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"Miss Park? Miss Park!" A loud snapping sound and a thud woke me from my short nap. I look up with terrible blurry vision and see my english teacher leaning in starring me down like she was going to decapitate me any second.

"Oh sorr-". Before I could finish my apology she cut me off and told me to wait outside the class room with a stack of 3 large textbooks balanced on my head until lunch began, which was 45 minutes away. Way to go.

After Mrs. Lee handed me 3 large books that will probably break my neck, she went back into the class room and shut the door. I balanced the biggest book first then the second largest on top and then the smallest last. About 15 minutes went by and my neck felt like it would snap any second.

  My stomach began to growl violently, I'm pretty sure the students in the class over could hear it. If I don't eat in the next 5 minutes I'm going to die of hunger. Like the healthy person I am, I skipped dinner last night and didn't get the chance to have breakfast because I decided to be late for class.  Again.

"You look horrible" I heard someone say from down the hall walking my direction. It was Kim Taehyung, we've been in the same classes for years.

"When do I not?" I responded removing the 10 pound stack of unneeded knowledge.

"Fair point." He laughed.


"What'd you do this time?" He asked. I'm not what you'd consider a "good student" the teachers placed bets on which teacher would get me. For Tae, some teachers even bribed the principle to keep him out of their class.

"All I did was fall asleep, why do you assume Im a horrible student in class?" I glared.

"Well, because you once threw a used toothbrush at our freshman year biology teacher."

"He was talking about DNA I was just being a good student and gave him something he could use as an example." I poorly defended myself but i will admit, he had it coming.

My stomach growled again and this time Tae laughed so loud that Mrs. Lee heard.

"Really? Again Taehyung? And I expected more from you Hana. Both of you, to the principals office." She said that and went back into her lair and or, her classroom.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath but I guess he still heard me.

"Hm?" He turned towards me and kept walking.

"If I get detention again they'll call my brother and I'll be expelled." I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sign.

"Then why don't we just not go to the office?" He asked that like it was obvious, which, it kind of was.

"Won't the teachers eventually find out?" I actually considered that. I at least expected more from myself at this moment too.

"I'll tell them I took you to the nurse because you passed out from not eating." I envy him for being so smart but that's also why I hate him.

"Then they'll ask the nurse if that's true." I have no clue if they will or not but, still might as well throw it out there.

"I'll take care of that lets go." He grabbed my hand and we darted down the halls and into a janitors closet at the end of the hall that no one ever used. I mean, never.

"Why are we h-". He cut me off.

"Shut up." He took down a poster that covered most of the back wall and behind it was a door.

"What the hell." I muttered.

  He twisted the knob and pushed on the door with all his body weight. Something on the other side made a loud scratching noise. Once it was open I saw that it led to outside behind the school. What made the scratching sound behind it was a large trash bin that covered the entire door, it was empty because people hardly ever come back here.

"How did you find that door?"  I was still in shock from the hidden door.  Even though it's probably not that magical and all but, it's a door that gets you out of school without anyone knowing.  That's pretty magical.

"Don't ask stupid questions."  Was all he said in return. 

"Alright, well then, where are we going?"  I tried keeping up with him, there's a major height difference he's 5'11 and I'm an astounding 4'11

"I just said don't ask stu-"  if this boy doesn't answer my question I'm gonna punch him in the neck.

"I know what you just said!"   I'm pretty small but my temper isn't meant to be so bad for a tiny person.

"Calm down before you explode."  He didn't look at me or anything but show his signature boxy smile.  I hate him so much.

  After a bit of walking we got to a old black truck that had paint chipping off.  My toaster looks better than this old thing.

"Get in."  He said getting into the drivers seat.  I didn't ask questions i just wanted to be out of that shitty school so I did as he said and got in the passenger seat.

"Where's the seat belt?"  I looked around where it's supposed to be.

"Oh the seatbelt for that seat broke so you'll have to sit in the middle."  Are you kidding me?  The seat that's right next to him.  I'd rather be strapped to the hood of the truck.

"I'll just walk home"  I reached for the handle and before I could touch it he grabbed my arm restricting me to reach any further.

"Just sit in the middle.  Trust me."  I wasn't scared of him one bit, I probably should've been but today isn't the day I decided to care.  Truly, I didn't want to walk home so I moved to the middle seat and buckled my seatbelt.

  The engine sounded terrible,  he probably hasn't gotten it checked in a few years.  The truck began to move and we left the school zone and he drove around for a bit until we reached a cafe.  Thank god.

"I'm gonna go on a limb and assume you're still starving?"  He parked and took the keys out of the ignition before jumping out. 

"Wait!"  I jumped out as well and sadly said,

"I don't have any money". My head drooped down in shame.

"I guess you'll just owe me a favor later then."  He didn't even turn around to see my acting.  I wasn't acting about not having money that couldn't be more sincere, but the sad face?  I was gonna make him buy me a muffin one way or another.

Bully [k.th] | Completed Where stories live. Discover now