Justice League vs. Steppenwolf

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Gotham City

Moments Earlier....

"Wow..." Barry gasped. Alfred stopped his cleaning when he heard the elevator moving down and an unfamiliar voice speak. Barry's eyes widened and his mouth hung open in shock. "This is awesome....Way better than your warehouse, Bruce."

"...Brought some friends," Bruce informed Alfred on the obvious while stepping off the elevator. Alfred watched as Bruce's "friends" stepped off the elevator. Alfred stood there amazed at the group of unique individuals Bruce managed to bring together. Never in his life would he have thought that he would see heroes like this.

Diana, Victor, Arthur, and Barry all stepped out of the elevator with their eyes gazing around the Batcave in fascination. "Oh gosh yes," Barry said, still acting like a kid in a candy shop.

Bruce cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "Everyone this Alfred...I'm sure I caught a glimpse of him in Metropolis." Bruce said, referring to his assistance with stopping Superman.

"Alfred." Diana greeted patting his shoulder before walking past him with Cyborg following close behind with an expression full of sadness and rage.

"Good day madam." Alfred greeted her.

"Wow," Barry gasped again. "...So, are you like a hero or something too?"

Alfred and Bruce exchanged glances. "No...he's just...I work for him," Bruce responded. Alfred raised a confused brow while Bruce just shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, wow that's cool," Barry said, walking past them.

"Bada*s, Alfred." Arthur casually replied following behind Barry.

"Well...uhm...I'll put on the tea," Alfred said, watching the heroes move about the cave.

"That will be great," Bruce replied, rubbing his side.

"Are you alright, Master Bruce?" Alfred asked in concern.

"Yeah, I just got slammed into a car by Superman is all." Bruce sarcastically replied.

"Master Bruce..."

"I'm fine, Alfred," Bruce replied walking off.

Alfred sighed, shaking his head, joining Diana who stood off to the side watching Bruce limp off to the next room. "He always says that...." Alfred tells Diana, handing her a cup of tea that she was unsure where he acquired the tea and the cups from so fast. (Must be his superpower.) "He's always pushing himself...Sometimes I wonder how he still makes it in one piece."

"...He's Batman," Diana said, sitting the teacup down going the same direction as Bruce.

Releasing a painful groan, Bruce limped his way into the spare room. He groaned as he raised his hand to grab the first aid kit off the shelf. He was used to getting hurt and praying to heal quickly to finish his mission; it was part of who he was as Gotham's vigilante.

Bruce released a sigh as he heard footsteps walk into the room. "I'm fine, Alfred-" Bruce ceased talking when he saw it was only Diana. "Oh, it's you."

Diana looked to see Bruce lower his shirt discreetly hiding his bruises from his encounter with Superman. "Let me help you." Diana offered, approaching him.

"You don't have to." Bruce shook his head.

"It's no trouble. I want to help you." Diana insisted.

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