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  "Park Hana please come down to the office, Park Hana please come down to the office."  The loud intercom above the class startled us, my 3rd grade teacher handed my the hall pass that had baby horses on it.  It was a really good day, I learned how to write the first 7 letters in cursive and I made a flower out of tissue paper.  I skipped down the halls smiling at every teacher I passed.  My pig tails flung in the air and my cute pink dress bounced each time I skipped. 

  Once I reached the office I saw my dads friend from the navy and a police officer.  Are they here to have lunch with me again?   I merrily skipped into the office and hugged them both and smiled.

"Why are you in your uniform?"  I asked Jaeha my dads navy friend.

"We're here to tell you something Hana."  Ray the police officer said.

They brought me in a empty conference room that the counselors let them use.  They look kinda sad.

"Are you okay?"  I asked them both with a worried expression.

"Hana, your mother and father were in a car accident.."  Jaeha said holding my hand.

"Mommy and daddy are very strong I know they're okie!"  I smiled widely, deep down, it was fake.

"They were rushed to the emergency room to get better, but, they didn't make it.  I'm sorry Hana". Ray said cupping my other hand.

"No no, mommy and daddy are just resting;  I know they're okay."  My happy tone faded quickly.

"Hana, they were hit by a 18 wheeler and plunged off the side of the road.  Mommy and Daddy are in a better place..."  Jaeha had tears in his eyes but, I knew he was trying to stay strong for me.

"So Mommy and Daddy are gone?"  I began to cry softly at first until he confirmed it, then streams of tears had broke free.

Mom, dad, you said you wouldn't leave me.  You're supposed to be here to see me succeed like I said I would!  Dad, you were supposed to walk me down the aisle to my future husband!  Mom, you were supposed to comfort me when I got my heart broken for the first time!  You guys are supposed to be there for my graduation!  Can you hear me!  Mom! Dad!  You can't leave without saying goodbye!  Please...


  I sat up with tears streaming down my face and a rapid heart beat.  I forgot that Tae was right beside me, he sat up too and comforted me without asking what's wrong.  I just cried in his arms hoping that the pain would stop.

  It didn't stop.  But it didn't hurt as much since he was here to comfort me.


"Okay, you're results are great and you're able to check out today and go home."  The nurse said before jotting some medical stuff down on her pink clipboard and turning to leave.

"You ready to go home?"  He asked grabbing my bag and his as well.

  Home.  I haven't heard that word in a long time, I forgot what a home feels like. 

  I nodded and hopped off the bed and took my bag from him sticking out my tongue.  I signed myself out while he went to bring the truck to the front, he said he parked in the back. 

  In the truck was a blanket and a bag of candy and granola bars.  I bet he's planning a stake out.

"What's that for?"  I asked pointing at the bag.

"For when your blood sugar gets low and you need food to make you not die."  I am going to fight you Kim Taehyung.

  I noticed that they re-stitched my leg and wished that I had thanked them before leaving.  We weren't on the same route to his house and I asked where we were going but, this boy, cut me off and shushed me.

  How dare he.

  We pulled up to a cute oldish antique shop and walked around looking at all the do-dads.  In one section there were all types of hats and he put one on and turns to me with the funniest face and says:

"Someone call vogue."  And posed.  I had to compete with him in his sassy fashion show and put on a feathery fedora. 

  We wandered through many sections and some were creepy and some were cute.  This one section had instruments and music related gadgets.  I limp over to it and picked up and ukulele and played the only song I know.

  "Well you've dawned on me and you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill but you're hot that I'm melting.  I fell right through the cracks, and now I'm trying to get back."  The 4 chords were the easiest and I'm glad because I can't learn complicated things. 

  I got to the chorus and I didn't notice Tae creep up behind the shelves, I was playing and singing as quietly as I could.  Once I finished the song,  I heard him clapping still hiding behind the shelves. 

"Oh my god you scared me."  My right hand went over my heart trying to calm myself down before I had a heart attack.

"I know my good looks are shocking but come on man that's mean."  He acted hurt;  it was too cute.

  We were about to leave and he stopped for a while to look at something and I did the same just at something different.  We didn't get anything and went back to the truck and went back to his house.

  Once we got there we didn't really do anything, we pretty much spent the entire day looking around the antique shop.  It was around 7 pm and he decided to put in a movie and before it got to the good part, we both fell asleep.

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now