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It was the start of a new day, new conversations and new memories. Exciting. We gathered all of our things and put everything back where it needed to be and checked out in the lobby.

"How much longer is the drive?" I asked.

"We're almost there, maybe 20 minutes?"

I didn't mind this spontaneous road trip but not knowing where we're gonna end up is putting me on edge.  Sometimes I wonder what goes through this mans mind when he decides things like this.  Is he kidnapping me?  Selling me to some human traffickers?  Or worse.  Taking me to meet one of his insane friends.  That's not too bad but after meeting his friend Jimin, I'm a little bit worried if I'm being completely honest.

Sometime later, we pull up to some mountain-like structure.  There was a sign that read:

"Welcome to Fate Mountain.  Please do not throw and trash into the waters and please do not disturb any of the wildlife.  Stay on the path and enjoy the scenery."

   We got out of the truck and the expression on his face worried me.  He looked nervous but also a little excited?  Perhaps he is going to murder me here? 

"Fate mountain?  What in the hell are we doing here?"

"Don't ask stupid questions, I'm sort of winging it at this point."

Side by side, we enter the path of vines and enormous trees lining the way and make our way to the top.


"We've been walking for forever Tae what are we doing here"

"It should be around here somewhere if I could just-  ah! There it is let's go!"  He jumped into a sprint and ran off path.

"You're going to get lost! Come back— fuck you're a pain in the ass!"  I wasn't at all prepared to run today but there's a chance for anything with this man.

Passing trees and oddly shaped rocks, I didn't have a clue where he went.  He disappeared. 

"Taehyung!"  I stopped running and tried to find him or anything that resembled a human, but there was no sign of him.

"Fuck."  The only thing I could do was keep going in the same direction. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!"  Above me there were sounds of leaves rustling and tiny squeaks.  Turning my head, there were little birds hopping from one tree to the next.  I couldn't help but smile and cover my eyes from the sparkling sun beams coming through. 

At least the birds are enjoying themselves.

Just ahead, there looked to be an opening that led to a bridge.  Maybe he's there?

Quickening my pace, I make my way through the piles of leaves, logs, and whatever else may be on the dirt floor and step out into the open.

"No I don't think anything will change."  In front of me there was a stone ledge that lined the side of the mountain and over it was a drop into a body of water.  There stood the man I was looking for, with his back towards the mountain and his elbows resting on the railing.

"Because I believe that everything happens for a reason and if what we did last night wasn't supposed to happen, then it wouldn't have."  The sun was hiding behind a group of clouds and the sound of running water almost drowned him out.

"What are you talking about?"  I questioned.

"Last night you asked if anything would change," he turned his head to face me before he spoke again.
"I didn't know how else to do this, it seemed to work once." 

What is he trying to do?

"I'm so confused, why are we here?"

"It's beautiful isn't it?"  Completely ignoring my concern, "when I was younger, I asked my dad how he knew he loved me mom and he said he wasn't sure, so he brought her here.  He said that when they got here, he knew.  That it was like a feeling, an intuition kinda."

"Alright so then why are we here?" 

"Because I wanted you to know how much I love you.

Is this it?  The intuition? 

   Nature is truly one of the most beautiful things that ever was.  The emerald green leaves dangling from the limbs of spontaneous trees. The water racing through the stones in the river.  The birds singing the song of life and love.  Everything is exactly the way it should be.  Everything feels right.  So, is this how I know?

Taking small steps towards him I reach my hand out and place it on the left side of his chest.  His heart beat is crazy.  I place my free hand on my chest and my heart beat is in perfect sync with his.  Is this how I know?

"You feel it too?"  He asks interrupting the silence.

"You've felt this for years?  How did you even deal with me?"  I was completely blind to his feelings all this time and he didn't complain once.

"It's not that hard when you're in love with someone.  Even if they aren't aware of it,  just spending time with them and making them smile is enough.  I never wanted to make you uncomfortable by forcing my feelings on to you.  Because like I said, everything happens for a reason, and if you never felt the same way, then I wasn't going to try and force you to."

"And if I do feel the same way?" 

"Then we'll figure it out as we go right?  It's what we do."  He wrapping his arms around my waist and lifted me up to his height and placed the perfect kiss on my lips. 

Everything fell into place as if the stars aligned just for this moment.  Someone higher up is looking down and blessing us.  Or maybe someone's.

This is it.  The new beginning.  I'm started a new chapter in my life and it's with someone I love.

"Shall we go home?"  I asked him whilst he lowered me.

"I thought you didn't wanna call it home."  Raising a eyebrow, he questioned my past statement.

"It's a place where I'm loved and cared for, pretty sure that qualifies as home now."

"Then yeah," he smiled and took my hand in his.

"Let's go home."


* imagine Heartbeat by BTS playing uwu *

WAAAAA it's finally ended and I can't believe it!!!!!!  I hope it wasn't as bad as I think it was, I feel like it's a rushed ending (bc it kinda is) I started this like in 2016 or 2017 and now it's 2019 and a bitch JUST NOW finished it and THANK GOD bc I was running out of ideas.

THANK YOU to everyone who supported this lame cheesy story if it wasn't for all the nice comments I probably would've never come back to write it again. 

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