A New Threat On The Horizon

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Kryptonian Ship

The Night Of Superman's Death

The swat team moved in the Kryptonian ship to put Lex Luthor under arrest. As they moved in they heard noise and...voices? When they reached the main area of the ship they found the most strangest sight ever. Lex was standing in a filthy pool of water and before him stood a creature. 

The looked in horror as the creature almost almost assumed an appearance like Satan

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The looked in horror as the creature almost almost assumed an appearance like Satan. It appeared to be holding three box-shaped objects in front of it. Then unexpectedly it disappeared into particles in the air. That was when Lex turned to see the group of armed men behind him ready to arrest him.

Lex only held his hands up and smirked.



Metropolis State Prison

The Next Day

The guard walked into the asylum with warden to see there newest prisoner. "Prisoner Ac 23 1940 the warden wants to speak to you. So, stand to your feet." The guard commanded. A now bald Lex Luthor sat on the bed in his cell refusing to stand. "I'm going to say this one more time. Stand to your feet!"

Lex sighed and stood to his feet. "Turn around and face the wall." Lex did as he told facing the wall. He rested his head against the wall with his hands behind his back. Suddenly the lights flickered on and off. Then the power went out causing the emergency light to come on. Lex turned around confused at what was going on. His eyes widened and heart dropped at the sight of Batman.

Bruce walked up to him pissed. "Whatever you go I will be watching you." Bruce said pushing him into the wall with a brander in his hand. Lex looked at it in fear knowing what happened to prisoners with his mark. "I made special arrangements for you to go to Arkham Asylum in Gotham."

Lex eyes widened at this statement, but then formed a smirk on his face. "I guess I will fit right in since I classify as crazy for getting rid of the world's problem." Bruce just glared at him as he continued. "Tell that beautiful, Mia, I said 'your welcome'. He was no good for her anyway."

Bruce gritted his teeth

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Bruce gritted his teeth. "You sick psycho path."

Lex just continued to smirk. "The bell has already been rung and they heard it. In the dark among the stars they know god is dead."

Bruce gave him a puzzled look. "What are you talking about? Who has heard what?"

"They know that the Man of Steel is dead and they are coming?"

Frustrated Bruce grabbed Lex and slammed him against the wall. "I will ask you one last time. Who. Is. Coming?"

Lex smile grew wider. "Apocalypse." 

Out of rage Bruce punch the wall near Lex head. Lex dodged and looked to see the bat symbol on the wall. When he turned back to Bruce he was gone and the lights came back on. "He is coming!" Lex shouted.

"This world belongs to him now! He promised me I will be greatly rewarded! THE END IS NEAR!"


Gotham City

"Master Wayne?" Bruce turned from his computer to see Alfred walking up behind him. "Any luck finding out what Mr. Luthor meant?"

Bruce sighed as he shook his head. "No, but I have a theory that his plan to kill Clark wasn't entirely his own."

Alfred was puzzled. "I'm confused, sir. You are you saying someone else gave him this idea."

Bruce sighed. "I can't be too sure, but the way he talk it was as if the person he spoke of have been waiting to get rid of Clark along." 

Alfred pulled up a chair and took a seat in front of Bruce. "Well, he was the most powerful being in the world."

"That's why Alfred I think the reason Lex created Doomsday was to help this mysterious being have full access to Earth. The person may have known that Clark was too powerful to be stopped and would only get in this person's way."

"Why do say 'full access to Earth'?"

"Lex said something about the Apocalypses is coming. Superman may have been the only thing in the way of having control over Earth or what is to come." 

"Sir, if that is so I think now maybe a great time to get in contact with the others like Miss Prince."

Bruce looked toward Alfred. "Alfred if I'm right I believe something big is coming and without Superman...there may not be a way of stopping it."


More chapters on the way.

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