🍀I'm Sorry🌵

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*Jack's POV*
It was getting harder now. I felt so alone in this house. Brooklyn was my closest friend but now he is always off with Sonny. Andy and Rye are usually doing their own thing and I never want to bother them. I just felt like at this point, all I did was annoy everyone. So to fix that problem, I decided to sleep. A lot more than I usually did.

I hardly ever left my room. Usually it was only to film. Sometimes the boys would make other plans after and it seemed like they would intentionally leave me out. On the rare occasions that they actually asked me to go, I would decline their offer. They probably just felt bad for me and that's why they wanted me to go with. If I don't, then it's alright because they won't care anyways.

I guess I was getting bad. I was depressed and I knew I was. This wasn't the first time I've felt like this. It comes and it goes and this time it just hit a lot harder. I wanted to be alone so badly but at the same time I wanted someone there for me. But if someone was here, then I'd be a burden and I couldn't do that to someone. So I'm stuck, by myself. Sleeping to ease it all away.

*Andy's POV*
"What's up with Jack?" I asked Brooklyn for the millionth time it seemed. I swear I asked him everyday but he was always the closest with him. "I don't know. I'm sure he's fine. You know how tired he gets," Brook says once again. But I couldn't believe that. Jack liked sleeping but he didn't like sleeping this much. Even when he was with us it was like he was in his own little world.

He just sat away from us quiet and watching us like we were aliens or something. I wish I could just read his mind and figure out what's going on.

I wanted to know what was wrong so badly. I walked upstairs and straight to Jack's room. I knocked once but got no answer so I walked in knowing he was sleeping.

I was right, he was passed out on his bed. I sat next to him running my hand through his hair and moved his head towards the movement making me smile. "Jack, can you wake up please," I say softly to him. At first he just shakes his head, but I repeat it a little louder to him and he jumps awake.

I could see the tears forming in his eyes and I felt so bad for scaring him. "It's okay, Jack. It's okay," I say quietly but it didn't stop the tears. I pulled him close to me and just hugged him as he cried into me. It seemed like something he has been holding back for a long time.

I hugged him tightly, rubbing his back and running my fingers through his hair just trying to calm him down. Eventually he did. But he never moved from my grasp.

"I-I'm sorry," Jack stuttered out and before I could ask why he was already telling me, "I'm sorry for being a failure, I'm sorry for locking myself away, I'm sorry for making you all hate me and annoying you guys, I'm sorry for everything wrong I've done in the band, I'm sorry for making it harder to film, I'm sorry for sleeping all the time, I-I'm sorry..."

"Stop Jack. You have no reason to be sorry for any of those things and you definitely do not annoy us. We love you Jack. None of us could hate you. We're all just worried about you. Especially me. I just wanted to know what was going on. If I knew things were this bad, I would have come a lot sooner," I said kissing the top of his head. It was meant to just be a comforting thing.

"You are our brother Jack and we love you. You will always be one of us and never feel sorry for struggling. But if you are, promise me that you will find me," I said making him look me in the eyes.

"I can't do that. I don't want to be a burden on you," he said but I was already shaking my head.

"You could never be a burden on me. Please, promise me," I said again and this time he nodded.

"I promise, next time I'll find you," he said and then hugged me again. Just holding onto me as he lay there.

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