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   Yesterday went by quickly after we ate. 

  It was now Thursday which meant the play was tomorrow and me being me, I'm normally not nervous but having your first kiss on stage in front of hundreds of people isn't how I imagined it.

Today our director pulled us all out of class to prepare the props and the costumes.  So,  I pretty much didn't have class all week you could say. 

  We got everything done in a few hours and the rest of the day we had to rehearse.  Our director is really strict,  if something isn't done right, he'll stop it,  even if it's the night of the show.  He doesn't care.

  I'm the female lead but the guy who's playing the male lead keeps complaining that I'm not experienced enough to act.  Like one,  real actors don't whine.  Two,  how do you expect me to get experience if you don't give me a chance? Its a bad day and im on my period. 

  We got around to the kiss scene and i cant stop replaying what happened with Taehyung when we did it.  I mean its normal for someone who hasn't had their first kiss to do that right?  Yes, i know, i haven't had my first kiss ha ha.  I just dont know if im ready to like, have my face touch someone elses face.  Thats unsanitary.

  Two hours went by, we went around the kiss to wait for the show to do it.  Im nervous but,  everyone gets nervous every now and then.

"Alright, I want you all to go home grab something to eat and be back here and in costume before 7."  The director ordered before walking off somewhere backstage.  Tonight was our rehearsal in costume.

"So Hana-"  the male lead or 'Jun' began to speak to me but I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

"Ok listen,  I have Chinese leftovers at home and i really don't look forward to kissing you later so if we're done here?"  I began walking past him.  Unexpectedly,  he grabbed my arm and spun me back around facing him.

"What?!"  He must've been shocked because I yelled and a few students started starring.

"I was just gonna see if you wanted to go get something to eat together?"  He kind of looked shy but, I didn't buy it.

"Didn't I just say I have Chinese food at home?  Move."  He stepped in front of me blocking my way.

  I let out an annoyed sigh and spoke.
"If you don't move, I will break your arm then throw you off stage." 

He scoffed "I don't believe you."  He had one of those 'you wouldn't do it because you're afraid' looks. 

  But sadly instead of breaking his arm and throwing him off the 4 foot tall stage, all I did was press the tips of my index finger and thumb onto a simple pressure points on the shoulder.  He tumbled to the ground holding the spot I pressed,  that made my day.  Do they just not think I'll do it because I'm a girl or-?

  Getting out of the auditorium was like trying to get out of a maze but, eventually, I made it.

  I pushed the door open and a wild Tae pops up and nearly makes me pee.

"AH SHI-"  He covered my mouth before I could curse even though he curses just as much if not more than me.

"SHH"  After I 'shh'ed (?) He took his hand off my mouth and spoke again.

"I came to pick you up to take you to lunch"

I tilted my head to the side because it was about 4:30 in the afternoon.

"Lunch?"  I asked.

"Wait is it dinner time?"  He looked dumbfounded.

I nodded slowly so that he turned bright red from embarrassment.

"Well then"  He bowed and extended his arm toward me signaling me to take it.  "My lady, would you accompany me to the cafe once more?"  He was eye level with my stomach and looked up at me still bowed waiting for my answer.

  I've always wanted to curtsy like the princesses do.

I pretended like I had a large gown on and lifted the edges elegantly and bowed back.

"I would be glad to."

He unexpectedly took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine and swung our arm while we walked through the halls to the exit.  There wasn't many people in the hall thank God since school ended at 4.

"So we're eating at the cafe again huh?"  I asked impaciently.

"Mhmm"  He grinned really big,  i like his smile.  He's like a child in a large man's body.  It's cute.  I like it.

"Would you like something else?"  He asked noticing I looked a bit down.

"No i love it there; for a cafe they have a lot more food than you'd ever expect."  He smiled at my answer, I'm not sure why but my heart just like, body slammed my chest.

We walked to his truck and still in his role of what I assume is the prince, he opened my door.

"My lady." 
I was actually surprised that he's being this nice considering he dropped me on the floor, body slammed me into the wall for Chinese food, and something else I'm probably forgetting.
"Why thank you prince kim"  I curtsied once more and got into the passenger seat.

"Always a pleasure Miss Park."  He shut my door and adorably hopped to his door and jumped in.

  It's quiet and he's putting his seat belt on, he's a slow boy.  Out of nowhere he starts giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl.  I turned toward him and he's just laughing.  I wish I could capture his charm and vibe in a jar and just keep it to make me be as happy as him all the time.

I guess he noticed me starring at him and asked what was I looking at.

"Hm?  Oh.. ummm."  Just come up with a lie, anything,  just ANYTHING.

"You have a eyelash on your nose..." 

I poked at his nose and he soon forgot what we were gonna do and we started just leaning on each other and texted each other.


TaeTae:  hey gurl c;

TaeTae:  u lookin mighty fine c;;;;;

Me:  omg noo

TaeTae: you can't resist my charms

TaeTae: they're unbearable

Me: idk man I'm doing pretty good so far

TaeTae: ouch tryna hurt my feelings?


TaeTae: my feelings are hurt

Me: NO

I can feel his back shake when he's trying to hold back his giggling.

TaeTae: I know how you can make it better

Me: ...


TaeTae: omg

TaeTae: no

TaeTae:  I was gonna ask you on a date

Me: oH

I thought to myself;

Oh dear

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