Barbeque On Me

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A Week Later

Saturday Night

3rd POV

"So, where are we going for our date Clark?" Mia asked as Clark held her hand as they walked down the street. Clark had decided he wanted to take Mia out again tonight. He really enjoyed the previous first times with her and he wanted them to get closer.

"Well I thought that I will let you decided. Pick whatever restaurant you want to go to." Clark said as he gave Mia's hand a squeeze.

Mia looked around at different buildings as she tried to decided where to go tonight. Suddenly the smell of barbeque food cooking filled Mia's nostril. She looked across the street to see that there was a glowing neon sigh that read Bubba's Barbeque. Her stomach began to growl at the smell of the food. She was about to opened her mouth and suggest it, but she then thought should she eat barbeque in front of Clark. She has been told in the past that she eats like a hog with slop when it came to barbequed ribs.

Then Mia had an idea come to her. This maybe the chance to see if Clark is the one for her if he can handle the way she eats. 'Operation Barbeque' is a go.

"So, Mia where do you want to go?" Clark asked again.

Mia smiled. "Why don't we check out Bubba's Barbeque?"

Clark looked across the street to see where she was looking at. "Okay, lets go." Looking both ways they made their way across the street with the smell of grilled food growing stronger.

Once inside Clark led Mia to the back of the restaurant to a secluded booth. As soon as they sat down the waiter came giving them their menu's saying that he will be back soon.

"So, what are you going to get?" Clark asked Mia as he looked at his own menu.

Mia looked at her menu seeing different food items. The place even served salad. For the life in Mia she could not understand why people come to a restaurant just to eat salad or soup when they just could do that at home.

Mia smirked. "I think I will get jumbo umber 10."

Clark looked at Mia surprised. "Are you sure?"

Mia nodded her head. "Positive."

The waiter then came back with a notepad in hand. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, I will like the chicken wing basket with fries." Clark said. Then the waiter turned toward Ma. "And you, ma'ma?"

I will like the jumbo number 10."

The waiter looked at her surprised. "Are you sure ma'ma? That is awfully big order for your ...size." the waiter said as he looked at Mia's figure.

"Uhm, excuse me? I think I know how much my body can take. I can handle it." Mia said proudly.

Clark just looked between the waiter and Mia. "Uhm, okay I will be back with your orders." the waiter said as he took their menus and left.

"Clark, what's the big deal about jumbo number 10?"

Clark gave her an awkward smile. "Well they don't call it jumbo for nothing. Honestly Mia I am a little surprise that you want barbeque since this is one of our third date. Most girl would not want any messy food on the first few dates."

"Well, thankfully I'm not like most girls." Mia said as she folded her arms on the table. Clark just smiled at her. On the inside Clark hoped that she lived up to that claim. He already believed that Mia is the one for him.

A few moments later the waiter came back with their orders in a cart. "Here you go sir." The waiter said handing Clark a average small basket of wings and another basket of fries. The waiter then bent down and pulled out a big (literal) bucket of barbeque ribs. Along with a matching big bucket of fries.

"Here you go ma'ma." the waiter said dropping each bucket on the table making a small thud sound.

Mia eyes wide a little she didn't expect it to be this big. "Excuse me? How much does this bucket of ribs weigh?"

"The bucket of ribs weigh 8 pounds and the bucket of fries weigh 4 pounds. Enjoy." The waiter then walked away with the cart.

Clark started eating his food as Mia just sat there staring at it not sure how or when she will finish it. She was definitely bringing leftovers home. Mia picked up the rib and took a bit. Mia eyes widen in amazement at the awesome barbeque flavor touching her tongue. Mia moaned in delighted at the taste.

Mia's moan got the attention of Clark as he watched her devour that first rib. As he ate he watched her eat about three pieces of ribs and fries.

"Hey, Mia I will be right back. I'm going to the men's room." Clark said getting up. Mia nodded her head as she continued to eat. Clark shook his head and smiled in amusement as he left for the bathroom.

When Clark came back he looked to see Mia's mouth and cheeks covered in barbeque sauce and some even on her shirt. Clark started to laugh at how she looked. Mia looked up at Clark and gave him a confused look.

"What's so funny?" Mia asked putting the rib down.

Clark shook his head as he took his seat. "Nothing it just looks like you really love that barbeque."

Mia turned her head to the side looking confused. Mia's reaction reminded Clark of a confused puppy. Clark thought Mia looked cute that way. "Uhm...*laugh* just have barbeque sauce on your face."

Mia had the look of embarrassment on her face. "Really? Where?" She asked grabbing a napkin.

"Uhm, everywhere?" Clark said trying to hold in the laugh.

Mia rummage through her bag and pulled out a mirror. She gasped at how bad her face looked. "Clark!" Mia whined. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Clark chucked. "I did. Here." Clark handed her more napkins to help clean her face.

Mia sheepishly took the napkin and started to clean her face. After Mia cleaned her face they decided that it was time to go. Mia literally walked out of the restaurant with a bucket of food in each hand. Clark was still laughing on the inside at the scene earlier.

"I feel so embarrassed." Mia said suddenly as she stopped and put the buckets down on the the tables outside the restaurant. Then she turned toward him.

Clark looked over at Mia. "Don't be. I admire that you are not afraid to be yourself around me." He said as he brushed away a string of hair that blew in her face from the wind. When brushed her hair away he kept his hand on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. 'God, she so beautiful.' Clark thought as he continued to caress her cheek. 

Clark stared into Mia's brown eyes as Mia stared into his blue ones becoming lost in them. Clark blue eyes then traveled down towards Mia's brown plump lips. He then leaned closer to her lips until they connected. Mia then returned the kiss following the movement of his lips. She then wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss. Clark then placed his hands on her waist pulling her in closer. 

The kiss lasted a little longer until they both pulled away. Clark smiled down at Mia who still had her arms wrapped around his neck. 

"Wow." Clark said. "Your lips really taste like barbeque." Clark joked. Mia slapped his arm playfully as she laughed. "Seriously, Mia you are very beautiful."  Clark said now having both hands on each side of her face and pulled her in for another kiss.

The pulled away from each other. Mia held one hand on top of his hand on her cheek. "Your not so bad yourself, Clark." Clark smirked at her. 

"AAWWWEEE!" Clark and Mia raised a brow. They both turned to see a small group off people standing in the window inside the restaurant.

They both had the look of embarrassment on their face. Clark face turned red a little as he pushed his glasses further up his face. Mia smiled shyly as Clark picked up her buckets of ribs for her in one hand by the handle. The grabbed Mia's hand with his free one and walked down the street back home.

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