Its Him

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Three Days Later

I still can't get over how well my date went with Clark. I'm actually a little excited for our next one Saturday. I thought as I was in the middle of a shower getting ready for work. As water from the shower head sprayed over my face I couldn't help think back at the memory of the sprinklers going off interrupting our dance. I end up laughing at the thought. Yet, Clark I and I did have fun some parts of my mind drifted back to my long time crush Bruce. It wasn't something I can just get over, over night. For a long time he had my heart, but maybe Clark could change things. Who knows. 

I turned off the shower and then stepped out the tub wrapping a towel around my waist. I quickly dried off and change into my outfit for the day not wanting to be late for work. I was about to prepare a small breakfast then I thought about the coffee shop Clark showed me. So, I decided to get breakfast there.

I got in my car and started to drive to work. I was almost there until I meet with a crowd formed in the street blocking traffic. "What in the world is going on?" I saw police trying to push people back getting them clear of the area.

My curiosity got the best of me so I stepped out of the car to see what was going on. My eyes widen when I saw the first few top floor of a building on fire.

"What happen?" I asked some random guy beside me.

"There was an explosion at the old LexCorp lab." The man said.

"LexCorp Lab?" I mumbled to myself. Why does that name sound familiar?

Then a thought occurred to me I could be recording this and give the video to Perry. I quickly pulled out my phone and began filming.

I kept hearing people asking where was Superman, as the police tried to keep people back. The fire seemed to continue to spread.

"OH MY GOD SHE JUMPED!" Someone screamed as I saw someone falling from the top floor to their death. People began to scream as she fell. Suddenly I saw a streak of red and blue zoom through the night sky and caught the woman in mid air. It was Superman. I quickly fought my way through the crowd to the front where the area was taped off to see Superman put the lady down on a stretcher near the ambulance. I made sure that my phone was still getting this and it was. I cannot believe it I smiled as I saw my favorite hero do what he does best save someone. He flew back up toward the top floors and blew out his freeze breath to put the fire out and flew back down to the ground.

This was my chance to get an interview. "Superman over here!" He looked over and smiled at me. Although something about that smile seemed familiar.

He then same over to me. "I..uhm..hi." I said lost for words.

He smiled again and then said "Hi. You must be from the Daily Planet?" He asked noticing my reporter badge.

"Y-Yes I am." Come on Mia pull it together.

"I'm guessing you have some questions." He assumed.

"Yes. So, uhm...I wanted to know what do you think about the senator or some of the people's negative opinion about you?" I asked. I didn't mean to start off my questions like that I just wanted a good story and I was a little nervous. I say stupid things when I'm nervous.

He looked a little surprised at what I had asked. "Well, I think people are still upset with the crisis that happened almost two years ago."

"How do you feel about the blame put on you about the death of thousands in Metropolis almost two years ago?" I asked.

Superman looked taken back by the question. "Wow, you are really trying to put me on the spot."

I felt my face began to heat up. "Sorry, Superman, I'm just trying to keep my new job." I said. I really was doing this for my chance to prove myself to Perry in order to keep this job.

Man of Steel: Loving Mia JonesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin