I stick my hand out, "come on, get it over with."

"You think this is fucking funny?"

"No, but you do have a news paper so."

He aggressively unfolds it in front of me and the head line says "Missing girl seen."and it has a picture of me.

It happened all last night when Sawyer was yelling at me. Someone probably heard and snapped a picture of us. A women spotted us from her apartment above, it says she saw " a girl with really curly hair" being yelled at by a "large dark haired man."

Now everyone knows that I'm not a runaway but a kid napped victim.

"Well?" Sawyer says.

"Maybe if you weren't yelling at me. That's obviously what caught her attention."

"No what caught her attention was your hair. I bought you a hoodie for a reason."

I laugh, "sure, go ahead. Make this my fault. After getting my face peeled off, how dare I forget that my attacker pulled down my hoodie. Bad Opal." I roll my eyes.

"So you think this is a fucking joke?"

I look up at him, "No I don't think it's a joke. It's a serious problem. The real joke is," I wave from him to me, "you've been sulking all day, brooding."


"It's like you're just itching for me to screw things up so you can yell at me. It's your favorite past time. It would have been easier if you came to me calmly and said we have a problem, but no? Where would the fun be in that?"

"You think I enjoy..."

I stop him, "I don't know or care what you enjoy. But I do know what you'd like, and that's probably for me to be gone. Besides I'm the one causing the biggest problem."

"What?" He questions.

"Was this your plan? Make me miserable so I'd just slip away?"

"You're ridiculous."

"If I'm too much of an inconvenience I'd rather you grow some balls and tell me straight to my face."

I brush pass him and walk away. I don't get far, I bump into Jospeh and Avery.

"Where is Daniel and Evan?" I question.

"They're getting a car."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Not if it's under someone else's name."

Sawyer catches up to me and he's still fuming. He manages to convince Jospeh that he has a friend we can stay with. But that I first need a disguise.

Sawyer takes me to a near by park. The restrooms are locked but he easily opens it. He checks to see if the water works and he hands me hair dye and a hair straightener.

"Get rid of that." He says pointing at my hair.

"I can just keep my hood on."

"Tried. Failed."

He walks out of the bathroom.

I look down at the hair dye box and sigh out. I've never dyed my hair. My hair is brown and I have no idea if the dye Sawyer got would even change my hair.

Avery knocks and I turn to see her standing at the door.

"I can tell you've never dyed your hair." She says as I stare at the box.


"Well I can. I used to work at a hair salon." She shrugs.

She helps me dye my hair and we sit talking about how her parents never cared what she's did so she did everything parents were against just to get their attention but it never worked.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now