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We got to the exit/entrance and as the two glass doors slid open, a light wind blew my hair back. I closed my eyes to enjoy it. My hair had grown out more than I thought it would while I was in the coma and before Taehyung came, the nurses called a nurse who took cosmetology in school and she cut my hair a little above shoulder length. I wanted to try something new for a change.
He rolled me to his horribly parked truck that I ever-so-dearly missed and helped me into the passenger seat. After struggling to fold the wheelchair up and pulling it in the back, he got into the driver's seat. I looked at the parking lot and admired the grass that was peeping through the concrete, the bushes barely shaking in the wind, and the clouds moving with it. I didn't even notice that the truck wasn't started until I felt a pair of eyes on me.

I turned to face Tae who had his elbow on the center console and his chin resting in his palm just staring at me with a boyish grin.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" My cheeks began to burn so I tucked the sides of my hair behind my ears and fanned my cheeks. I take it, he noticed and giggled then spoke.

"Remember the last time it was just the two of us in this truck?". His expression didn't change when he spoke.

"I can't really say I do" Hinting at the fact that I just woke up from being in a coma for half a year. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he got my hint and did a cute, shy thing. He put his palm over his forehead then ran it down his face laughing from embarrassment.

"It was the night before the big play" he started "after I took you out on I guess a half date-" I interrupted him.

"We went on a date?". My memories were still a bit fuzzy.

"Yea, we got food from the cafe we usually go to and ate at the park. Then walked around for a bit; I heard music playing and I grabbed your hand and ran towards the music and offered to dance. You didn't want to dance." He looked down then back up at me.

"After that, you were running late for the rehearsal and changed in the backseat. I didn't peek of course since I respect you and all women for that matter." He took a deep breath and continued.

"When you got out if the truck, you looked so amazing. It was a white dress that almost looked like a wedding dress. You were having issues with the zipper and asked for my help. I had never noticed that you had a mole on the back of your neck."

His voice cracked when he spoke, he was talking and laughing at the same time.

"When you ran off, you held the ends of your dress and the way your hair bounced from left to right and the way the sun illuminated off of your skin..." A tear fell onto his sleeve making my smile immediately drop.

"Tae.." I lifted his head with my hand and looked at him.

"You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. And the sight of you here now, awake and in my truck. It's truly the most beautiful moment in life."

The last sentence made the dwelling tears finally roll down my cheek and off my chin. We sat there looking at each other until I sniffled and whipped my tears away facing forward. He started the truck and began driving to the cafe that has grown on me. The drive was silent besides an old jazz tune that was playing on the radio.

We arrived and he hurried to my door to get my wheelchair out of the back and help me in it. When he closed the door, I rubbed my thighs to warm them up from the wind.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

I shook my head no but before I could stop him, his jacked was already laid over my lap. I thanked him and he rolled me inside struggling to open the door and rush me inside before it hit him. A waitress hurried over and held it open for us to get in.

"Thank you" We both said in sync.

I always got the same thing before so he brought me to a table and I sat in a booth and folded my wheelchair then leaned it against a wall. He went up to the counter to order, leaving me to stare out of a window.

"Hey you!" I turned my focus from the outside to a somewhat familiar voice.

"Oh hey" I couldn't remember her name for the life of me so I just avoided it all together. There was a couple seconds of silence before she spoke up.

"Everyone at school is so worried about you"

Yeah right.

"Oh wow.." I looked at my hands under the table nervously.

"Yea, everyone thinks you got pregnant and dropped out." That sentence grabbed my attention so I shot my head up to look at her.

"R-really?!" I stuttered.

"Yep, you'd be surprised at some of the theories that some girls give in the girls locker room". She didn't look even the slightest bit bothered by what she was telling me.

"So what's that thing in your nose?" She blurted out.

Confused for a second, I furrow my brows then realized what she was talking about.

"Oh! My breathing tube?" I pointed at my septum and touched the bottom of the tube. She nodded.

"It's helping me get the needed amount of carbon dioxide that I need since I had a accident that messed up my lungs." Explaining this to her was like explaining trigonometry to a second grader.

"Oh wow, how long can you go without it?" She looked bored but I answered anyways.

"I'm not actually sure, I haven't ta-" Before I could finish my sentence, Tae returns with a plastic tray with little pastries and chocolate milk. Thank God.

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now