🙈Panic Attack Part 2🌵

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Requested by forever_brooklyn

*Andy's POV*
It's been a week since Brooklyn had his panic attack. Out of respect for him I didn't tell the other boys. If he wanted to tell them then he could but it wasn't my place to tell them. I mean I know how embarrassing they are.

Ever since then though he's been attacked to my side. Not wanting to go anywhere without me. It didn't bother me but I knew he couldn't be like this forever.

Right now we were all sitting around the table just talking. Jack was looking for something to make and you could tell he was getting frustrated. "I'm going to the store," he finally says, "Does anyone want to come with?"

I looked over at Brook and he instantly grabbed my arm, making a claim that he wasn't going without me. "You should go," I whispered in his ear. He just shook his head. "Brookie, you can't be with me one hundred percent of the time. You can go out for a bit. Jack will be with you," I whispered and finally he sighed, standing up and getting his shoes on.

"Yeah, I'll go with," he said and I could see the fear in his eyes at just having to be away from me. But I believed in him. I really did.

They left and I went upstairs laying in my bed. It was weird without Brooklyn here. I'll be honest. I had really gotten used to it and I liked the younger boys company.

I pulled out my phone and decided to look at things from the fans well I wait. I scrolled through everything in our tagged photos but everything seemed to be towards me. And it wasn't good.

Why is there a day guy in the band?

He can't even sing

They all probably hate him

How the hell is he still in the band?

Each thing seemed to get worse and worse. Some things going a lot more personal. I felt my chest tighten so I threw down my phone. I couldn't deal with that.

I tried to calm myself down but the pain was there. The spiralling in my head was already going and pushing the thoughts away was no longer an option. I felt the tears falling down my face now. I felt my constricted breathing and I knew there was no stopping it anymore.

I've always been terrible at stopping my panic attacks from happening so I just let them go till they stop on their own or I pass out.

I tried to move to a more comfortable position but it was impossible. I felt like I was already dying. The air in my lungs getting less and less. The panic and fear in my body just building by each second.

My body was already beginning to ache. I could take the tears on my lips. But I couldn't stop them. I couldn't stop my body from shaking the way it was. I couldn't stop how I felt.

My thoughts began to lose focus. I didn't know my left from my right. I could hardly remember my name. But there was one thing in my mind that was clear as day. Brooklyn.

I don't know why but I knew I needed him. I knew that he could help me. I looked around for my phone but it wasn't anywhere near me. I seen it on the floor near the end of my bed.

I pulled my shaking body together and tried to stand. I made it a couple steps before collapsing. My shaking legs could no longer hold me up.

I crawled my way to the end of bed and grabbed my phone. My body was now completely exhausted. I had hardly any hair left in my body. Maybe my inhaler would help but I didn't know where that was.

I could hardly move. The darkness at the edges of my vision were already trying to take over. I would have let them but my mind was still screaming Brooklyn. So I grabbed my phone and opened it.

I managed to call him. "Andy?" He asked and I could tell he was already worried. I tried to answer but I couldn't get anything out. "Andy? Andy what's going on?" He said there was even more panic in his voice. "I-I n-need you," I was able to stutter out. It was so quiet I was scared he wouldn't hear it.

"We're almost there. I'll be up there soon. Just stay on the phone with me," I nodded. My mind wasn't registering what he was saying anymore. My body was just so weak and I couldn't breathe.

My grip on the phone was growing weaker and weaker and it eventually fell out of my hand. I heard Brooklyn gasp and say shit.

I felt must gasping for air. I still couldn't get air into my lungs and it was burning. My chest was burning. I couldn't breathe. I still couldn't breathe.

Everything was jumbling together. I couldn't hear Brooklyn anymore. There was nothing soothing for me anymore. Just panic, fear, and pain.

I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier. It was just getting harder to focus. Then I felt arms go around me. I was being lifted onto someone's lap.

I reminded myself of a doll. So limp. "Andy. Andy focus," I heard someone say but I was too far gone into the darkness to realize who it was or if it was real.

Then I felt someone lips against mine. All the pain came back full force and I wanted to scream. I was gasping for air but it was still hard to breathe.

"Deep breaths," I heard Brooklyn's voice in my ear. He set me back on the ground and moved going to my drawer. He grabbed something and came back sitting next to me.

I watched as he shook his hand and then pulled off the cap of my inhaler. Of course he knew I needed it. Of course he remembered where it was.

He set it to my mouth and helped me, giving me a few puffs to help ease my breathing. It helped. The pain was still there but it definitely helped.

He then lifted me up and brought me to my bed, laying down with me. "You scared me," he said nuzzling his nose into my shoulder. "I should have been here," he said again. I grabbed his hand squeezing it. He looked up at me and I seen tears in his eyes.

I pulled him close to me, kissing his lips. "Y-you were here in the end. Y-you helped me," I said. He smiled this time. "We help each other," he said. "It will always be us," I said and he smiled laying his head in my chest.

I smiled as the younger boy drifted off to sleep. His quiet snores bringing me closer to sleep itself.

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