58. Alibi

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A heartbreaking feeling that leaves long lasting traces, visible in gestures and facial expressions.


Autumn's POV

"Any injuries?" I pointed to the stab wound Yoongi had inflicted on my upper arm. He'd said it would be more believable if I was physically injured. We desperately needed a cover story. I'd agreed to it, if it helped Hobi avoid jail I would do anything. The middle aged woman checked my wound before bandaging it up. I winced in pain, the skin still tender from the knife point.

We'd decided to call the emergency services after Taehyung's death. None of us were experts in hiding a dead body and even if we were it was only fair Taehyung was given a proper burial. I considered it my last gift to him. I'm not entirely sure how I'm taking his death, my body feels numb. I can't really think straight, a lot of what the police officers had said went over my head. Instead I sat fiddling my fingers avoiding eye contact with them as they had questioned me.

"Okay, thank you for your time. We will keep in touch with you." A small, female police officer gave a warm smile before leaving the apartment. A few police officers waited behind presumably waiting for forensics. Taehyung's body was still laid sprawled out on the carpet surrounded by his own blood. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I couldn't believe he was actually gone forever. I'd wanted him out of my life, but not like this. No one deserved to die like Taehyung had. The apartment had become a crime scene for the second time. Once for his brother and now for Taehyung. Yoongi seemed uncomfortable in the apartment, he kept his head down and his hands in his pockets, pacing slightly. He also refused to let his eyes hover over Taehyung's body. Maybe he had a phobia of blood?

Hobi's injuries had also been tended too and we were all questioned. Of course all of our stories matched, Yoongi had given us an alibi to follow before the police had arrived. We all told them that I'd been kidnapped by Taehyung - that part being true - and he had tried to force himself on me. Hobi and Yoongi had found me, when Taehyung threatened me with a knife. Hobi wrestled the knife off of him accidentally killing him in the process. Merely an act of self defence. It seems they had believed us as we were allowed to leave half an hour later. We left the apartment, making our way back to Yoongi and Jungkook's house.

"Are you okay?" Hobi spoke softly and quietly beside me. I nodded my head in response even though I wasn't. "I didn't mean to kill him," Hobi's voice was shaking as he spoke. He put a hand up to his forehead, slightly pushing his hair back.

"It's okay Hobi, I know," I shushed him, rubbing his arm up and down trying to console him. I knew he hadn't intended on murdering Taehyung, Hobi was never a violent person but I can't forget the look in his eyes as he brutally beat Taehyung to his death. Yoongi's phone suddenly rings, taking me out of my trance. He hadn't said much since the incident.

"Hello," he answered the phone. There was a moment of silence as he waited for a response on the other end. "We've got her," he took a quick side glance over at me. "Calm down, she's fine," he sighed, "We'll explain everything when we get back, I can't do it here." He looked around to make sure no one was following us or could over hear the phone call. He put the phone down, placing it back into his pocket

"Is Jimin okay?" I spoke up after a while. I'd been thinking about him the whole time. I couldn't wait to run into his arms again and feel safe once again. I got a slight nod in response. We got on the bus since it was too far to walk. I sat beside Yoongi with Hobi sat on the seat in front. I watched as he stared out the moving bus through the window that was wet due to condensation. I remember the first time we met, how we'd never crossed paths if I hadn't been late that morning. That's when a sudden wave of anxiety rushes over me. It had been ages since I'd done any of my work for university, I'd also skipped quite a few lectures by this point. I groaned outwardly laying my head back on the seat, at this rate I was almost certain to fail.

It wasn't long until we got off at our stop and walked the remaining familiar streets to the house. I hadn't been to Yoongi's house in years, I was actually a little nervous to go back there. The nostalgia was strong as I stepped into the house that always smelt like lavender. Pictures of Jungkook and Yoongi filled the hallway, their happy smiles bringing a warm feeling to my stomach. In the living room Jimin was sat on the couch, bandages on his arms and small cuts on his lower lip and eyebrow. I broke down in tears as I saw him, relief flooding over me.

"Autumn," Jimin breathed out, attempting to get up from the couch but failing miserably due to his injuries. I ran up to him, jumping onto him so I was straddling his body. He groaned lightly but I embraced his body in mine, nuzzling my head into his neck and breathing in his scent. I cried and cried and so did Jimin. I pulled away from him, landing my lips on his. I didn't care who else was in the room and who was watching, at that moment I just wanted Jimin. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed one hand on my hip to stabilise me whilst his other was on my cheek rubbing it slightly with his thumb. After what felt like forever, we finally broke apart as I sat back and admired his face. I turned to see Jungkook stood behind me, tears evident in his eyes that threatened to fall at any moment. I got up off Jimin and gave him a smile, followed by a brief hug.

"What happened, are you okay?" Jungkook checked my arms and head for any injuries, staring hard at the bandage wrapped around my arm.

"I'm okay," I gave a weak smile, looking over at Yoongi and Hobi.

"So....Taehyung?" Jimin asked oblivious to the events of earlier today. "Taehyung won't be bothering her anymore," Yoongi nodded looking at the floor.

"I killed him." Hobi's eyes had glazed over as he stood staring at me. I hadn't expected him to tell the others so soon, but what was the point in hiding it? They would have found out sooner or later.

"Wh-what?" Jungkook stuttered in complete shock.

"We've got in covered. The police know it was him but it was out of self defence. He's going to be questioned later today," Yoongi responded calm and collected as if he wasn't talking about a murder. He turned, walking out the room and up the stairs. As everyone stood in stunned silence I followed Yoongi up the stairs, concerned about his welfare. I found him sat in his bedroom on the bed staring out the window.

"Are you okay? You haven't seemed yourself since, well you know what," I sat down on the bed next to him, placing a hand on his knee.

"There's some things that are better left unsaid Autumn," Yoongi sighs, tearing his eyes away from the window and placing them on mine.

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