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When I reached the car Jeongguk was in the middle and Tae was in the passenger seat. I jumped in the drivers seat and sped off to wherever.

"I told you to stay in the car!" He yelled.

"And if I had listened you two would probably be dead!" I yelled back in defense.

I drove for a few miles and pulled into a abandoned parking lot. I got out of the truck and pulled Tae out leaving Jeongguk in the truck unconscious. We stood in the front of the truck and continued arguing.

"You could've gotten yourself killed!" He shouted, does he really think that he can pull that line on me?

"Yes, I could have! But if I would've sat in that damn truck trying to convince myself that you were fine then you or Jeongguk would be lying in that alley as a fucking corpse!" I'm not supposed to be this angry but I can't help it.

"Okay, but then what if whoever got us, killed you instead of us huh?! How would you think we would've felt?!" His voice kept raising more and more, now, his voice was echoing.

"What about you?! Oh dear! You poor thing! A homeless piece of shit high schooler that you don't give two fucks about risked her life to save yours! My condolences go out to you sir!" He didn't say anything, he just kept silent.

"And if I had stayed, you would've been drug out of there in body bags! Where's my thank you for saving your life?! If I wasn't strong enough, i could've easily been raped and left for dead and you wouldn't have a clue what I did for you! I didn't ask for you to pick me up off the streets! I didn't ask you to stitch my leg! I didn't ask for you to pop into my life! I didn't ask for this life! I didn't ask to be in fights all the time! I didn't fucking ask for any of this bullshit! All I ask for is a thank you!" By now, I was in tears, I had been holding in tears for so long. It actually felt good to cry.

Not expecting it, he stepped closer and just hugged me while I collapsed into his chest and cried. He doesn't know what I've gone through, he doesn't know about my parents and I don't want him to. If I'm gonna be honest, he's the closest thing I've ever had as a friend since Lei.

Lei was my best friend when I was a kid up until I was 14. She had cancer, she lost all of her hair and she was still the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. December 27th, 2013, a few days after Christmas, I got a call from her parents that she had passed and I had already lost my parents the year before and she was the only person keeping my hopes alive. Since that day, I haven't had one friend. Everyone has always left me.

Thinking about my past, I cry harder, forgetting who's holding me not saying anything. He just sits there on his knees holding my collapsed body on the ground. I haven't felt this safe in so long, he gives off those home vibes. Thank you Taehyung.

Minutes go by with no sounds besides my sobs of years of sadness built up, until Tae speaks.

"It's getting cold, let's go home okay?" He looked down at me for me to answer, my voice won't come out, instead, I just nod. They help me up and we get in the truck with me in the middle, Jeongguk in the passenger seat, and Tae driving. We dropped Jeongguk off at one of his friends and headed back to his place.

This drive is longer than I anticipated, my eyes burn so bad from crying, maybe I should rest for a bit. I close my eyes and drift off with the warmth of one of Tae's old sweaters that was in the back.


I was woken up from loud noises and bright light shining in my eyes. Where am I? Why does my leg hurt? Whatever. I sit up and remember where I am, but I thought I would be on the couch, what room is this?

I hobble down the hallway and towards the terrible smell. Oh my god.

"What the hell.." He was cooking. Or trying to.

"Morning cripple." Rude.

"Are you trying to make something for a ritual or something?" I rubbed my eyes and stretched.

"No. This was supposed to be a nice breakfast." He looked kinda sad, I didn't mean to make him look sad.

"Oh well, cereal will do." He dumped whatever was in that poor pan into a trash bin and headed for the fridge.

"What kind of cereal do you have?" I'm so hungry it's not even funny.

"Peanut butter balls". He said about to pour his bowl.

"Ugh never mind then". I guess I'm just gonna die from starvation.

"You don't like peanut butter balls?!" He gasped so much he almost chocked.

"That's an understatement, peanut butter can kill me. I'm allergic." I raised my eyebrow and laughed a little.

"Oh shit-" he poured his cereal down the drain and put the box on a high shelve. That's actually nice.

"Hey lets go to breakfast then!" He flashed his large bright smile and smiley eyes. Aw.

"Are you sure? I don't have any mo-"

"Who said you were paying?" You know, cutting people off is rude Tae.

"I don't want you to have to pay for me though." I slouched a little bit, acting of course, I'm starving omg lets go man.

"It's a thank you for saving my life yesterday." Again with that smile. Please stop.

"Alrighty then, umm I'll see if I have some clothes packed in one of the boxes." I headed for the boxes to find some pants at least and my luck isn't as good as I hoped.

"Ugh!" I would rather cut off my leg.

"What is it?" He ran into the living room with shaving cream on his face. Boy what are you shaving you're a child.

"A skirt.  Mr. Yun, my apartment manager, packed only a skirt."  My expression didn't change a bit, I kept the same hate-filled face for 12 minutes.

"Oh,  do you want to go shopping later today for some new clothes?"  He asked.

"You're not buying me new clothes". I was serious this time, I wasn't gonna let him buy me new clothes because my dumbass got kicked out.

"Hmm, what if it was from a thrift store?  Just some clothes to get you by for a while."  That wasn't an entirely bad idea.

"Okay fine, but I'm gonna pay you back when I get paid."  Maybe.

"Okay, well you go find a shirt from my wardrobe to go with your skirt and take a shower and I'll clean up a bit okay?"  I nodded in agreement.  Why is he being so nice to me?

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now