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  He pulled into a driveway and helped me inside.  Much like the outside, it was decorated so beautifully and calming.  He set me down on the couch that was there when we first walked in then went to get my boxes.  While he was outside, I got up and limped around looking at photos that were pinned on the wall in plain frames.  Most were phenomenal pictures of nature like mountains, flowers and trees.  Others were what looked like old family photos.  There was one that was face down on a table but before I could turn it over I was startled by his voice.

"I leave you alone for a minute and you hop around my living room invading my privacy.  How rude."  He had his arms crossed and a smug diva glare plastered on his face.  This boy is gonna give me a heart attack.

"Jesus you scared me."  I put my hand over my rapidly beating heart that was probably gonna jump out of my chest any moment.

"Is this your house?"  After I calmed down I asked probably way too many questions but I guess he didn't mind. He answered all of them while running around the house looking for his first aid kit. He ran around for 10 minutes yelling weird things like "WHERE OH WHERE ART THOU IS THEE" and "IF I DONT FIND THIS DAMN BOX I WILL RIP MY HAIR OUT". It kept me entertained for quite a while if I'm being honest.

Eventually he found it and sat next to me on the couch. He pulled the coffee table that was in front of the couch we were on closer and put my injured leg on a cushion on it.

"Okay, this is going to hurt a shit ton so don't yell in my ear please." After he said that he poured alcohol over the wide cut. I wasn't expecting it to burn so bad, I actually gripped the back of his shirt and punched the couch cushion while gritting my teeth whining. I laid my head on his shoulder as he prepared the stitching needle occasionally turning his head toward me.

"Do not move your leg at all or I'll mess up okay?" His voice was so soft and calming it's the first time I heard him speak like that.

"Just keep talking please". I squeezed my eyes shut still holding his shirt and every now and then I would whimper.

"You should take more care of yourself, if I hadn't have seen this you would've got a nasty infection and have to go to the ER to probably get surgery. You're more hardheaded than I am, that's saying a lot." His voice was so relaxing.

"You're not very positive are you?" I asked looking into his dark brown eyes that were focused on my leg.

"I believe that would be considered a stupid question."

"Ugh, you toad." I scoffed and continued looking around the room not focusing on the gash in my shin.

"Just be glad I'm helping you, you should also be glad that you weren't cut too bad." Finishing up my stitches, he wrapped it in gauze and made sure it wouldn't fall off easily.

"Alright, don't take it off under any circumstances, understand?" Without thinking I immediately shot out a response.

"Whatever dad." I rolled my eyes and then realized what I had said.

"Just um... Ignore what i just said." I tried standing up but my leg was completely numb and I toppled over. I closed my eyes waiting to hit the hard tile on the floor but instead, when I opened them, I was able to see his eyes up close. He was so close that every time he exhaled I could smell the minty smell of the gum he was chewing. 

  Taehyung.  Don't do this.

  He opened his mouth to say something but I didn't care until I actually heard what he had to say.

"Idiot."  Before I knew it I was dropped on the floor.  I mean it's better to be dropped from a foot in the air than bashing your head on a glass table right? 

"OW YOU ASS WHAT THE HELL?!"  I rubbed the back of my head that had hit the tile, not too bad just enough to give me a headache.

"I stitched your leg and saved you from shards of glass stabbing you in the face.  Where's my thank you?"  His hands were on his hips and he had a sassy stance. 


"Fuck you."  I looked him dead in the eyes and flipped him off.

"Maybe later?"  He walked out snapping both hands into little pointy gun things and clicked his tongue.  Couldn't someone better have just found me wandering?  A drug dealer?  Hell,  it could've  been a homeless man on a bike for all I care. 

  He came back with a cup of ice, a sandwich bag, and a cloth in one hand and a pair of boxers and oversized faded baseball t-shirt in the other.

"Put these on and come back, I'm gonna prepare the ice pack."  I nodded limping toward the hall way looking around.

"Oh it's the last one on the left."  He pointed down the hall to the door.  After I changed into the clothes he lent me I noticed that there were small little holes in the shoulder of the shirt.  Must be a fashion statement.

  I wobbled out of the bathroom and back down the hall, I must've been stealthy as shit because he didn't hear me. 

  But I heard him.

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now