🐝Fem Part 2🌵

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*Rye's POV*
Here I was sitting in front of all the boys. Explaining everything that was going to happen today. My eyes kept meeting Andy's and I couldn't help but smile.

He was the first person to know. The first person to except me. The first person I was completely head over heels for.

I finally finished and all the boys seemed to split but Andy just went to my side.

"How are you doing baby girl?" He whispered in my ear. He hasn't stopped calling me this since he found out. He knew I loved it. But for my protection he was always careful making sure none of the boys heard.

"I just want to go back to my room," I said turning to him being completely honest. I was wearing on of Andy's jumpers which made me feel safe but the pair of joggers and boxers I was wear just made me so uncomfortable.

I hated this. I really did. "I'm not going to push you but you can tell them. They aren't going to judge you," he said. I went to answer but Robbie walked in with the vlog camera facing us.

"Randy caught in action," he said and I smiled and quickly kissing Andy knowing the fans wanted it and I did as well. We all started laughing.

Brooklyn walked in quickly getting in the shot making sure to ruin the Randy content. "All the fans know Brandy and Rylyn are better than Randy," he said and Robbie quickly booed him and started chanting we want Randy and Andy and I joined in.

This mess continued for a bit till we all went out separate ways again. Andy had to go into the home studio with a couple of the boys well I went with Robbie, Alex, and Conner to make sure we had everything for the shot.

It took hours to prepare and we finally managed to get everything set up. Everyone had records except me and the group stuff was happening tomorrow. We just need to get the solos out of the way and film a few videos we had already recorded.

We decided that I would record after we did a few shots for the band so we did that and then Brook, Jack, and Sonny went to bed. I went to the studio and waited for Andy to get there.

Charles has taught him as much as he could but couldn't make it here today so Andy took over and got what he thought sounded good. He was going to have Charles go over it tomorrow just to make a few extra changes. But for now we had what we need from the rest of the boys.

Andy walked in carrying a bag. "Hey babygirl," he said and I couldn't help but blush. I watched as he walked over to me and our lips met once again.

He pulled out a bag. "I got you something," he said and I couldn't help but smile. I pulled out a croptop. It was red. I looked up at Andy smiling.

"You've always looked good in red and I couldn't stop thinking of how you would look in that," he said. I didn't hesitate to pull off his jumped and slip on the croptop. I expected it to be a lot tighter on me but it clung to my body nicely and I could see Andy's eyes light up as he watched me in the shirt.

"You are beautiful," he said and was once again bringing his lips to mine. "You are amazing," he said kissing me again. "I just want you to be mine babygirl," he said a lot quieter kissing me once more.

"I want to be yours," I said kissing him again and I felt his hands slid under my shirt feeling my body.

"I can't believe you are this beautiful," he said his eyes scanning over my body again.

"You don't have to wear these. Not around me," he said motioning towards my joggers. "I just need you to be happy."

I was slow to tug off my joggers, my boxers following. I had made sure to wear a pair of breifs on under it. It was the only thing keeping me from being overly uncomfortable. But as soon as the rest of my clothes came off I felt happier.

Andy's lips were on mine again. "You are so beautiful," he said and his hands grazed over my legs and he slipped them up to my face.

"God, I love you," he said and kissed me. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him. There was nothing but love in the kiss and I couldn't be happier.

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