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-Taehyung's POV-

"Thank you" The man said. 

The nurse who had walked me here lightly grabbed my shoulder and gestured for me to leave the room.  I did as she asked with rivers of tears streaming down my red cheeks.   When we got out of the room we sat next to each other in chairs that were aligned on a wall.  She handed me a box of tissues that were on a nearby table.  She said to me:

"The paramedics were able to get her heart beating in the ambulance when they found her"  When I heard that, more tears poured out, not from sadness, from happiness, that she wouldn't die on the side of the road like an animal.

"We immediately sent her to have an emergency surgery on her abdomen." She rubbed my back while I was lunged over bawling into a handful of tissues.  I was able to get a few words out before continuing to cry.

"What ha.... What happened to....her"

"From the looks of it, she was attacked.  Two of her ribs are fractured while one is shattered.  We can identify that she was being kicked from the slight imprint of the bottom of a boot.  There looked to be a stab wound that slightly punctured her right lung which allowed blood to seep into her it." I could tell she was hesitant to tell me this seeing how upset I was.

"Who..." Was all I managed to say.

Before continuing, she let out a sigh.

"We have had a few other patients come in and we managed to get some DNA off of them from their attacker.  From the scratch on her cheek, we were able to get some nail particles from whomever did this and are still looking for the same attacker." 

He is still out there.  He's out there doing god knows what.  The man.  No.  The coward who attacked a female is still wandering the streets.

"His name" My tears were drying and my anger was rising.

"We do not have a name but we have a police sketch in the lobby.  I ask that you do not go out looking for trouble.  That girl on that operating table is fighting with everything she has to survive.  The surgery has lasted for nearly 5 hours and should be finishing within the next.  I cannot confirm that she will be awake anytime soon, but when she does, I know she would want to see you by her bedside.  From the way you rushed in here, to your reaction when you saw it was her, I can tell that she means a lot to you.  You both need each other in this time of recovery." She was right.  She means more to me than I thought she would ever mean.  I've dated a bunch of girls but all of them never made such an impact on my life like she has.  I got so mad that she put her life at risk for mine and Jeongguk's, if it were anyone else, I would've just said thank you.  But I yelled at her.  She keeps telling me that she can handle it but, even if she could take on an entire army, I hate it when she puts herself in such a dangerous situation. 

  Whilst in the middle of my thoughts the I assume, head surgeon, exited wiping his face with a sweat rag.  W made eye contact and I nervously waited for him to tell me if she's going to be OK.

"She is a very strong girl.  She should be fine but-" 
My mind proceeded to continue to assume chaotic endings.

"She is in a coma.  Some nurses will come and wheel her to her own room where we will keep a very sharp eye on her charts and response to the surgery." He tipped his head to me.

"We need to contact her parents as soon as we can, if you could bring us their contact information by tomorrow evening then we can see if she has insurance and how to pay the bill."  I bowed to him and saw him off.

  An hour later, they got Hana settled in her recovery room and I sat in a chair beside her bed and held her hand.  A nurse told me that sometimes if you talk to someone in a coma, they can hear you.  I decided to give it a try.

"You're so stupid you know that?  You do all these things and something bad happens or you get hurt.  This time, you died.  You fucking died Hana.. They said that the police found a fresh corpse on the side of the road.  I come to find out it was you...Don't you know how distraught..How I.."

  Tears uncontrollably poured out and onto her bedsheets.

"I can't even put into words what I felt.  Why do you do these things?  Do you enjoy seeing me in pain?  Are you trying to run me off?  I know that ever since middle school you never liked people to care about you.  You pushed those away who wanted to see if you were alright or if you need someone to talk to.  You always refused.  You can't run me off..  If you can hear me, I am here Hana.  Here to listen to anything you need to say or talk about.  Here if you want someone to cry into when you're sad.  If you need someone to tell you you're beautiful, I'll tell you how shameful you make these stars in the sky look and how you outshine them.  If you want to act like a child with someone, I'll gladly take your offer.  If you need someone to take care of you when you're ill, I promise I'll bring you the best soup in South Korea and cover you in the warmest blanket.  If you want to get shit face drunk, I'll make sure your safe and drive you home.  When you're mad and need to let your anger out, I'll take you to a mountain and we can scream together and let everything out.  If you need someone to love you..."

I paused.

Then let out a sigh.

"If you need someone to love you... I will love you unconditionally.  You and your reckless decisions.  Your crooked smile.  Your hilarious allergy to peanut butter.  Your undying love for theatre.  Your selflessness.  Your ability to make weary clothes look like designer clothes.  Your aura that gives off a tough girl vibe.  Your charisma that give off an angelic vibe.   If you need someone to love you, I will love you and every single part of you the way you are."

Not the way I would love you.

"The way I love you.  The way I will still love you when you wake up.  I won't let you suffer alone anymore Hana.  I promise that I will protect you until the day I die.  All I ask.. is to see you open your eyes.  Please."

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