The Truth Always Comes Out

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3rd POV

Clark poured himself another cup of coffee trying to deal with the stress he was in right now. He had little to no sleep last night. He was not ready to reveal to Mia his secret of him being Superman, but at the same time he wanted to tell her for a while just to get it off his chest. Clark would very much like to confide in her the problems he is going through right now as the Man of Steel.

In order to get his mind off the situation at hand he decided to focus on the other dilemma with Gotham's Batman. As of right now it was just past eight on a Saturday morning as Clark sat at his kitchen counter scrolling on his laptop. He was in the middle of reading an article called, "For Gotham City Inmates, The Bat-Brand is a death sentence." He scrolled down further when it showed a picture of a man with Bat-Brand on his back. Clark continued to surf the web of different articles reading of the Bat's own brutal form of justice. 

Clark sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "And yet they criticize me." 

"Who criticizes you?" Clark turned on the kitchen stool to see Mia standing there leaning against the wall with her arms folded over her chest. Mia walked closer to him. She stood between his legs as placed her hands on the side of his face as she planted a delicate kiss on his lips. "You look stress." Mia whispered as she rested her forehead on his.

Clark closed his eyes and sighed as he laid his hands on top of Mia's hand. "Yeah, I guess I am."

Mia then pulled away from Clark. "Clark, I-"

"I know what you are going to ask." Clark said slowly opening his eyes. "I wanted you find out the truth further in our relationship."

Mia's heart began to race a little faster. "S-So, its true. Y-You are him."

Clark hesitantly nodded his head looking up at Mia watching for her reaction. Mia eyes widen a little just as her mouth parts open. Mia slowly reaches her hand to Clark's glasses and gently removes them from his face revealing the breath taking answer. Clark. Kent. Is. Superman.

"Oh my gosh. It's true y-you're Superman." Mia whispered putting her hand over her mouth backing away a little. "Oh MY GOSH! YOUR SUPERMAN!"

Clark put his hands on her hips pulling her back toward him. "Yes, but I'm still your Clark Kent. The nerdy guy that enjoys watching movies with you."

A small smile formed on Mia's lips until it fell. Her eyebrows scrunched up in thought. "So, your telling me you fooled everyone by just wearing a simple pair of glasses."

Clark laughed a little. "Uhm, yeah...I guess so."

"God, I feel so stupid." Mia said walking away from him as she smack a hand over her forehead.  "All you did was wear a pair of glasses. I was tricked by the lamest disguise ever."

Clark just gave her a look at that comment before stood up and walk toward her. "Mia your not stupid. It was just a pretty good 'lame' disguise." To be honest it really was a lame disguise. It still amazed Clark how everyone feel for it so easily. "You know what. Why don't I make us some breakfast?"


Mia sat across from Clark just staring at him as he ate. It felt weird seeing Superman eat breakfast while having on nothing but a sweat pants and a tank top.

"You know I can feel you staring at me." Clark said not looking up from his food.

Mia looked down at her food and back at Clark. "I'm dating Superman." Mia mumbled to herself.

Clark sighed and looked up at Mia. "Technically, your dating Clark Kent. Superman is just the facade I use when I am saving lives."

"Sorry, I just have a lot of questions." 

Man of Steel: Loving Mia JonesWhere stories live. Discover now