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-Taehyung's POV-

"Have you seen Hana?" It's been twenty minutes and after asking around I had learned that she ran out near the end of rehearsal.  Nobody knew or saw where she went which, doesn't help me at all.

The director brought me her bag that had her phone in it.  Great.

"If you find her, tell her she's out.  Her understudy will take over." He rudely gave me her things and stormed off.  I logged back to my truck that I left running directly outside the door.

I didn't have a better idea than to drive around the area looking for her, so that's what I did. 

  Four hours later and I have driven down every road that's in this city three times.  Maybe she went back to my house?  On my way back, I turned on the radio to hear the forecast for today since it was about 4 am.  Maybe listening to something will help relax my mind.

  I get home and she isn't here either, where could she possibly be?  I checked each room and even the back yard to see if anything looked as if it had been touched and to my luck, nothing.  I threw myself on the couch and turned on the TV.

"It's 4:45 am, and this morning the police has found a fresh corpse lying on the side of the road at 2 am.  For classified reasons, we cannot show the victims face."

My head was resting on the back of the sofa listening to the news anchor.

"But we are allowed to say that she looked to be 17-19 years old with long dark brown hair she was also found in a large white dress."

  My head shot up and started at the screen with wide eyes.

"Unfortunately we do not know her name and have not heard back from the hospital to assure you who she is."

It's not her.

"If you have any idea who she may be, please head to Yonsei Hospital to-"

Before anything else could be heard, he was already in his truck speeding to the hospital.

It's not her, it can't be her, it is not Hana. 

The entire drive there, all he could think about was an image of her lying on a metal table, whiter than a sheet of paper, lifeless.  The thoughts never left his mind.

He pulled into the parking lot and recklessly parked in a spot before running inside the emergency doors asking to see the body.

"I need to see who it is." He was out of breath. 

"Follow me". The nurse with short black hair led him into the elevator and hit a button.  His mind was in constant chaos.

As the elevator closed the nurse began to speak.

"Before you see her, I need you to know that if its the person you think, then we need her belongings as evidence."

For the first time, I closed my eyes and held my hands up to the bridge of my nose and prayed.  I prayed for it not to be her and that if it isn't, that the family of the girl is safe and protected.  I prayed that if I see the face of this girl, and it's Hana; that she doesn't look down on me and sees me crying.  I pray that God can hear me.  That he can guide her.  That he can guide me.

The elevator reaches the floor that she pressed and we stepped out.  The first thing I saw was a short hallway with blue jacket-like materials.  The nurse handed me a mask and put one on herself. 

What is this?

I put the mask on and followed her through a door leading into a small room.  There was a button on the wall with a speaker over it.  She pressed it and held it down while saying into the speaker:

"I may have a boy who can identify the girl with me."

After releasing the button, someone buzzed through the other side and said:

"Bring him in". Then there was a long buzz with a click that I assumed unlocked the door.

The nurse slightly opened the door then looked at me.

"Are you ready?" Was I?  Was I ready to face someone who may be this girl that I've been looking after?  A girl who I've known for so long and just now decided to become a figure in her life?  Was I ready to possibly come face to face with a girl that has brightened my personality and brought out a part of me who I shut away?  I wasn't.  I wasn't ready to see the girl who saved my life lie on a table with a heart that stopped beating because I wasn't there to save her.  I wasn't ready to tell another important person in my life goodbye.  I wasn't ready to face the truth.  I was not ready to see a lifeless girl that I was supposed to protect, dead.

"I'm ready".

She opened the door and I walked behind her into a semi-dark room.  There were many people surrounding a table with blue covers over them in the same masks and wearing head covers.  It smelt like metal and the air was coated with a strong scent of sanitization. 

"Carefully walk towards the man with the orange head over." She said stepping out of my way.  Watching my steps, I make my way to the man.

Is this a surgery room? 

When I reached the man he turned to me and said:

"Son, can you identify this young lady?"

He stepped aside, showing a face with a clear tube running down her throat and a strand of dark brown hair peeking out of a cap.   Her eyes were shut and her skin was noticeably smooth.  From those features it could've been anyone.  I noticed a scar on her right earlobe.  Tears formed quicker than I could notice who it was. 

Voice cracking, blurry vision, and shaky knees couldn't keep my mind from comprehending who was in front of me.

"Son?". He looked at me.

"This girl" my mind silenced "her name is.." my heart broke.

It's her.

"Park Hana"

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