We can use the Lost Boys to our advantage.

I stopped when i felt that i wasn't alone "Which one of you is it?"

I turned around and saw Aaron there.

Aaron smiled "hey, Echo"

I smiled "Hey, Aaron"

Aaron "what are you doing here?"

I shrugged and held the chocolate bar up "you want chocolate. I thought you might like the taste of something sweet"

Aaron "no"

Me "i don't wanna hurt you. I just want you to deliver a message to Henry"

Aaron "why should i help you?"

Me "Because your Boss fancies me"

He grabbed the Chocolate bar and i smiled.

Then he threw it away and i rolled my eyes annoyed.

Aaron "that doesn't mean my loyalty is with you"

Me "That scratch on your cheekbone. Who gave it to you?"

Aaron "Henry"

I smiled.

Aaron "Henry is a Lost Boy now. "

My smile dropped.

Aaron"your boy is one of the most vicious new recruits we've had in ages. "

Me "are you going to help me or not?"

Aaron shook his head "no"

Me "you do realize i was just asking to be polite, right? Because i don't care about an answer since you're going to do exactly what i want"

Aaron "how is that?"

I walked to him, smiling and then i ripped his heart out.

He gasped.

I smiled at it.

Then i took my compact mini makeup mirror out and broke it in half.

I shoved it into his pocket "you're gonna give that to Henry. "

Aaron shook his head"no"

I did some magic on his heart and he left.


I walked back to the camp with the heart in my hand.

The girls looked at me.

Emma "Did it work?"

I shook my head "no. "

Regina "So you used plan B?"

I nodded "Yes"

Snow asked confused "There wasn't a plan B"

I nodded "There was. Well, for Regina and i."

Then i showed her the heart and the mirror.

Snow's eyes widened "what did you do?"

Me "The boy didn't want to listen so i ripped his heart out. I broke my mirror in half and told him to give Henry the other half so we can talk to him."

Snow asked disappointed "how could you?"

I snapped "When you've spent the same amount of time i did on this island, and after you've been through everything i've been through then i'll let you scold me, okay? but until then let someone who's been here before take care of things."

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