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"Two blueberry muffins, and two small plain coffees please." He told the barista while handing her a $10.

"But I don't like coffee." I tugged his sleeve like a little kid.

"Well, I guess you won't have a drink then will you?" He mocked me with slurping noises and pat my head.

Kim Taehyung. I hate you.

After we got our muffins and he got two servings of coffee, we sat at a small booth in the corner by a window.

"Oh so" I began with crumbs all over my mouth "why did you drag me here?" I asked covering my mouth with my sleeve.

"Because I figured if you didn't eat soon you'd cause an earthquake." He looked so serious. Are you kidding me.

"Ah ha ha ha~" I laughed annoyed.

"For real though, why couldn't I have just gone home?"

"One, the buses aren't running at this hour. Two, I was bored. And three, I have a favor to ask." He took a giant bite and gulped down his first cup of coffee.

"Yea sure what's up?" I tried to make it sound as casual as I could but alas, my anxiety takes over and my voice cracks.

"My dad wants me to move to Germany with him and my stepmom so I can go to this 'great school to help my education' because my grades aren't perfect here." He made straight eye contact with me the entire time.

"What does this have to do with me?" I honestly don't see the problem, Germany is great.

Or so I've heard.

"I don't want to leave! So I need you to pretend to be my tutor until I'm legal to make my own decisions. He has to see that I'm trying to learn here, or has to think he sees I'm trying." The thing that made me think that it was real was he looked so serious.

"My grades are about as good as a toddlers, how would I help you?"

"Oh my- no!" He signed in annoyance and continued:

"You're one of the best in theater class, you're good at acting from what I've heard so just act like a tutor when my dad calls or something." He hasn't taken a bite of his muffin so I reach over to take it.

"You gonna finish that?" Before I get to steal his heavenly pastry, the man-child smacks my hand away.

"Hey! I'm serious!" He almost yells furrowing his brows.

"Yea, me too." I say with a straight face and try again to take his muffin only to be hit once more.

"Please, it's just when my dad calls, which is hardly ever, think of this as a really long play. It's practically nothing for you."

"So, You get to continue to be a careless asshole and lie to your dad, while I have to also lie to your dad and get nothing in return?" I raised one brow and crossed my legs.

"I'll do anything, I can't live with him and his bitchy new wife. She wants me to become a great lawyer or something so she can leach off of my dads wealth and me." He no longer looked desperate, he looked more sad and hopeless. I almost felt bad for him until I remembered that his parents are rich and he can get whatever he wants.

"Oh no, rich kid has a problem. Find someone else to help you." It angered me that he took his parents for granted, if I could see my parents I wouldn't think twice. I got up leaving the muffin wrapper and crumbled up napkin on the table, flung my bag over my shoulder and left the cafe.

I thought about heading home but I realized it was July 12th and I had to pay someone a visit. Make that plural, it was two someones.

After walking for a few minutes I turned into a narrow alley way for a shortcut. I was halfway in when I heard footsteps and a whistle.

"Hey baby, people don't come down this alley unless they want to have some fun." I could hear two men with husky laughs walking my way. I'm not in the mood for this.

"Hey, I'm talking to y-". He reached for my shoulder but before he could, I turned around and grabbed his wrist twisting it behind him and shoved him against the brick wall.

"Yea I know, I heard you." I said close to his ear. I could feel the other guys eyes burning holes in my head from staring in shock.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you starring isn't nice." I carelessly looked at him and sighed. His hand was behind his back and he reached into his back pocket and I heard a click of a switchblade and I sighed again.

"Guess not." When the man charged at me I pulled his buddy off the wall and threw him at the attack. Knife man avoided cutting his friends shoulder and caught him instead.

"You really shouldn't have done that". Said knife mans buddy dude. He reached behind him and his eyes widened.

"What?! Wher-"

"Oh this?" I spun his black and silver 380 (pistol) around on my index finger and laughed.

"Don't worry I took the safety off so you can shoot me if you ever actually get it back." I shot a witty smile at the two angering knife man enough the charge at me again fearless of the gun.

I avoided the swing of the blade by blocking it with the underside of the barrel and flung it through the alley. Dumb ass.

"Well I'll be on my way then k?" Unaware that the other man snuck up behind me and took the gun from me, shoved me against the wall and pointed it at my temple ready to shoot.

"I don't think so." He looked at me with cold eyes and said this

"Brave girl, such a shame we couldn't have any fun with you." He scoffed before pulling the trigger.

Confused, he pulled it multiple times after wondering why my brains weren't scattered everywhere.

"You guys aren't very good criminals." I waved the magazine clip in front of him before I kneed him in the crotch and then kicked him to the ground and ran, knocking over trash bins behind me causing them to fall.

If they're gonna murder someone successfully, they could at least make sure the victim didn't take the clip of bullets.

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now