🍀Happy Birthday Jack🌵

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Requested by CarlyNicole1623

*Andy's POV*
Today was Jack's birthday and I wanted to do something special for him. I haven't gotten much time about it because of all the work we've had to do and our busy schedule.

But now that it was his birthday, we have a small break. Just for the day. And since he was passed out I had plenty of time to think about it.

I knew I wanted to take him somewhere, just us. Ever since we've started dating it has been hard to find alone time for just us.

I knew Jack didn't care for restaurants. If I brought him I knew he wouldn't care but he just wasn't the most comfortable at them. So I got out a pen and paper and wrote down all the things I needed for the plan I was starting to form in my head.

*Jack's POV*
I woke up to an empty bed. Which was normal but I just hoped Andy would stay today and just cuddle with me.

I got up and quickly took a shower. Then got dressed and walked downstairs. I was instantly engulfed into a hug as I stepped into the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday Jack!" Brooklyn yelled stepping back from me. I smiled and then heard Rye and Sonny tell me happy birthday.

"Where's Andy?" I asked. I couldn't help but ask. I didn't see my boy anywhere.

"Oh, he went out with Rob for a bit," Rye said sitting down. I sighed and sat down on the couch. Brooklyn came over and cuddled with me. I guess he could tell how much I wanted Andy here.

*Andy's POV*
I just finished gettimg everything I need and had Robbie take me back home. But instead of going back home I started walking out into the woods near our house.

I knew there was a little clearing that opened up to a lake. It was the perfect spot.

Once I got there which took quite awhile. I set everything up. I must have been there for hours making sure everything was perfect. But I had to because it was for Jack.

*Jack's POV*
I perked up when I heard the door open. I watched as Robbie walked into the kitchen with no Andy and I was instantly upset again.

"Where's Andy?" I asked Robbie standing up. "I don't know. He said he had a few more things to do and took off." I sighed and walked up to my room. Laying back down.

I missed him and I just wanted to spend the day with him. The rest of the boys were here but it wasn't the same as having Andy here.

I waited staring at the ceiling for awhile before finally going on my phone and answering Roadies birthday messages. Thanks to my Instagram being shut down, I had to do it from the band account which wasn't all bad.

I looked out the window and seen that the sun was already setting and I still hadn't seen Andy all day. I sighed and decided to call him. It rang for a bit but then went to voicemail.

I just laid down rolling over and pulling the blanket over my head. He must have forgotten. He's been really busy lately and that has to be the reason he isn't here. He just forgot it was my birthday.

*Andy's POV*
There was hardly any sun left in the sky when I got home. I was quick to get in the house knowing Jack and I needed to leave now but when I walked in I found all the boys in the kitchen but him.

"Where is he?" I asked. "He went back to his room. He seems really upset Andy," Brook said and I sighed. I felt bad for not talking to him all day but I knew the surprise would be worth it in the end.

I walked upstairs and straight into Jack's room. "Hey, baby, come on get up. We have somewhere to go," I said shaking him lightly. He tried to get away from my touch but it didn't work.

"Please get up," I said and this time he turned looking at me. "We have somewhere to go," I said kissing him lightly on the lips.

That seemed to give him enough energy to get up. So Jack and I walked downstairs and we told the boys bye and we left.

Jack was confused but he went along with it and he let me lead the way, with our hands interlocked together tightly.

It was a silent walk but it seemed to go a lot faster with Jack. And once I got to the clearing I heard Jack gasp.

"Happy Birthday baby," I said as he looked at all the lights I had hung around the place. At the blanket on the ground with candles around it and a vase with roses on it along with a basket.

"I thought you had forgotten," he said turning to me and kissing me. I pulled him in close but then stopped myself knowing we could easily get carried away. "I could never forget about you," I said as I lead him over to the blanket. We both sat down on the blanket and I pulled the basket over to me.

I was quick to start pulling out all of Jack's favorite foods. I could see the joy in his eyes. "You didn't have to," he said smiling. "Of course I did. I had to make sure I had all the best stuff for you," I said and his smile grew.

We both started eating, chatting the entire time. We sat there for what just seemed like hours eating and talking only.

Once we were both done, I cleaned up the stuff and set the basket aside. Jack tried to help but I refused to let him. This was his special day he didn't need to do a thing.

Once I finished I laid down, pulling Jack down with me. We both glanced up looking at the stars and smiling. I turned my head facing towards Jack and watched him as he looked up at the sky. He looked beautiful as always.

But today he had a different glow to his skin. A brighter shin in his eyes and I loved it. He looked absolutely stunning.

"I love you," I heard him say and our eyes met. Then our lips connected. I knew from that touch that it would always be us. Us and us only. Together against the world. I loved him and he loved me.

"I love you too baby," I said as I pulled away from him. He laid his head on my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair. It didn't take long before j heard quiet snores coming from my beautiful boy.

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