Steppenwolf (pt. 2)

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Diana charged at Steppenwolf with rage at him boasting about killing her Amazon sisters. She swung her sword only for it to be blocked by him with his axes. His parademons soared in an attempt to attack Diana.

"Stop!" Steppenwolf ordered. "This one is mine." He said, his soldiers obeying his orders backing away.

Diana frowned. "I belong to no man." And with a battle cry, Diana charged again, swinging her sword toward Steppenwolf only for her steel to be met with his.

Meanwhile, Bruce sprung into action as he jumped over the railing landing on the back of a parademon. He punched and kicked the next demon knocking its gun out of its hand.

Suddenly strikes of electricity lit up the room as Barry zoomed-in, knocking demons off their feet.

"Guys this is not together," Barry said, knocking a parademon through the wall.

"Barry, make sure those people get out of here," Bruce grunted out as he hit the demon with the gun.

"I will. I'll get them out." Barry said, running away.

Bruce then went in for another hit, but he soon found himself being thrown across the room landing hard against the wall. Quickly jumping to his feet Bruce used all his strength kicking them down onto the hard floor below.

However, his minor victory was only short-lived as he took on an energy blast from the parademon's guns. Raising his arms Bruce shielded his face protecting himself with the help of the gauntlets.

"Master Bruce?" Alfred's voice rang in Bruce's ear in concern.

"My gauntlet worked, but I'll celebrate that later...I need the nightcrawler."

"I thought you would never ask, sir." Bruce ducked as the creature came to deliver another blow. Then a punch landed on Bruce causing him to drop his grabbing hook. "The crawler is on the way. Initiating remote mode."

Bruce jumped down the walkway, Diana and Steppenwolf were fighting on, only to jump off and land in the Nightcrawler. Bruce took control of the machine flipping the switches on. He then looked up to Diana being thrown by Steppenwolf and landing hard past the Nightcrawler on another walkway. Parademons began to swarm her as she laid there. Bruce then took action and started shooting them.

Bruce continued to shoot at his incoming targets until he suddenly felt the Nightcrawler shake as it was being hit by a Steppenwolf ax. "Barry...ugh...i-is Mia safe? Are the hostages safe?" Bruce said in his earpiece.

Barry ran to the side missing the blow of a demon. "Yeah, they are heading out the tunnel now," Barry told him on the inner com.

"You and Victor make sure they are out of the tunnel."

"Ok," Barry replied, now running down the dark and damp tunnel only to meet the group of survivors just now finding the exit.

Mia and the others continued to run down the dark tunnel. Occasionally, stepping over rats as they ran. After a few moments of running, they see a light at the end of the tunnel. Relief watched over Mia as she made her way out of the tunnel along with the others.

"Barry," Mia said in relief as she stepped outside to see Barry already standing ahead of them with a satisfied smile on his face. Suddenly Barry's smile faded into a look of panic as an explosion sound was heard above them.

Mia gasped in fright along with everyone else as debris fell from the top of the building head straight for them.

Without a second thought, Barry sprung into action catching the debris and tossing it aside away from harming anyone. Blue streaks of electricity danced all around them as Barry worked to save their life. Mia stared up in amazement at such power and speed Barry possessed.

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