“Won’t it hurt?” I asked worriedly, looking up from hand. The concept of Justin being in pain was a little disturbing. But I was speaking to deaf ears as no-one was there to listen. Frowning, I look around, anger escalating in my bones. How dare he just get up and leave me looking like a complete idiot?

“They say” he suddenly whispered from behind me, lightly touching my hair. Inhaling sharply, shivers travelled down my spine.

Shaking it away, I refused for it to be what all those people gush about in those sappy love stories. ‘Pulses of electricity coursing through my veins’ is utterly pathetic and delusional. It wasn’t him, his voice or his touch that gave me shivers. It could be a wrinkly old man and their hot breath would cause the same effect. 

Why? Because it is unexpected and I was attacked off guard. Your body is surprised. Body and mind are two completely separate things and my mind feels nothing for his lewd act.

"Kissing releases endorphins that stop pain” he whispered yet again, teasing me as my face visibly brightened.

“Look who studied Biology in High School. I am not kissing him” I said adamantly. I will not toy with his emotions.

“You’ll do whatever is necessary Honey-Pot.”

“I will not” I say whirling around, to face nothing but empty space. Puzzled, I face the front again and see Justin in the distance just finishing a conversation with someone.

Watching him, I smiled involuntarily. There seemed to be like, this aura of ease about him. He can slip into any situation or conversation, he can relate to anyone’s problems. Not to mention that he’s so tall and… well handsome. His eyes were breath-taking. Like a well of liquid chocolate holding me in a trance. His chocolate eyes seemed to just open up to the world and give everyone a friendly greeting.

Mentally, I face palmed myself. Why on earth am I describing his eyes as a well of liquid chocolate?

His hair looked so soft and inviting. Even the way he walked suggested that he was the one that just got on with everyone. He was friendly that was all I could really say. As his eyes met mine I felt my cheeks flare up. I closed my eyes in a second of self-pity. You can take away the ginger hair- my pale skin and blushing tendencies however still remain.

When I opened my eyes, he was noticeably nearer and I waved weakly before gesturing to my chair. He grinned at me sheepishly before taking the seat in front of me.

“Megan! It’s been a long time” he said, smiling at me with his chocolate brown eyes. I wanted to melt in them a little. Grinning back a little too brightly, I answered him in the only way I could.

"Well, I wouldn’t know” I mumbled to him, playing with my fingers.

"What do you mean?” he asked his smile now replaced with one of pure confusion.

“Remember that car accident?” I began slowly, trying to bring together all the bits of information.

He simply nodded, giving me permission to go on.

“It gave me amnesia” I said simply, looking up to see his reaction. Studying his face, I watched as it contorted in line with the range of emotions that passed over his face. Shock first registered in and his eyes seemed to stop churning in its chocolate glory. Relentlessly, I openly stared, watching the shock change into sadness and then a futile attempt of contentment. As he smiled weakly, I knew that what I said had damaged him and it hurt me to think that I was the cause of the pain he was feeling. He’s just so… nice. Adorable. Innocent. He doesn’t need this does he?

“Are you okay?” I asked weakly, feeling as if I had just set the mood for the rest of the night. When he didn’t answer, I tucked one dark lock of hair behind my ear and cleared my throat.

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