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Requested by RTTVBiggestFan

*Jack's POV*
Today was definitely not my day. I felt so sick. My stomach ached, I felt extremely dizzy, and I didn't want to even try eating something. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it down. I pulled the blankets around me even more, keeping them tightly around me hoping that sleep will help me get better.

I was just starting to doze off when a knock on the door sounded through my room. I knew it wasn't that loud but it was killing my head. I didn't answer not trusting my voice at all. "J-Jacky?" I heard Andy stutter out. Of course, I hadn't checked in with him today and he always got so worried.

Before I could say anything, he walked in and over to my bed sitting next to me. "You don't look to good," he said laying down next to me. "I-I don't feel good either," I said quietly. He nodded and pulled me into him. I tried to push him away. He looked hurt at my attempts. "I don't want you to get sick. Go find Rye," I told him and he sighed before kissing my forehead and walking out.

My attempt at sleep was completely failing now. My stomach was just flipping now. It was making me feel even worse. I got up and walked out, going to the bathroom to splash some water on my face but as soon as I stepped into the bathroom, I had to rush over to the toilet.

I threw up everything I had in me, which wasn't much. It hurt so bad. Once I was done, I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried into my hands. I was in so much pain. I hated it. I hated being sick so much.

"Shh, baby. It's alright," I heard someone say before I was pulled into their lap. I hadn't even heard the door open. "R-rye, go. You'll get sick," I said but he shook his head. "I don't care. Andy, baby, please go get him something to eat, like toast and grab him a glass of water. He has to get something in his stomach. Especially fluids or we'll have to bring him into the doctors," Rye said and Andy nodded leaving the room.

I held onto Rye as tightly as I could. I wanted him gone so badly because I didn't want him sick but I didn't want him to leave me at all either.

"Here you go, Jacky," Andy said sitting down next to me. "I don't want it," I mumbled hiding my face into Rye. "You have to eat something," Andy said. "At least drink the water," Rye said kissing the top of my head. I sighed but turned towards Andy anyways. He handed me the glass of water and I drank as much as I could before I felt my stomach flipping again.

I was up out of Rye's lap as fast as I could be and back in front of the toilet throwing up all the water I had just drank. Rye was behind he rubbing my back and Andy was next to me whispering sweet things in my ear just trying to calm me down.

Once I had finished empting my stomach, I turned towards Andy clinging onto him. He sat down on the floor and moved me so we were both comfortable. I looked over at Rye and I could see how worried he was.

"I-I'll be okay," I stuttered out but that didn't seem to help. "Jack, the best thing for you right now is to rest. We'll have to try and get you to eat in a little bit," Rye said and he took me from Andy, making Andy let out small whine. Rye carried me to my room and laid me down. Andy crawled in next to me before Rye could say anything. I turned placing my head on Andy's chest.

I expected him to leave like he usually does when Sonny and Brook are here. But instead, he crawled in behind me, slipping an arm over my hip and holding me close to him.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Everything just hurt to much. I tried to focus on Andy's hand in my hair and Rye's fingers tracing shapes on my abdomen but it wasn't working.

After about an hour of just laying there I tried to get myself out of a sleeping Andy's grasp and away from Rye without them noticing. I was successful.

I walked downstairs, my head was still spinning madly and I was struggling to keep myself upright but I pushed through it and went to the kitchen where Brook and Sonny were sitting. I sat on the first chair in sight not being able to keep myself up more anymore.

"You okay?" Sonny asked causing Brook to look over as well. I just shakes my head no before asking them if they can get my some toast and a glass of water. It's what Rye recommended earlier so I should at least try it now. They both nodded and each of them got up getting the things I asked for.

They set them in front of me and took a seat back on the couch. I slowly started eating the toast. After a couple bites I took the water and drank as much as I could. "You okay Jacky?" I heard Andy say from behind me. I nodded and he sat next to me, taking my hand under the table.

I hated being the one they took care of. I rather be taking care of everyone else. I felt guilty for having people look after me and I'm not really sure why. But at the same time I knew the people taking care of me all cared about me. Especially Andy and Rye. Randy may be big but that is because I am the one who is extremely scared of the fans finding out. I was with Andy and Rye and we all loved each other equally. But the fans might not like that. Plus it's something I get to keep to myself with just these two knowing.

I know Rye agrees with me. He likes keeping it quiet as well. Especially around the boys. Andy is the only one whos never cared. He rather keep it private from the Roadies but otherwise he doesn't care. Though he does respect our decision and is willing to wait.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Rye coming down on the other side of me. He put his hand on my forehead and sighed. "You're not burning up as much as you were earlier," he said and I nodded. I decided to get up drinking the glass of water the rest of the way and go back up to my room.

I walked up the stairs slowly holding onto the railing tightly. The spinning and pounding of my head was making my stomach flip again. I rushed to the bathroom and instantly was throwing up. Rye and Andy were by my side in no time. "Next time you're waking us up baby," Rye said. "You need to rest and we can take care of you. If you need something just tell us," Andy said but I was shaking my head. "I'm fine. I'll be fine. You guys don't have to take care of me," I said. I heard Rye chuckle a bit. "I can't believe how stubborn you are. We want to take care of you and we are and that's that. If you need something you'll tell us and we'll get it," Rye said and I just looked down. "Promise me you'll tell us," Andy said making me look at him. I just nodded. "No, promise me Jack," he said again. "I promise," I said and Andy kissed me. It was just a small peck but he didn't care that I was sick and he didn't care that I had just thrown up.

He only cares about me. Rye took my hand and Andy took my other hand and they walked me back to my room. We all crawled back into bed cuddling together. I felt Rye kiss my cheek and then he once again started tracing shapes on my abdomen as Andy's fingers were in my hair again playing with my hair and this time, I felt myself fall asleep soundly in the arms of the two people I loved the most.

Roadtrip OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora