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I woke up earlier than I normally do so I can get to school before Tae. Why am I mad at him, it's not like we're dating or anything. I don't even like him physically, he annoys me. I complained in my mind the entire way, and before I knew it, I was at the school gates.

I put my school blazer on and walked through the gates. Immediately students are already looking at me and whispering. That usually happens during lunch but I guess today's special. Two girls walked up to me and asked weird questions.

"Are you in a relationship with Taehyung?" The short one asked.

"A-" before I could answer the taller one interrupted me.

"Why were you seen with Taehyung and Jeongguk?" This one I'm gonna punch in the mouth.

I tried to get around them but of course, the taller on steps in front of me blocking my path.

"You didn't answer us." She crossed her arms and continued to chew her gum obnoxiously loud.

"Excuse me" I asked as politely as I could and tried to get around her once more. But of course, she decided to push me harder than expected causing me to fall. Students around us laughed and pointed, some even began recording hoping a fight would begin. I stood back up and almost screeched in pain when I notice I landed on my bag causing a few of the stitches to rip.

"I really need to get by you." I should get to the nurse before I bleed everywhere.

"Yeah, sure, right after you answer us." How can she possibly be so insensitive?

"I don't have to answer you, so please move." I'm not in the mood for her attitude.

"I think you do." She threw a punch at me and successfully hit my bottom lip, busting it.

"Alright you hit me, now move." Her little balloon fists couldn't hurt me.

She scoffed then threw a second punch, I already gave her one punch.

I dodged it and grabbed her wrist firmly, then, she tried to kick my side but I grabbed her leg. Since I'm a nice person I threw her leg back down so she wasn't flashing the students. I twisted her wrist and lightly pressed her against the wall so she couldn't try and hit me anymore.

"Next time you want to fight someone, make sure they don't know how to fight." I let her go and limped towards the nurse with small drops of blood running down my leg. Students still watched me like I was a clown walking through a funeral.

Once I got to the hallway where the nurse was I heard girls squealing and giggling way too loud. Tae must be here now. I didn't turn around or even glance in that direction, just kept walking to the nurses office.

I reached the nurses office and told her about my leg and that I got it from falling somewhere.  I didn't have to lie but I don't want her asking hundreds of questions.

  She examined it thoroughly and told me that I should call my parents to take me to get it re-stitched.  After I told her that I don't have anyone to take me she offered to take me herself but I don't want to burden her so I just asked her to wrap some gauze around it and I'll go to the hospital after school.  Well, she thought I'd go, we both know that I won't.

  After she bandaged me up, I walked to my first block which was history.  I was early so there wasn't many students in class,  some were still eating breakfast in the cafeteria.  I had a killer head ache and decided to lay my head down to relax.  The screaming in the hall increased so i was positive one of the popular  dance members that went here were in the halls.  There's only 4 that come to school the other 3 graduated.  So it was either Jeongguk, Jimin, Hoseok, or Tae.  I remember someone saying that Namjoon should  still be in school at his age but he graduated early because of his IQ level.

  I put my headphones in to take away some of the screaming girls and before I knew it I fell asleep.


  I wasn't able to sleep at all last night, I was thinking about what had happened with Hana.  Once I got to school there was a crowd in the hall but, even with my height, I couldn't see anything with all the students blocking me.  I could've sworn that I heard her voice.  Once I finally pushed through everyone, all I saw was two girls with their mouths open in shock. 

"Who does she think she is."  The short girl looked scared but the taller one had a furious look.

"I'm definitely gonna tell the group and then she'll get what she deserves."  Are they talking about Hana?

"Excuse m-"   Right when they heard my voice their eyes sparkled and they looked like children.

"Oh my god Taehyung!"  One of them brought their hands together and smiled widely.

"By any chance were you talking about Park Hana?"  Before I never really minded having girls drool over me but today's different for some reason.

"Oh yea,  she just knocked me down and threatened me!"  Wow ~ she must've hit her head.

"Do you know where she went?"  I continued to look around for her waiting for her answer but all she said was

"Why?  Has she stolen from you?!  I wouldn't be surprised,  poor girl can't even afford lunch here."  Hana wouldn't steal from anyone, right?

"Sorry, gotta go". I darted off searching the halls for her but I can't find her.  Her first class is history right?

  I get to her class and there's no one there besides her.  Her headphones were in, I wanted to talk to her but, I didn't want to disturb her.  I sat in the seat in front of her and saw that her hair was covering her eyes,  I moved her hair to see her eyes and her eyes were closed.   I put my arms on the back of the chair and rested my chin on them.  She looks so peaceful.

"Why did you leave?  You know,  I wasn't able to sleep at all last night because I was too busy being worried about you?"  I whispered making sure I wasn't going to wake her.

"I never did thank you for saving me and Jeongguk.  I probably did but, thank you again.  I never thought that someone like you, would make me see the world differently."  I scoffed embarrassed at my own words.

"I'm sorry for being a asshole yesterday.  I know there's more to what you're telling me, but I don't want to pressure you into telling me.  If one day you want to tell me, then I'm here to listen."  A few moments of silence passed before I finished.

"You don't deserve to go through anything alone so, just... Let me be there for you... Okay?"   I gave her a light peck on her forehead before leaving.  Students began to enter the room and the bell was about to ring so I left and dashed down to my classroom. 


  Still keeping my eyes shut, a tear escaped and dropped off the bridge of my nose.  The silence from my headphones that weren't plugged in filled my mind with everything that I had just heard. 

  Taehyung, I can't do that.

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