🍀Flashing Lights🌵

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*Jack's POV*
"Andy, babe?" I said walking in our shared flat. I shut the door and looked around nervously. I had gotten no answer from Andy on the way home and no answer when I walked in.

I walked into the kitchen to see no note or anything. There was no trace of him. I sighed and walked to the living room calling him again.

I sighed in relief when I saw him lying in the couch. "You scared the shit out of me," I mumbled. I let him sleep as I went upstairs to change. I made sure I was quick and then went back downstairs.

I lightly shook Andy awake. He yawned and smiled when he seen me. "We should get to bed, babe," I said and he nodded but reached his arms out for me. "Carry me, please?' he said and I smiled picking him up. He was quick to wrap his legs around my waist and bury his head into my neck.

It was weird. This was something we did almost everyday but for some reason it just felt off.

I laid Andy in bed and he pulled me down onto if him kissing me. The kiss even felt weird. He was right there. Right in front of me but the kiss felt, distant.

I pushed it off once again and just rolled myself off of Andy and beside him. He curled up into my chest. "I love you, so much Jacky," he said and I smiled kissing his head. "I love you too," I said but I could already hear the soft snores from my baby.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I felt, afraid? Worried? I don't know. I don't know why I woke up. I looked over to see Andy curled up into the covers. I smiled and kissed his head and got up to get something to drink.

I looked out the window started out the window in our kitchen just watching the nights activities. Only one thing continuously caught my eye.

The large amount of blue and red flashing lights. I wondered what had happened but I knew it wasn't my business so I stayed put.

After I finished what was in my glass I went upstairs too an empty bed. I didn't think much of it. He probably got up to go to the bathroom. So I laid down and fell right asleep.

I was awaken by my phone ringing. I ignored it at first but it just called right back. So I answer, "Hello?" "Is this Jack Duff?" The unrecognizable voice said. "Umm... Yes?" I said extremely confused. "Hi I'm officer Comrade and I'm sorry to inform you, that your husband passed. There was a large car crash and everyone involved was killed," he said. I heard the words leave his mouth and I instantly broke down. Andy was... Dead. No, he was just here. He wouldn't have left without me knowing.

The officer started talking again but I wasn't listening. My thoughts were swirling around. I couldn't focus. I just wanted to scream.

"Jack, Earth to Jack," I heard and I looked up to see Rye sitting in front of me. Brooklyn was sitting next to him trying to wipe away his tears and I could see that Sonny was still holding them back. "What?" I snapped, not really wanting to be that rude but I couldn't help it.

"You know that's not how it happened. You have to remember the truth. You can't keep denying what happened," Rye said. "That's what happened. That's exactly how I lost him," I said and the tears we're fully streaming down my face now.

"No, you have to think Jack. You have to remember. You have to remember and you have to know it was not your fault," he said and that's when another flash back hit me.

I was driving home from dinner with the boys. Andy sitting next to me with his hand in mine. God he looked so beautiful. Just like an angel.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was officially my fiancee. I had finally gotten the guts to ask him and he said yes. I couldn't be more happy.

Then crash. I screamed and Brooklyn was up off his seat. He pulled me close to him but I just pushed him back.

"I-I killed him," I cried and I seen Rye shake his head. "No you did not," he said. "I wasn't paying attention. I-I... He's dead because of me," I cried and Brooklyn had managed to get a grip on me hugging me tightly.

My mind went right back to that night. All I could see was flashing lights. I could feel pain everywhere and hear people shouting. I could hear sirens. I didn't know where I was.

My mind started panicking. Where was Andy. I need to see him. I managed to see turn my head and there he was.

He was so pale. He had blood everywhere. "N-no," I tried to get out. It hurt to even talk just a little bit. I reached my hand up ignoring the pain coursing through. I grabbed his hand. It was so cold. So limp.

"A-andy no," I cried. He was staring right at me. His eyes were so lifeless. I held onto his hand tightly as my door was torn off. I felt hands grabbing me pulling me out of the car. I screamed, "L-let me go. G-get him. H-he needs help." They had a tight grip on me as they laid me on a stretcher and into the ambulance.

"He's dead because of me," I cried out holding onto Brook tightly. I felt Rye's hand on my shoulder. I could see the tears flowing down Sonny's face. I could feel Brooklyn crying against me.

"It is not y-your fault," Rye said in a shaky voice. I didn't have to look at him to know he was crying too.

Okay, this is beyond confusing and I don't know where I got this from.

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