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I could hear what they were saying so I humored myself and listened for a while.

"Oh Taehyung!"

"Oh hey Minsoo" he didn't really sound happy to see her.

"That's a lot of food for one guy". She giggled a little school girl laugh.

"Well, it's not all for me I'm waiting for someone."

"Oh who?"

"Hana". No.

"Oh, are you guys like on a date?" Her voice wasn't as happy as before.

"I guess you could say that but, if you ask her she'd deny it immediately." I heard him scoff and laugh at the same time.

"Do you want it to be a date?" Her tone was completely serious.

"It's not really my call for that". He did one of those cute shy laughs.

Things grew quiet until she asked another question.

"Do you like her?"

I couldn't listen anymore. I walked out and almost tripped over the welcome mat, good job.

"Hey we should get going right?" Rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment I just wanted to get away from her.

"Yea, have a good day Minsoo!" He said waving as we walked away towards the park. My life did not need this extra stress right now.

"You sure took a long time in there, must've had some bad su-". No no no Tae shut up.

"No! I just take a long time to pee!" I'd rather tell that than him talk about...that.

He laughed at my response and kept walking.

"Is Minsoo one of your friends?" He asked.

"I don't have any friends". I wasn't ashamed of my answer, but, I wasn't proud either.

"She's a nice girl, you should try and make some friends." This angered me a little I'm not sure why.

"I don't need friends." Bluntly, my remark shot right out of my mouth.

"But friends are nice to have, haven't you ever had one?"

"Yes! I have! But she's gone now and I'm left with bad memories and self hate for what I did." I lost my appetite and just walked back towards the house.

I'm not sure where he went, I just wanted to be alone. At least for now.  It was almost 1 in the afternoon and instead of going back to his house I made a circle around the block.  Eventually I made it to the park where me and Tae were supposed to eat but what I saw made me feel terrible.

  Tae and Minsoo were sitting on a bench by the pond talking.  She was eating out of one of the to-go boxes that he got from the café.  She continued eating what looked like slices of apples and I think a muffin;  two of the sides that came with the blueberry pancakes.  He doesn't care about me does he?  I bet if I disappeared he wouldn't even notice.  Let's test that theory.


  I decided to go home after talking with Baek Minsoo at the park to give Hana her breakfast.  When I got there something was different, the atmosphere was more...empty?  I checked all the rooms and I didn't see Hana or any of her boxes.  Did she leave? 

  I ran outside to look for her, I searched nearby places and she wasn't there.  Why am I worrying about her?  She obviously doesn't give two shits about me.  If she's as tough as she says she is,  then she'll be perfectly fine.

  Night came faster than expected and she's still not back.  Honestly,  I'm so scared.  I can't just sit around not doing anything.  But if I call for help once I see her again she'll hit me and call me a idiot for worrying.  I decided to try and sleep since it was nearly midnight but,  thoughts that she's in trouble keep me awake throughout the night. 

  I just want to know if she's okay.


  I got my things from his house and went to where I work which is a soup cafe called "수프 궁전" pronounced "soup-oh goong-jchon". It means soup palace.  My boss has always offered me the extra room on the upper floor but, I never had a thought of taking it until now. 

  I walked in and Chef Pyeong welcomed me.

"Ah, Hana, why you here late?"  He hardly ever talks correctly but it's what gives him character.

"Do you still have that room on the upper floor?"  I asked, he knew something happened since I haven't taken it in almost 2 years.

"Yes yes, follow me". He gestured for me to go with him and I did.  Chef Pyeong was one of my dads good friends,  so when he passed, he decided to look after me in place of my father.  He's always taken care of me when I needed it and always gave me space to do what I wanted to have a good experience in life.

  When we got to the room it was cluttered with cooking things.

"Sorry, messy room, will clean tomorrow".

"No no no I'm only staying for a few days don't worry about the mess."  He sighed when I said he doesn't have to clean, he never liked cleaning.

"Ok, you school tomorrow, get sleep". I love his terrible grammar.  I washed my uniform in the washer in the other room and slept in the shirt and boxers Tae had lent me the night before. 

  I miss him.

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