18. Someone I Want You To Meet

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An overwhelming urge to run away.


The music was so loud it made my skin tingle and the bass thumped in time with my heartbeat as if it was one. Jimin dragged me into what looked like the living room which was now a makeshift dance floor. I had no choice but to join the crowd, dancing in a huddled group to a pop song I didn't know. I move my body to the music along with everyone else, turning to face Jimin who turns his eyes away as I catch him standing and watching me. He drops his eyes momentarily before looking up with a smile forming on his lips. We shout and sing along to the songs, messing up the lyrics and missing the beat but too focused on one another to care. I didn't know where I stood with Jimin. Neither of us had officially confessed to the other, but the feelings between us were obvious and that's all that mattered to me in the moment.

Jimin took my hips in his hands moving my body to the rhythm of the songs as we laugh giddily. I was exhausted by the time me and Jimin finally broke free from the crowd and went to sit on an empty couch in the next room. "For someone who claims to hate parties, you seemed to be having a lot of fun back there," Jimin gasped trying to get his breath back.

"Okay, so maybe it's not as bad as I thought." I grinned as he returned a smile. He threw an arm around the back of my neck, pulling me closer to his chest as I rested my head in the nook of his neck. In the distance I could make out a tall boy stumbling his way over to us with a drink in his hand.

"Hey, Jimin, long time no see," the boy laughed, swaying lightly from left to right. His hair was messy and there was lipstick covering the corners of his mouth. Why were all of Jimin's friends so good looking?

"Long time no see, Jin." Jimin didn't look amused to see him but gave a polite smile. Not that Jin would probably remember the encounter the next day. Jimin seemed to have more friends than I had initially thought, first Jungkook, then Namjoon, now Jin. Jin gave me the plastic cup in his hand that was filled with an unknown liquid, the strong smell of alcohol was the only indicator of what was in the cup.

"A drink for the pretty woman sat in front of me," Jin laughed before his attention was caught by a blonde in a small black dress dancing with a group of girls, all wearing equally revealing clothes. I lift the cup up to my lips before Jimin takes it from my hand nearly spilling the drink all over me. He gives me a wide-eyed look before leaning in to shout into my ear over the music. "Rule number 1 of parties. Don't drink anything you've not made yourself." I glanced down at the cup in his hand before looking up at Jin whose attention was still on the blonde. Jimin places the cup down on the table beside him, fingertips squeezing my arm that they were wrapped around.

"So, you enjoying the party?" Jin asks as the blonde girl makes her way into another room dragging along a boy with her. "It's okay," Jimin deadpanned, clearly trying to get Jin to leave us alone. "The only good thing about this party is the number of girls that turned up," Jin smirked at me as he started to look around the living room trying to find what I assumed was his next target. Jimin moved his hand onto my thigh, either as a way of calming my nerves or showing others I wasn't available. Eventually the grasp around my thigh gradually became tighter and his hand slowly made its way further up my leg.

"Stop doing that we're in public," I hiss quietly so Jin wouldn't hear. Jimin smiles mischievously, moving his hand even further up as I tried to bat away his hand. Jin turned to face us once again, prompting Jimin to stop from proceeding any further. "Do you know where the bathroom is?" He asked slurring his words slightly.

"It's not your house?" I shout over the music so he could hear me. I'd assumed it was his party by the way he manoeuvred himself around the house.

"No, it's his." He points to the far end of the room to a boy and girl who were making out. Her hands were tangled in the messy hair of the boy who had his hands on her hips. "You should introduce yourself to him, I think you two would get along." Jin laughed wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"He looks... busy," I replied after a short pause, not knowing how to finish my sentence. The boy and girl were still in the middle of a heated make-out session as she began to tug at his shirt lifting it slightly to reveal the bottom of his navel.

"Don't be stupid, he'll find another girl to sleep with," Jin stated as he took a few steps towards them taking a deep breath before shouting at the top of his lungs. "Hey Taehyung, there's someone I want you to meet."

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