Bipolar Redhead

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Three Days Later

The first day of work wasn't so bad. Although it was rather boring. All I did was sit around and talk with Clark a few times which gave me the opportunity to get to know him better. Clark seemed to have mild-mannered personality, but at the same time not afraid to speak up for himself if needed be. Although he is rather quiet at times.

Right now I was sitting at my desk typing up a few things Perry had assigned me which turned out to be a lot. I had been typing for almost over an hour and nowhere near done. I stopped for a moment to give my fingers a break.

"You look exhausted." Clark said getting my attention as he walked up to my desk. Clark had spent most of the day down stairs working on an assignment for Perry as well.

"Geh, thanks." I said sarcastically.

"Why don't we take a break and go out for lunch. My treat." I look over to him and gave him a confused look it's lunch time already.

"Not that I'm trying to ask you out again. Just as friends having lunch." He said quickly rubbing the back of his neck. I could help but laugh at his behavior. Why is he so nervous? Yet, he only seems nervous around me.

"Sure Clark. I'll get lunch with you. 'Just as friends having lunch'." I mocked him causing Clark to roll his eyes. "Let me just give the rest of the papers to the Perry then we can go."

"Alright I'll wait by the elevator for you." Clark said as he made his way over to the elevator.

I grabbed the papers I had already typed out and made my way over to Perry's office. As I approached Perry's door I heard a few voices behind his door in conversation. I knocked on the door and the chatter quiet down. I then heard a faint, 'Come in'. I opened the door preparing to give the papers to Perry. "Mr. White, I have the pa-" I stopped in my tracks when I saw a woman with red hair sitting across from Perry.

"Oh, Mia this is one of our best reporters Lois Lane. Lois this is Mia Jones our newest reporter." Perry said introducing us. Best reporter?

Lois stood up from the chair she was sitting in and approached me. "Nice to meet you." she said with her hand out wanting to shake hands. I stuck my hand out and shook her hand. "Likewise." I said with a smile on my face.

"So, Mia what is it that you wanted?" Perry said.

"Oh, right. I finished most of the paperwork you asked me to type." I said handing Perry the papers.

"I will look over this later Mia. Thank you." Perry said.

"Alright, sir." I said walking out of Perry's office making me way to my desk.

"So, Mia I heard you worked for Central City Picture News." Lois said catching up to me.

"Yeah, I did." I said turning toward her.

"I heard that they had some meta-human that your city's 'hero'; calls himself the Flash. I'm guessing you had a lot of interviews with the Flash.".

"Uhm, actually no, Iris West always has been able to get an interview with him." Lois simply just nods her head to my response. "I actually hope to get more of an opportunity to write about Superman and show the people who hate or fear him that he just here to help." I looked to see Lois had an annoyed look on her face.

"Look sweetie, if you haven't been told I'm the one who usually nails the big interviews such as Superman. So, if I were you I would not get my hopes up or get in my way."

I just looked at her stunned a little from her sudden change in attitude. "Look lady I don't know who you think you are or who think you're talking to like that. You don't know me." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

Man of Steel: Loving Mia JonesWhere stories live. Discover now