Eye Opening Beauty

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Saturday Night

Mia's POV

It was now Saturday and I was in the middle of getting ready for movie night with Clark. Right now I was popping another bag of popcorn for the movie. I already had snacks and drinks out in the living room. I can't believe we are going to sit and watch the Spongebob movie like a bunch of kids.

I then heard the microwave beep letting me know that the popcorn was ready. As I was putting butter on the popcorn I heard my phone ding. I stopped what I was doing and went over to look at who texted me. Not to my surprise it was Bruce. Bruce had tried to call me and even my parents but I had been too busy trying to get caught up on some work.  As well as the fact that ever since Clark came into my life it's like I have thought less about Bruce. I don't know what it is about Clark that draws me too him. Yet, Bruce is still somewhere in the back of my mind and in my heart. And honestly I am not really liking the feeling. I really want to give Clark a chance he appears to be a wonderful guy. 

I thought on these things as I looked at Bruce's text.

Bruce: Hey, Mia are you busy?

I was about to respond back until I heard a knock at the door. I put my phone down and made my way to the door.I opened it to see the toothy grin on Clark's face that I have grown to love. I swear his smile is contagious.

"Hey, Mia you look nice." Clark said as he looked at me up and down.

I laughed a little. "Clark, I am literally wearing shorts and a t-shirt with Ninja Turtles on it. There is nothing attractive about this."

"Mia I think you look beautiful in anything you wear." Clark said in all seriousness.

My heart fluttered at that statement causing a smile. "T-thank you Clark." We just stared at each other for a little while until Clark cleared his throat. "So, are you going to let me in or..."

My eyes widen a little as I felt my face heat up. "Oh, right sorry." I said in realization that. For a moment I was lost in Clark's beautiful blue eyes.

"So are you ready to watch the movie?" Clark asked.

"Yep, make yourself at home." I said gesturing to the couch.

Clark walked into the living room and looked around at all the snacks on the table. "Well someone is prepared for movie night or just really hungry." Clark joked.

"You think I went a little overboard?" Clark then looked at the table that had two big bowls of popcorn, a literal pile of candy, and four bottle of small soda.

"Oh, no you did not go overboard at all. In fact I think there may not even be enough." Clark said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to the couch with Clark. Then we started the movie.


35 minutes Later

3rd POV

Mia and Clark were laughing at the 'Goofy Goober' scene in the movie which happens to be both of their favorite part. After a while Mia had gotten real comfortable with Clark. He had his arm wrapped around her as she leaned her head on his chest. She could feel his chest vibrate every time he laughed. It felt nice to be wrapped in his strong arms. Mia felt safe in his arms.

"You want some more popcorn?" Clark asked getting my attention.

"No I'm good."

"Okay." Clark said as he moved his arm from around me to put the popcorn bowl on the table. Then he went back to putting his arm around her again.

"This is nice." Mia said as she pulled his arm tighter around her.

"Yeah, it is." Clark said as he looked down at Mia. Clark really enjoyed the feeling of Mia in his arms. 

As Mia leaned against Clark she could feel Clark eyes on her. She looked to see that she was correct. His blue eyes looked into her brown ones. Clark looked at Mia like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Just by his gaze alone she could not help, but feel her heart beat faster. 

"Mia you have to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He said tucking a loose string of hair behind my ear.

"Your beautiful too Clark." Mia softly replied just hypnotized by his eyes. Clark gave her a funny look after she had said that.

"Uhm, thank you."

Mia's eye widen a little embarrassed at that statement. "Oh, uhm, sorry. I meant handsome." Mia saw Clark's pink soft lips form into an amused smile. As she looked at his lips she imagine what they would feel like on mines. Mia looked back into Clark's eyes that were now staring at her lips as well. Knowing he had the same curiosity as her's, she began to lean forward to kill the curiosity. Mia felt Clark's warm breath on her lips as she almost sealed their lips as Clark put his hand on her waist to pull her closer.


They both pulled apart at the sudden interruption. Mia could not help but feel irritated at her phone right now. "Sorry, Clark." She said as she looked around for her phone.

"No, its cool." Clark said trying to hide his disappointment. Although it did not go unnoticed by Mia. Mia looked to see with Bruce trying to call, not wanting to interrupt the moment she had with Clark further she hung up telling herself she would call him back later. 

"Oh, it's just my friend trying to call." Mia said looking at Clark.

"Oh, is it your friend Iris you told me about?" Clark said as he paused the movie they were not even paying attention to anymore.

"Oh, uhm, it's a different friend. A guy friend. Bruce Wayne." Clark could not help, but feel a little jealous of a guy he never even met. Let alone never heard of.

"Who's Bruce Wayne?" More curious about this other guy in Mia's life.

Mia looked at Clark surprised he had never heard of him. "You never heard of the billionaire that owns Wayne Enterprise." Now that she has said it he does sound familiar. 

"Oh he does sound familiar." Clark mumbled out.

"I'm sorry, Clark. I should have put the phone on silent." Mia said as she put her phone on vibrate. 

Clark shook his head. "No its cool."

"Come on let's finish the movie." Mia said as she wraps Clark arm around her, trying to get back to their date. Clark smiled as Mia wrapped her arm around him. He was pleased at how comfortable she has gotten around him. Clark wrapped his arms a little tighter around Mia. Then he started the movie again unknowing to either of them the phone was vibrating.


That Same Night.

Gotham City

"Sorry, I can't get the phone right now. I'm too busy doing my own thing. Leave a message if you need me. Please don't need me."

"Hey, Mia its me just wanted to see how you been. Call me back when you get the chance." Bruce then hung up the phone after leaving the message. He felt a little disappointed that he had not had the chance to talk with Mia. Ever since he came to Central City he and Mia promised they would try to keep in touch. They called or texted each other at least once a day. 

The last time he saw Mia when she visited him in his hotel at the moment he was sweaty and shirtless. The look Mia had did not go unnoticed by him. For a long time he had somewhat know of Mia's attraction towards him, yet he had no feelings for her. Bruce just didn't see her that way. He just pretended to not notice so he would not be the one to break her heart. Although ever since the last time he spent with Mia he has not gotten her out of his head. Mia seemed different to him and looked different. Bruce felt something stir inside of him, but was not sure what it was. 

Man of Steel: Loving Mia JonesWhere stories live. Discover now