Doctor Say What Now?!

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"And we go live in...3...2...1" The director pointed his finger at Lois. Instantly, a smile founds its way to her face as she lowered the papers on the desk.

"Good evening, this is Daily Planet Broadcasting network bringing you the latest stories from around the world." Lois read off the teleprompter. "Tonight we will be looking closely at several stories including the rising number of immigrants coming across the board, the flood that has caused much more damage than reported since last night, and an update on the recent explosion that occurred in one of Amazon's manufacturing buildings."

Lois turned toward the camera labeled B and continued to speak, "But, first we will be discussing a shocking yet joyful topic that occurred right here in Metropolis." On cue cellphone footage was displayed next to Lois showing a familiar man in the blue fly past the building and catching the falling airplane. "That's right Metropolis Superman is...alive. Many witnesses found it alarming that the Man of Steel is seen flying around Metropolis once again."

Turning back to camera A, Lois spoke again. "Tonight we have guest, Dr. Matthew Reed who is supervisor over the Kryptonian wreckage and growing in expertise in Krypotian technology and culture." The camera focused on the network's guess as he smiled at the camera before turning his gaze back to Lois. "Thank you for being here Matthew."

"Thank you for inviting me, Lois."

"So you have seen the video. I'm sure everyone has seen the video that has shocked the world views reaching the high millions on this TikTokers page at this point. I can speak for everyone when I say that this is a very shocking revelation right here. A man we all saw die and many attending his memorial service is now alive again. How is that possible?"

Adjusting his tie Dr. Reed began to speak, "Well, Lois for one Superman is not a man which explains why he is not dead in a nutshell."

"So your saying Kryptoians cannot die?" Lois leaned forward, eyebrow raised.

"Oh, yes Kryptonians can die, as we all have seen with the other Kryptonian General Zod, but I do believe that death is not seen in the same sense as we...humans see it. As I began my studies within the ship I have seen some amazing technology that is beyond our greatest achievements. It's quite possible that maybe Kryptonians have found a way to cheat death or even found ways to length their life span. 

"Yes, back a week or two ago there was an incident where there was a breach in the Kryptonian wreckage. If we can just have that footage pulled up." Lois turned to the screen behind them that showed a video of a bright light shouting from the ship into the sky.

"So, would say that the ship or science brought back Superman."

"Yes, Lois the only way I can explain it. Kryptonian technology brought back our savior Superman." Dr. Reed removed his glasses. "You know as I began to grow more in understanding these creatures the more I began to admire these...beings. It's no doubt in my knowledge that they are far more superior to us not just by brute us they are gods." He concluded his gaze drifting from Lois to the camera before him.

Clearing her throat Lois smiled, "Well, that's all the time we have, for now, thank Dr. Reed for your insight as we hopefully look forward to seeing the hero in blue in the skies once again." Turning her gaze back to camera B. "After this what our mayor has to say about the rising number of graffiti being displayed all over town."

"Alright, commercial break. We'll be live again in 3 minutes."

"Thank god." Lois stood from the desk as a woman came over to remove her microphone. "Mia needs to hurry up and get better. I can't take sitting at this desk for 3 hours straight."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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