🐝Better Beaumont🌵😈

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*Andy's POV*
"I'm better and you know that," I heard Rye's voice carry through from the living room.

"Bullshit. You know I am one hundred percent better than you little brother," Robbie said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I walked in and they were standing face to face glaring at each other. This was one thing I loved about not having siblings. I never had someone to compete with like that.

I sat down on the couch and put in headphones just trying to drown out their loud voices.

I wasn't sitting there for long before I had someone poking at my shoulder. I looked up from my phone, pulling out one of the buds.

"What the hell do you want?" I said glaring at the two boys in front of me. "Tell Robbie that I am a better kissed," Rye said looking over at his brother with a proud smirk.

"No, I am not going to get in the middle of this. I am not going to get one of you mad at me for choosing a side. Plus I can't really make that decision even if I wanted to. I've only kissed one of you," I said as I go to put the ear bud back in my ear but I was once again stopped.

"Please Andy. Just this once and our arguments done," Rye said sticking his bottom lip out pouting. "Come on And, neither of us will be mad at you," Robbie said.

I sigh and got up and started walking out of the room. I was immediately stopped. "Andy, I am begging you. Just this once," Rye said holding onto my arm. "Well owe you," Robbie added and that's when I smiled.

"Fine," I said and I both boys cheered. "Both of you can kiss me once and then I'll decided," I added and both nodded quickly.

Rye was the first to pull me into a kiss and usually we just have a small little peck but he decided to take it further this time, pulling me close to him and licking my bottom lip for entrance. I refused and he squeezed my ass causing me to gasp and his tongue instantly go into my mouth.

After a little while we both pulled away gasping for air. I looked at Rye and there was a large smile plastered on his face.

Rye was pushed away and I left lips once again against my lips. Rye was a lot rougher than Robbie was. Robbie easily slipped his tongue in my mouth.

I felt Ryes lips on my neck littering small kisses up and down it and I couldn't help but let out a small moan into mine and Robbie's kiss as he bit down slightly.

Robbie pulled away with a smirk in his face and I knew what would happen if I didn't make a decision quickly.

But I couldn't. I couldn't even speak with all that had happened. I didn't want to either.

But the door opened to the kitchen and in walked Brooklyn, Jack, and Sonny all laughing.

I took this as my opportunity to say something, "Let's get this straight. I think I'm the better Beaumont," I just loud enough for the two brothers to hear. I then left the room knowing they would be standing there in shock.

I know it's short but another one I just randomly thought up and wanted to post early. I'm still working on write more chapters and have a few written that I can't wait to post but for now here's this.

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