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  The bell rang bringing me back to reality from my nonstop thinking about what he said.

"You don't deserve to go through anything alone so, just... Let me be there for you...okay?"

  Still thinking about his words, I continue to walk to my next class which is gym. 

"I want to talk to him...  But I-". I ran into something hard and tumbled to the ground.

"Hey!  Watch I-". Glancing up I notice it was Jimin, he had a cold stare and his brows were furrowed.

"You're Hana?"  He held his harsh stare and didn't bother to help me up.  I nodded and stood up brushing the dirt off my skirt.

"Come with me."  He grabbed my arm and jerked me the opposite direction.  Does nobody in this school have manners?  Not even a please?

"Dude let go."  I tried escaping his grip but he just tightened it.

"Hey!  You're hurting me!"  If I get a bruise on my arm I'm gonna punch him in the neck.

  We came to a hallway that people hardly ever go in because there weren't any classes.  There was a room at the end of the hall that some girls call the Bangtan Room.  They have their dance practices in there I guess.

  Jimin let go on my arm and shoved me in the room and shut the door.  I turned around to see him standing on the other side of the door;  running towards the door I noticed there's no handle on my side.  It's a one way door.

"Jimin let me out!"  I pounded on the door as hard as I could but it was no use, he wore a devilish grin and then just walked away.

  I soon gave up on trying to get out, I've checked the windows and all of them weren't able to be opened.  Why the hell would he just throw me in here and leave?  45 minutes passed and I was sitting in the corner resting my head on the wall.  Minutes later the door opened and another person was thrown in here with the door closing behind them.  The vibrations of the walls with the door slammed startled me making me jump.  You've got to be kidding me.

"Hana?"  I recognize that voice.

"Tae.."  His eyes were wide open and his mouth was hanging.  He looks scared and didn't move for a while.

"Why're you in here?"  He asked walking towards me who was still on the floor.

"I don't know,  Jimin just threw me in here and left."  I couldn't look at him,  I can't.  His eyes fixated on the ground by the door when a piece of paper was slid in.

"You guys aren't leaving until you make up.  You'll thank me later.  -Jimin"
Tae read it out loud then crumbled it and chunked it at the wall grunting.  He noticed me looking out of the window that was across the room and tried to make conversation.

"Are you okay?"  He slowly walked towards me and crouched in front of me.  I didn't say anything;  I couldn't.  What was I supposed to say?

Oh yea Tae I'm 100% fine just a little upset because I'm a piece of shit that can't compare to someone whose like you that's all.

  In the corner of my eye I could still see him looking at me with his big golden brown eyes.  Stop.  Please.

"Talk to me.."  His tone was more sad and soft.  I'm upsetting him.  Say something Hana.  Just say.. Anything.

  By now second period was almost over and next was my drama/theater class.  I can't miss it.

"Can we pretend that we made up so Jimin can let us out?  I have a theater show Friday and I need to practice.."  I still couldn't look at him, and somehow, that hurt me so much.  Hearing his sad voice made my heart break.

"Yeah.."  I stood up and walked towards the door and asked Jimin to let us out and that we made up.

"Prove it."  He said through the door.

  Unexpectedly Tae ran up behind me and picked me up and spun me around with his goofy smile and laugh.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed with him looking in his eyes that had a barrier between his happy mask, and his real emotions.  After he put me down his arm was around my waist tight and I put my hand over his hand looking at Jimin through the window on the door.

"Alright.  I'm so happy you two made up!"  He smiled and unlocked the door and we both left still with his hand on my waist and my hand still over his.

  Halfway down the hall he was about to remove his hand  but I held it down with mine.

"He's still looking.."  I lied, Jimin was on his phone.  I just wanted to feel his embrace for just a little longer.  His hands are so cold, I intertwined my fingers with his trying to warm him up.  I can feel his sadness through his aura, I hate myself for making him so sad.  I felt tears dwelling in my eyes and couldn't let him see.

  Turning the corner I broke from his hold and ran down the hall way into a bathroom stall.  I let out every tear that I held in into my hands and sobbed for the whole class period instead of going to class.


  She wants to fake making up to get to class;  I'll do my best Hana but, no promises.

He walked to the door and asked Jimin to let us out but of course, he asked for proof.  So, I put on my best act and run over to her and hug her and spin her.  She put her hands around my neck and smiled looking in my eyes.  Please don't see my true emotions.

  After I set her down I put my arm around her waist and she caresses my hand;  I wish this was real.  He opened the door and we kept the embrace for a while.  I thought she would be uncomfortable so I tried to remove my hand but she held it tighter and said Jimins still looking.  She really wants this to look real,  real or not, I just want to stay like this for as long as possible.

  Once we turned the corner she ran off into the crowded halls.  She hates me so much that she ran away right when Jimin can't see.   I'm glad she didn't see my eyes that were filled to the brim with tears. 

"I'm sorry I hurt you Hana.." 

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