He plays with the coin in his hands as Jimin shakes his head in annoyance. "I'm not that stupid Kook. I know it's a trap." Jimin retorts, seeing through Jungkook's games. The bickering between them continues for what seems like hours, all while I start to feel a little claustrophobic in my seat. We had been on the plane for 6 hours now and I was in need of a breather. I lift myself up from my chair trying to scoot past Jimin and Jungkook as elegantly as I could, making my way to the in-flight toilet. I successfully clamber past Jimin, gripping onto the headrests of the seats in front of us, before sudden turbulence throws me off balance and onto Jungkooks lap.

"If you wanted to sit on my lap that badly you should have just asked, I wouldn't have said no." Jungkook places a hand on the small of my back before I quickly jump up and run to the toilet before locking myself inside. I took a few deep breaths as I sat on the covered toilet trying to wrap my thoughts together.

I hadn't spoken to Yoongi since he left on his birthday and I was beginning to really miss his presence. I had messaged him this morning to let him know I would be gone for a few days but I was still to receive a message back from him. It was times like this that I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in Yoongi's arms.

As I made my way back to my seat I notice Jimin and Jungkook had both gone to sleep as I fumble past them again, desperately trying to hold my balance this time. Successfully reaching my seat I place my earbuds in my ears and laid my head against the rattling metal of the aeroplane walls before shutting out the world and falling into a deep sleep for the last 5 hours of the flight.

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