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After running for a while I slowed down and looked behind me to see if they were still chasing me. Good news is, they were no where to be seen.

I walked through a gate leading into a place that was way too familiar. Stepping along the path between headstones and bouquets of flowers until I sat on my knees in front of two.

"Hi Mom, hi dad, it's the 12th again. I know it's not healthy to come here so often but, I have to update you guys every month or you won't be caught up." I fell over sitting on my side and continued rambling about recent activities.

"There were two guys who tried attacking me today, it's been awhile since that last happened. But I wasn't afraid because I was raised by two tough parents. A Navy Seal father, and a dope retired boxing champion mom." My smile was large but, I knew it was fake. Mom and dad knew it too.

"There's this guy, Tae or Kim Taehyung, he's a dickhead and he wants me to lie to his dad but I can't. He asked me to pretend to be his tutor when his dad calls so he won't be forced to live with his new stepmom and be unhappy. I know what you'd say dad. 'Go with your heart.' I'm sure moms right beside you flicking your forehead saying 'That's so cheesy.' While laughing." My smile had completely faded and i checked the time and saw that it said 5:18 P.M. and 4 missed calls.

"I gotta get home and attempt to study for exams in the winter. I love you guys, bye." I kissed my fingertips on both hands before touching the top of their headstones and leaving.

It was a long and quiet walk back to my worn out apartment building. When I got to the mailboxes it was 8, I took out my messy keychain, opened it, and gathered all the week long built up mail that I've been too lazy to check.

When I reached my floor there was a sheet of paper that was taped to my door. I ripped it off and it read :

"Dear Miss Park Hana, I am sorry to inform you that your week to move out due to your recent eviction letter is up. A group of people went in and threw your belongings away as we are legally allowed to do with a weeks notice.

Manager Yun"

Tears blurred my vision as I went down to the managers desk to speak with him. I mean, "speak".

"what the hell?!" I slammed the note on his desk with my tears left on it.

"Hana, I gave you a notice last week, I put it in your mail. You haven't been paying your bills." He looked up at me from his seat adjusting his glasses.

"I told you, work has been slow and pay isn't covering it, I've been looking for extra jobs please!" I begged him.

"I'm sorry, I can't give you special privileges, I have to treat everyone the same." He had a bit of sympathy in his unreadable expression.

"But, you are one of my favorites, so I went in before them and packed two boxes of things I assumed were special to you." He got up and walked into his office that was behind him and came out with a large box stacked on top of another. I whipped my tears thinking this could've been worse and gave him a hug goodbye.

"I'm sorry, thank you sir." Some tears seeped into his blazer when I buried my face into his shoulder.

"No problem kid, don't do anything reckless okay?" I nodded separating the hug, picked up the boxes and left with the little pride that remained.

  By now it was 10:34 on a Thursday and I've been wandering around the neighborhood for almost 3 hours.  For it being the middle of summer, it was pretty cold outside it was maybe 50-60 degrees.  I was still in my school uniform and I hadn't worn my thick jacket today instead I wore my thin sweater.  My arms were numb and about to give out as well as my knees.  A familiar sound grew louder and louder until I could recognize it. 

  Tae's horrible engine.

  I turned to the street and he pulled up next to me with his elbow hanging out of the window.

"Isn't it a bit late to be taking a walk or whatever you're doing?"  He had some bruises and cuts on his face from what I can see.

I scoffed and faked a smile,
"Isn't it a bit late to be asking rhetorical questions?"  I didn't stop walking, and he didn't stop slowly keeping up.

"Touché."  His deep laugh made me look at him weirdly without meaning to.

"You have a cut on your leg."  He stopped the truck abruptly and jumped out taking the boxes out of my arms and setting them on the ground.

"Oh, it's just a little scratch."  Barley glancing down at the cut that I hadn't noticed before.

"Idiot.  That's not a scratch,  you need stitches."  He picked me up bridal style and put me in the passenger seat before placing my boxes in the back.  After he got in he instructed me to lean against  the door and rest my leg in his lap as he drove.

"Where are we going?"  I had my head rested on the back of the seat with my eyes getting heavier by the second.

"Hospital."  With his response, my eyes shot open and begged immediately not to go.

"Please please no, I can't go there."  I sat up straight and starred at him focused on the road.

"Why?"  His expression didn't change at all, but my mind went to what he had told me in the school parking lot.

"Don't ask stupid questions."  He laughed for a few seconds and he headed to a different destination.  I never thought I'd say or think this but,  thank you Taehyung.

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now