14. A Masterpiece

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Someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature.


"I don't get it."

"You don't get what?" I ask. "Art." Jungkook glances quizzically around the room at the large paintings that decorated the walls of the Tate Modern. We had arrived in London an hour ago and jet lag was starting to get the better of us, but if we were to make the most of the trip we would have to push it to one side. I hadn't seen much of London yet, only glimpses of it from the coach window. Somehow I'd ended up sat next to Jungkook whilst Jimin sat in the seat in front of us. The entire journey from the airport to the museum had been me lecturing Jungkook about personal space, since he'd initially found no problem in resting his hand on my thigh.

"I'll meet you guys in the cafe when you're done." Jungkook was already walking away from us to the small coffee shop located within the museum as he spoke. I wasn't surprised he had no interest in taking the trip seriously, but I was glad I was finally going to get some alone time with Jimin.

"Aren't you going to go with him?" I question, glancing over at Jimin who watched his friend get further and further away from us. "No, like I said, I want you to teach me how to love art," he said in a hushed voice, cautiously looking around to make sure Mr Kang hadn't heard him. I smile widely to myself, grateful that Jimin had kept his word.

The room around us had beautiful ornate detailing made of gold leaf. The floor was made from fine marble that echoed with each step. Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling that made a rainbow of colours dance across the room, the paintings hung from pristine, white walls bringing substance to an otherwise bare room. There was one piece that stood out against the rest and I found my feet shuffling closer towards it, Jimin trailing behind me. It wasn't a painting but rather a photo depicting a smartly dressed young man with a complacent expression. He held up a sign saying simply 'Everything is connected in life. The point is to know it and to understand it.'

"I thought we were here to look at paintings, not photos," Jimin whispered in my ear. "We are," I say walking away from the photo looking back at it one last time before moving onto the next room.

The next rooms weren't much different from the last. I looked around like a kid in a candy shop, unable to believe I was in the Tate Modern. It wasn't until I saw Jimin pick up the camera from around his neck and take a photo of one of the art pieces that I remembered we had a project to complete. I turn on my camera and bring it up to my eye looking around for something to focus on.

Jimin stood with one hand on his hip staring at a painting of an small Italian city. Using his other hand he brushed back the hair out of his eyes, a few strands sticking out from his head. I laugh under my breath at the concentrated look on his face, before taking a picture of the back of him. The camera clicks quietly before capturing the moment forever. I look back at the picture on my camera, smiling at it. I made a mental note to make sure I got it developed as soon as we got back home.

"There's nothing more artistic than to love someone." Mr Kang said into my ear slowly and quietly so no one else would hear. I jump at the sudden sound, turning to look at Mr Kang with a quizzical expression.

"What?" I whisper back with wide eyes, turning my head to look over at Jimin, only to find him staring at another painting with the same confused expression. "I think you know exactly what I mean Autumn." With that Mr Kang walks off into the next room, his hands stuffed into his pockets, giving me one last whimsical look before disappearing through the door. In my peripheral, I notice Jimin walking towards me, beaming with a broad smile. "You know, I think I'm starting to love this whole art thing." He laughs, passing me by and following Mr Kang into the next room. I quickly shut off my camera, not before taking a quick last glance at the photo I had taken of Jimin before smiling affectionately at him. Somehow, I was in a room full of art, yet he was the greatest masterpiece insight.

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