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"Jeongguk calm down, where are you?" A few seconds passed by, I can hear noises from the phone but I have no idea what he said.
"Alright, stay there I'm on my way."
I came out from the corner and of course asked the obvious question.

"Where are you going?" He was walking around grabbing his phone, keys and he grabbed a pocket knife. That's when I knew I was going as well.

"Nowhere, stay here okay? Lock the door when I leave." He was about to walk out until I stopped him.

"Whatever Jeongguk is freaked out about that needs a shitty pocket knife, needs more than just you." He looked at me like I was useless.

"I'm not taking you. Your leg is cut and you can hardly walk."

"Tae. Trust me. I'm not as fragile as you think." He sighed until he grabbed sweatpants and threw them at me telling me to slip those on over the boxers. I always get my way.

I brought my slip on shoes and put on the sweatpants in the truck while we sped way over the speed limit through a empty street. A little less than 10 minutes went by until we reached a part of town that I had never been in before.

Tae tells me to stay in the truck, maybe just this once, I'll actually listen to him.

"Remember you said that." He looked at me and said 'huh?' I just shrugged and locked the doors when he exited.


She said 'I'm not as fragile as you think.' This little shit. She may not see herself as fragile but to me she is like a thousand year old artifact.

The entire ride there it was silent, I'm surprised she didn't say anything. If she's planning anything, I swear I'm going to shave off her hair when she's sleeping. After I tell her to stay in the truck, I hop out and hear the locks click, good Hana.

I hide my knife in my jacket sleeve and I hear whimpering from the alley, why do things always happen in alleys? Like shit, you never hear of someone snorting cocaine on top of a 5 star restaurant's roof do you?

I got further in, (don't you dare think like that,go take a bath in holy water) there's a dumpster in sight but, I can see someone's foot peeking out.

"Hyung!" I heard a whimper coming from that direction so I spring toward the unidentified limb and see who it is.

"Jeongguk?" He's knocked out cold with blood on his head. Fuck. There was a recording on loop of what sounded like Jeongguk saying 'Hyung!' ever 30 seconds. A shadow grew behind me but, before I could turn around, someone hit me with something hard knocking me out as well.


Do you really think I'm going to let him wander into a dark alley alone? Hell no. He may look like he can kick ass but, he owns about 7 pink cute stuffed animals and one he named speckles.

After about 10 minutes he's not back, I assumed if it's not dangerous then he'd be back already but seems how he isn't, he's probably in trouble.

I take the keys out of the ignition and put a key in between each finger on my right fist. After I step out, I slowly walk into the alley, I can only see about 3 to 5 feet in front of me due to the fog.

There's voices in the distance, they can't hear me because I'm in those fluffy slippers so there's no sound when I walk.

"Aight boss, we got the young one and I guess his friend here, what you want us to do?" There's a man with a loud deep voice at the end of the alley with a New York accent.

"Got it, I'll call Jae to come get them and we'll be on our way." There were a few seconds of silence then I'm shocked about what I hear next;

"Don't worry, once we show their friend RM he'll pay up. Even if we gotta kill one of em'."

One, killing Tae is my job. Two, I'm still pissed about him dropping me on the floor so I gotta blow some steam.

I put the keys in the sweatpants pocket and let my inner theatre geek out.

"Ow! Can someone help, I stepped in broken glass!" I heard someone walking my direction and it was the man with a deep voice.

"Oh miss, are you okay?" He knelt down to help me up. Gullible.

"I'm not sure, I was looking for a trash can to throw something away, I guess I wasn't looking where I was stepping and stepped right on a shard of glass." Just a little bit further creepy man come on.

"Here I'll help you up." I put my arm around him and he put his arm on my waist. He's way taller than I expected and had more weight as well. He's literally like twice my height and looked like he could win a hotdog eating competition and eat the competitors too. How am I gonna take him down?

"Have a seat here I'll call a ambulance." He took out his phone but I couldn't let him actually call them.

"Actually I don't think I stepped on glass maybe just a sharp rock, the pain should ease soon."

"Ah, that's good, I hope your foot heals well." He began to walk back to the boys. I really didn't want to do this.

"Aw but come on, you can't keep me company for a while?" I did my best pouty face and puppy eyes.

"I really gotta get back to what I was doing miss." He started walking back once more then I ran out of things to say and this happened.

"You don't wanna play with me instead? I was just on my way home anyways. We can play there." I gave him a seductive wink. I'm going to throw up.

He sat down next to me and ran him hand up my thigh. We were leaning against a brick wall on a bench and right when I led him into what he thought would be a kiss, I slammed his head into the wall as hard as I could. Of course not enough to kill him. I'm not a murderer.

He got knocked out so I ran down the alley way to Tae and Jeongguk and tried to wake them up.

"Hey Taehyung, Jeongguk. Hey! Oh my fucking God, get the hell up you shit heads!" I shook them at the same time and Tae woke up first.

"H-Hana?" He looked terrible, I'm so sorry Tae.

"I need you to carry Jeongguk back to the truck and start it okay?" My voice was shaky and I was sweating because of the humid.

"Wha- wait, why are you here?" Slowly realizing where we were, he looked around figuring it out himself.

"Damnit Tae. Just go, here!" I threw the keys at him. I helped him get Jungkook up and his arm around his shoulder.

"Look out!" He yelled pointing behind me with wide eyes. I ducked and a large piece of wood broke against the wall. The creepy man held a small piece of wood then threw it on the ground and instead threw a punch at me, good thing he can't aim. I told Tae to get Jeongguk to the truck and he did right then.

There was a pipe on the ground and I went under him to get it and swung it at his ankles. He tumbled to the ground yelling in pain from his, now, shattered ankle bone. Ouch. Before darting to the truck, being the smart ass I am, I said:

"There's some prostitutes on the next street, I'm sure you'd have a better chance with them." Then I hit him in the opposite shin and then ran off to the truck.

Where would Tae be without me?

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now