The Only Thing That Can Make A Man Smile On A Monday Morning

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"Is there something troubling you, Master Wayne?" Bruce looked up from his phone to see his loyal family butler, Alfred, standing at the door with him holding a tray in his hands.

Bruce sighed and rubbed a hand through his hand. "Uhm, no, Alfred I was just thinking."

Alfred walked over to Bruce's desk with the tray that holds cookies and tea, setting it down on his desk. "Are you sure, sir? The way you looked at the phone it looked as if you were expecting an important phone call." When Alfred walked into Bruce's office he noticed the way he stared at the phone in concern and in thought.

"It's nothing, Alfred. It just stress and a few things on my mind." Bruce answered as he began to go back to work on his papers. Alfred just looked at Bruce, not believing his answer. For the past few days or so he had appeared to be in thought. It all started ever since he paid a visit to his family friends in Central City. Alfred knew it had something to do with what went down during his visit. He had a hunch on what or who could have Bruce mind occupied.


3 Weeks Later

3rd POV

Clark walked into the office with a pep in step with two drink's from World's Finest Coffee in his hand as he made his way to the elevator. The elevator doors were about to close until a hand stuck in between them. Clark looked to see it was Jimmy Olsen the college inter. They talk and hang out occasionally ever since Clark started working at the Daily Planet.  Although they have not hung out lately due to other things going on in their lives.

"Hey, Clark. You seem awfully happy for it to be early Monday morning." Jimmy said noticing Clark's expression. 

"Because their is only one reason to come to work happy this early in the morning." Clark said. 

Jimmy looked at Clark with curiosity. "Really? What is it?"

"Well Mia and I are officially a couple." Clark said as he used the back of his hand to push his glasses up. Two weeks ago Clark had taken his and Mia relationship a step further by asking her to be his official girlfriend. 

Jimmy looked at Clark surprised. "Wow, its about time. I though you wouldn't date again since Lois."

"Yeah it was hard a hard break up that's why Lois left to cover a story somewhere far from Metropolis." The memories of their ending relationship started to flashed in Clark's mind, but he shook it away not wanting to go there. Then the ding of the elevator and the doors opening caught both of their attention.

"Well, congrats on your new girlfriend Clark. Talk to you later." Jimmy said walking away.

Clark made his way over to his desk. He noticed that the office was a little empty since it was 7 am, but he knew the woman he was looking for would be here. He smiled when he saw a beautiful woman sitting across from his desk. He walked up behind her and kissed on the cheek causing her to jump.

"Clark, you scared me." Mia said with a hand over her heart as she turned to see Clark's smiling face. "You could have given me a heart attack."

"Well accept this medium hot chocolate with extra whip cream as an apology for almost killing you." He said handing her the drink.

Mia looked at the hot chocolate then at Clark and smirk. "I might accept it, but there is something else I need from you." Mia said as she put the cup down in the desk and then stood up, standing really close to Clark. She could smell his intoxicating cologne as she leaned close to him wrapping her arms around his neck.

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