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  It's been half an hour and I've run out of tears.  I'm afraid that if I don't talk to him soon then... I'll loose the one person that I've actually come to care about in almost 4 years.  We haven't spent that much time together I know but, these few days he's nursed my wound, fed me, made me laugh, and actually fucking worried about me.  I can't just sit here and let him feel bad because I don't know how to let people in.

  But...what if he really doesn't care and he's only pretending to?  I've been played, used, cheated on, hell, I've been abused.  You'd think I'd recognize the bad guys by now.  I'm not even afraid of getting hurt anymore, I'm afraid of hurting him.  And that's exactly what I'm doing!  I'm hurting this boy who might actually give a shit about me!  I might drive away this angelic boy because I'm being an insensitive asshole!  I might lose this one ray of Sunshine that I've had in years!
  But why can't I move?

  It's been 50 minutes now and the bell rung,  it's lunch now,  I haven't eaten for a while I should at least drink something.  Nah, I'll drink something later, I just want to get some air.

  The roof was the best choice, I could see the sky closer, see the view better, and the air is more pure.  So I climbed two flights of steps until I'm met with a metal door that stands between me and tranquility.  I push the door open and a light breeze blows drying my damp cheeks.  I close my eyes and let the door shut behind me and once my eyes fluttered open, I saw someone I wasn't expecting.

  He must've been just as shocked as me, maybe even more.  We stood in the same spot for what felt like minutes,  until he steps forward like he's trying to catch something.  At the same moment, my vision is fading and I feel very lightheaded.


  I decided to sit on the roof to cool off, being around Hana makes my heart race.  I sat against a wall and dozed off while thinking of ways to apologize.  I don't remember dreaming about anything but before I could even begin to maybe dream, a loud metal clank woke me up.  I jumped up and looked towards the noise,  Hana?

  Our expressions were the same but our skin tones were way off.  She looks paler than usual. She looks terrible, is she okay?

Wait Hana? Hana!


  What's that sound?  Why does my head hurt?

  There's a repetitive beeping sound and it smells so clean.  My eyes slowly open up and the first thing I see is a hospital gown covered by two thin blankets.  There's also a IV tube connected to my left arm and a blood pressure finger press on my index finger.  I look to my right and I see Taehyung laying his head on the bed holding my hand with both of his.  The clock on the wall says it's nearly midnight,  the window isn't covered by the curtains allowing me to see all of the passing cars and the night sky that sparkled with billions of stars.

  Looking back down at Taehyung,  I can't help but be beyond thankful that he's in my life.  He's always been here when something goes wrong or I need help.  I think he's asleep maybe.  He's probably had a long day I don't want to wake him but, I need to see his ridiculously adorable smile.

  Lightly, I squeeze his hand and his head rises immediately.  His eyes look puffy and pinkish/red, like he's been crying.  I don't say anything and just stare into his eyes like its the very first time I've seen them. 

  Tears brimming to his eyes he leans forward and hugs my waist and sobs.

"I thought I lost you".  Is all he said before continuing to let out his emotions.  I can't help but shed a few droplets of tears into his wavy blonde hair before wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It's okay, I'm still here."  My voice breaks mid-sentence.  He's so pure and loving,  why is he getting involved with someone like me?  His heart is so kind and he cares endlessly.  I let him hold me as long as he wanted because it's the least I could do for hurting him so bad.  He held on for a little over 5 minutes and then sat up and wiped his under eye.

"What happened to me?"  I don't remember anything from after my vision started to blur.

"You fainted I think and I didn't know what to do so I brought you to the emergency room.."  He's holding my hand so tightly that I can feel his heart beat through the pressure.

"The doctor said your blood sugar was really low, I think he said it was about 13 mL".   His voice shook a little bit.  I was shocked,  it's never been that low before.

  The doctor walked in with his metal clipboard and a pen in his hand.

"It's a miracle that you're alive.  If your blood sugar is under 20 mL you have a possible chance of dying.  You're a very lucky lady that this young man brought you here when he did."  I turned to Tae after he said that to find him already looking at me.

"I really am aren't I"  a small grin was forming on both of your faces and soon broke into awkward smiles.

"If you're in a hurry to get home then you can check out in the next hour,  but, we would advise you to stay over night to be sure that you're fully healed."   It didn't really sound like he gave us much of a choice.  I looked at Tae and he said:

"I'd rather us stay over night and make sure you'll be okay rather than, at 3 am you having a seizure."  He's so cute when he cares.  I nodded and turned back to the doctor and he had already written it on his clip board and left the room.

"Wait you said us?"  Did he say us?  He said us.  Oh my.

"Yep, us.  Now scoot."  I moved to my left and he got up on the bed beside me and put his arm around my neck and naturally, I cuddled him.  And man; he can cuddle.



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