🐝To The End🌵

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*Andy's POV*
That pounding in my chest as I walked through the school halls. The pounding of my anxiety wanting to take over. Wanting me to run. Wanting me to end this torturous day.

But I couldn't so I just pulled my sweatshirt around me tighter. I walked right to my locker and opened it up. Within seconds I knew someone was standing next to me and of course it was my best friend Rye Beaumont. But at this point even he couldn't put a real smile on my face.

Not when you are beyond depressed, dealing with everything at home, and being so in love with your straight best friend. Yes. It's killing me.

I know I'm weak and I know that I'm useless but I can't stop this feeling from taking over me. Just like I can't force myself to talk when I'm so far in this hole.

Rye knew that and he never pushed me to talk. Everyone else thought I was just some freak. Some freak who would stop talking for attention but I couldn't even force myself to talk if I wanted to. All that would come out are sobs and screams so there was no point in me trying.

Rye walked with me to class. This was our only morning class together, making this by far the easiest morning class. No one messes with me when Rye was around. With Rye I was normal. But alone I was a useless freak. I was a no body.

No matter what I am no body.

I am useless.

I am a freak.

I am ugly.

I am unwanted.

I am unloved.

I am tainted.

I am unloveable.

I am hated.

I am what everyone wants dead. No one wants me in this world. No one wants me to continue living.

I felt my right hand slide up the sleeve of my left arm. My nails were quick to dig into the marks on my arms. It always made me feel something. I needed that and it was so hard to explain how badly I needed it.

This class went by unbelievably slow. Rye was quick to check on me and make sure I got to my next class safely. He never let me walk alone, even if it meant he would be late. But everyone loved him so much so he was always safe and free.

But I wasn't safe. I wasn't free. I wasn't happy. I wanted to disappear. I want to be gone forever. My nails were quick to bite into that sensitive skin again. That's how the day went Rye checked on me, making sure I got to class and me sinking deeper and deeper into this hole.

I was quick to get home. I was quick to through my stuff on the bed. I was quick to lock myself in the bathroom, even if I was the only one home.

I found my blade knowing no one would care what I did anyways. No one would care how deep I went. How much I hurt inside. How much this helps me feel something other than this.

I drug the blade across my arm, across any new or faded ones. Just enough to make it bleed.

I did it again, over the same place. Again and again until blood was dripping onto the floor.

My mind was in shatters but I had an idea. It was my worse idea yet but it was an idea. I grabbed my phone.

I love you Rye. I love you. But I know you don't love me back. That's why I have to go. You will understand why eventually. Don't think much about me. I'm not really that important.

And I sent it. I sat down in the floor leaving against the sink and I sunk the blade in once more time, from my wrist to the crease in my arm.

I watched as the blood just pooled out. I switched hands. My left one shaking and not wanting to be steady from the pain I was in. I took the blade to my other wrist before sinking it in as far as I can and dragging it down.

The blade fell to the floor and I already felt so much lighter. I felt like I was floating and it honestly felt amazing. I heard my phone go off but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything else in this world.

I needed everything in this world to be over. It went off again and again. Then it was ringing. It was R, no, I don't remember.

My mind was drifting out of focus as everything fell black.

*Rye's POV*
I was in panic mood. What the hell was Andy talking about? Why was he not answering me? Where the hell is he?

I had a bad feeling and I was so scared as I arrived at his house. I knocked and knocked but I didn't get a single answer. I tried to just open the door but of course it was locked.

I turned to the flower pot on my right and grabbed the key out of there, unlocking the door before putting it back.

The house was so quiet. So deadly quiet and it made me panic more. I was quick to rush upstairs calling Andy again and following the sound of his phone all the way to the bathroom. I shook the door handle and got nothing. I tried to talk to him but got no answer.

I was so scared so I started kicking the door hoping to just break the lock and eventually I did.

I was quick to walk in. The sight in front of me absolutely killed me.

There he was, paler than ever, blood everywhere and still flowing. I quickly dialed for an ambulance and once I knew they were on their way I was quick to pull Andy into my lap not caring about the blood everywhere.

My heart stopped when I realized he wasn't breathing. He was so cold and my body just knew I couldn't save him. It was too late. So I just held him close to me as I cried.

The ambulance was there and they took him from me. People were panicking and it was completely chaotic.

I picked up him phone off the ground. I felt so numb right now. I opened the last text he had received. If was from me.

Andy, what the fuck are you talking about. You better not be going anywhere. Stay your ass where it is right now I'll be over in fifteen.

It had taken me more like thirty. I could have saved him if I was there sooner.

I love you Andy. With all of my heart and not just as friends. You mean everything to me and I can't lose you.

But it was too late. He was gone. Andy Fowler, the love of my life and best friend is dead. But I will always love him till the end of my days.

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