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It was 3 in the morning and I was having trouble sleeping. Maybe because I slept in the car or maybe because of what had happened. I didn't feel like myself, but in the best way possible. I felt like a new version of me, like I had just unlocked a new chapter in life.

The curtains were still pulled back so the light from the moon was pouring in. I starred at the clouds that were floating over the moon while an arm pulled me closer.

He pulled me closer to him. My naked back to his bare chest, an arm thrown over my side and legs tangled beneath us. His breath was warm on the back of my neck.

All I could think about was the 'what ifs'.

What if we weren't going to last?
What if things become strange after this?
What if the girls at school find out?
What if he hadn't spoken to me that one day?
What if I denied him?

These thoughts were making me squirm and toss myself over.

"Hey, you okay?" A groggy deep voice escaped him.

"Yea, trouble sleeping, yknow?"

"Is something bothering you?" He asked.

"No, I've had trouble sleeping for the passed few days, I slept in the car bc I think I was just so exhausted."

"If there's anything bothering you, we can talk about it if you would like to, you know I'm always here for you." His reassuring words were enough to make me chance my mind and let my mind speak itself.

"Do you think that what we did will change our relationship?" I could feel him sit up on his elbow to see the side of my face as he hovered above it now.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, earlier, does that change anything?"

He took a breath and sat all the way up so his back was on the head board.

-hours earlier-

There wasn't much to watch on the hotels cable options besides an old jewelry infomercial, Naked and Afraid, and Barney. I turned over on my side facing the window, buried myself under the comforter and began scrolling through my Instagram feed. Aimlessly going through peoples lives and what they put on the internet wasn't what I usually did when I was bored but in this situation, I didn't have much else to do.

The squeaking of the shower faucet turning off came through the walls, making me sit up in response. After a few minutes of clicking apps and closing them, the bathroom door opened and a damp Taehyung walked out.

"How was your cold shower?" I cheekily asked him.

"Well, cold showers are actually good for you but you wouldn't know that because you like to boil yourself like a little shrimp." He had the second robe on and a towel in his hand drying his hair while he walked over to the bed.

"Whatever, you're just a hater because you didn't get a hot shower."

"Well damn, we should've just shared the shower then." He knew that he threw me off guard from his sinister giggle he did after he saw my red face.

"Save water, live better-" I started.

"Gucci." He cut me off.

A annoyed sigh left my mouth after he pounced onto the bed beside me. He tossed the damp towel into the corner, snuck himself under the blanket and continued to squirm around until he got comfortable facing me.

"Let's play a game," he began. "The question game."

"Aren't you out of your teenage years?" I scoffed and laid down facing away from him.

"Come on! Until we fall asleep." He didn't give up until I finally gave in after he begged me for 5 minutes.

"Okay, I'll ask first," I said.

"Where the hell are we going?"

He furrowed his brows and rubbed his chin, "you see, it has to be questions I can answer."

"Oh and you can't answer that?"

"Nope. My turn! There was a rumor in grade 8 you kissed that foreign exchange student, what was his name?  Matthew? Is it true?" His voice mimicked a gossiping young girl.

"Actually his name was Marshall and, no" I took a breath and purses my lips.  "Who was your first kiss?"

"My first kiss..." he sounded shy, "ok so what had happened was there was this thing going on with my friends and I ended up a loser and my punishment was to kiss one of them."   His cheeks slightly turned pink.

"What about you Hana? Who was your first kiss?" 

"Mine happened when I was just a baby it was my mom" I decided to crawl under the blanket and just stare at the ceiling.

"No no no no, besides your parents" he cut me off.

"Oh" I paused. "Then I haven't had my first kiss."

His reaction was nothing new to me, old coworkers would make fun of me when they asked.

"For real? I would've assumed you would've gotten it in like grade 3 all awkward and shit." 

"No I was a real shy kid, especially back then." I plopped myself to face away from the window and was met with a friendly face inches away from mine.

"Now you're an annoying, flamboyant theatre nerd." He has both his hands together under his cheek, almost like a child. "Believe it or not, I used to be super shy too, like in elementary, I would only talk to my teachers because I was afraid of nobody liking me."

"A shy little Taehyung turned into a popular singer." I dryly laughed after I said that, "isn't the popular boy supposed to bully the theatre nerd? "

His playful grin had slowly faded into a more stern one. His gleam from his dark eyes turned more mature and deep.
"I tried that, didn't quite work for me."

The stigma was mysterious, I had never seen him like this. The Tae I knew was goofy and loud, this one in front of me has a more grim presence.

-warning: things get steamy 🌚-

He took his right hand and brought it up to my cheek and pushed the stray hairs away from my face. Then, ran his thumb in small circles on the surface of my skin and slowly moved it to my chin. His eyes slowly went from mine down to my lips and I couldn't help but do the same.  I felt his warmth radiate off his skin, his body heat was pulling me closer. 
We continued to get closer until there was nothing in between us but a hair.  He used his thumb and index finger to pull me all the way into the kiss.  For all those times that I've imagined this happening, it was nothing how I thought.  I thought it would have been more hesitant and awkward, but it felt right in every way.  He moved his lips with care and sensuality, very slow, but very active.  His hand had slid through my hair slightly pressing us closer, giving me chills.
He cautiously began kissing me with a more desperate pace, like he was hungrier. 
I repositioned my body a little closer with my left leg sliding over his and brought my hand on his cheek.  The quicker we moved, the more of my body came over on top of him.

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