"You and I, Smallville."

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Gotham City

Early the Next Morning...

3rd POV

Heart pounding in his chest Bruce quickly sat up in his bed.  His breathing was rapid as sweat began to form on his face. 

"What the h*ll?" Bruce asked, confused at the realistic dream he just experiences. Being Batman he had many nightmares that made him toss and turn at night. Some even kept him awake with the horrors he witnesses constantly. However, this nightmare was different. It also felt like he dreamed the same dream before.

It felt like another warning.

Suddenly, the rupture sound of the sky cracking was heard outside of Bruce's home.

"What the h*ll?" Bruce then stood from his bed his feet touching the cold, hard floor as he made his way to the back door to where the sound was coming from. 

Slowly, walking to his back patio Bruce saw a cape figure hovering in the air. At first, Bruce suspected Clark, but that thought was quickly pushed aside. He doubts he would anywhere right now where Mia isn't.

His suspicion was soon confirmed as he watches the figure float down toward him giving Bruce a clear view of his green skin.

"Uhm...Can I help you?" Bruce shrugged unsure what was happening. 

"I'm sure you know Darkseid is not done with this world." The being replied, folding his arms over his chest. "The Anti-Life Equation is here somewhere. We have to find it before he does. There's a war coming and I'm here to help."

Bruce looked at him a moment before he spoke. "Who are you?"

"I've gone by many names and take on many forms. And like you, I realize I have a stake in this world and it's time I start fighting for it." The being replied.

"Oh...Well, we could use the help. So, glad you're here." Bruce said.

The being looked at Bruce for a moment. "You know I never thought I'd see the defenders of Earth united and fighting as one. It wouldn't happen without you, Bruce....Your parents would be proud." 

Bruce was taken off guard for a moment at the mention of his parents. Who is this...man? 

"...I hope so."

"Well, I'll be in touch." He said, turning to leave. "Oh, and some call me Martian Manhunter." He then took off into the morning sky, disappearing into the clouds.

"Well, I guess I will see you around," Bruce said, walking back into his home.


Mia's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes I immediately closed them again from the bright light of the morning sun. Reopening my eyes I looked to see a pale arm draped over my waist holding me to Clark's warm chest. His heart pounded at a steady beat as his chest rose and fell. I slowly moved my head from his chest as I looked up at his face. Clark was sound asleep with a peaceful look on his face.

I moved my arm that was draped over his stomach as I raised my hand to his face brushing the few strings of hair from his forehead. A smile graced my face as I looked at his handsome face thinking of the passionate love we made. The first time we had ever made love to each other.

Man of Steel: Loving Mia JonesWhere stories live. Discover now